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Encyclopedia Entry
A race of angels that used to be servants of the gods dwelling in heaven, but chose to become monsters of their own free will. The mysterious instruments they play are called “trumpets of demise”. In mythology it has been told that their sound heralds the coming of great calamities which will bring about the demise of humanity, but normally salpinges are just fallen angels that love music. Not only are their performances not portents of disaster, they say they even bring a bit of good luck and reassurance to people. Therefore, the myths about them are regarded as dubious, but some of the records of disasters that have been handed down in various lands indicate that the myths are factual.
In a certain kingdom, the earth suddenly split open, and miasma spewed out from the fissure, covering the entire land. This miasma was actually mamono mana so dense that it could be seen with the naked eye. All the people who had to breathe in the miasma to survive started leading passionate lives with their lovers. The kingdom became a debauched paradise with daily life characterized by intoxication and ecstasy.
On a certain continent, blood colored fire rained down from heaven, engulfing trees, people, and animals alike in flames. The flames didn't reduce trees to ashes and instead changed them into mamono realm plants, while animals and women engulfed in the flames were made to be reborn as monsters. The erotic-love-starved beasts ruling the continent still continue to ravage the men they love even now.
A certain lake that was a major water source that flows to many towns and villages was contaminated when a gigantic mass from the sky dropped into it, and dissolved into the water. There was an epidemic outbreak of a strange fever among women who drank water coming from that source. Those who fell victim to the illness would feverishly engage in coitus with men, and the men they lied with were transformed into grotesque, horrific non-human forms, while the women themselves also transformed into monstrous beauties. The monstrous couples came to live while constantly joined as one, and the people ultimately ended up as abyssal horrors.
And at the scene of all these disasters, a salpinx was witnessed playing a beautiful sounding trumpet which was incongruent with the spectacle.
To the salpinges, which have a mentality befitting of fallen angels, the lewd spectacles brought about by these disasters bring them inner peace, and their greatest joy is to lie with their husbands while the ecstatic cries of people who fell as monsters resound in the background. In this manner, they themselves are monsters who seek men, but they don’t show themselves in the middle of a disaster, and even if you were to come across one of them, they don’t attack men themselves. And yet, regardless of that, men who “notice their presence” will inevitably lie with them and follow the path of becoming their husband. If a man manages to make his way to a salpinx without being joined with another monster even despite witnessing the spectacle of people indulging in devilish pleasure due to the disaster over and over, and despite continuous exposure to the pervasive mamono mana, then a beautiful angel will be waiting to lie with him, and if so, then we can say it is an fated result.
Since they cause conversion into mamono realms, they are thought to belong to the “extremist faction” which schemes to covert the whole world into a mamono realm. In fact, their kind have close interactions with the fiends of the extremist faction. So with the tremendous power of these disasters, just by playing their trumpets, they could change the whole word into a mamono realm and grant the long-cherished wish of the extremists, right? But that’s actually not the case. The reason why is that they don’t even have “the power to cause disasters” at all. To put it more accurately, they have the “power to foresee disasters” and the “power to intervene and erode disasters with mana”. In other words, they merely sense disasters which occur due to other factors and alter their nature to twist the end results.
From the time they were angels, they’ve always had a kindhearted disposition and what they fear more than anything is people being met by calamity and misfortune. That is precisely why they keep blowing their trumpets at the scenes of disasters, and why they’re so relieved to see the spectacles brought about by disasters. In short, unless there’s a disaster, the sound of them playing their trumpets is just beautiful music. But many people and monsters who hear their performances say that the sound brought them a bit of good luck. Perhaps many of them feel that way because listening to an excellent performance enriched their hearts, but it could be the result of the alteration of the nature of what would originally have been a minor disaster.