Monster girls, also known as mamono or sometimes just monsters, are the stars of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia and its many subordinate publications. While they come in a cornucopic variety of shapes, sizes, and dispositions, in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world, they are all united by an overwhelming love of sex, with supernaturally-beautiful bodies and incredible abilities to give pleasure to make sure they get it.
Decried as the enemy of mankind by the Order ofthe Chief God - the theocratic world-church to which the majority of humans belong - monster girls' inhuman looks and questionable dating practices mean they really are viewed with dread by most of the humans of the world, even though for the most part, their intentions aren't any more sinister than giving the men they capture a really, really good time.
General Features
The monster girls were created as magical hybrids, combining the traditional blood-drinking, skull-crushing monsters of the age of the Former Mamono Lord with the sultry, seductive, and sexy succubus race. What popped out the end were creatures that still walk on eight dagger-tipped legs or a million writhing tentacles, but at the same time have rockin' tits and a literally irresistible sexuality. Their monster heritage endows them with superhuman strength and an instinctive urge towards wanton mating, but it also means they have great difficulty with the word "no" - meaning that encounters with human males regularly end in hot, sticky reverse rape.
The habitats of monster girls are as varied as their forms. Some remain in the haunting grounds of their monstrous predecessors: barren wastelands, deep forests, and spooky graveyards. Others make their homes deep under the sea or high on the mountaintops. But, once the monsters were gifted sexy forms and divested of their propensity to murder everything they set their eyes on, inevitably there are many humans who are happy to live alongside them in mixed communities. Here, monster girls are generally more placid, and prove enthusiastic workers in various roles.
As the above suggests, not all monsters are violent in their endless pursuit of coitus; different species' behaviors run the whole gamut from one-sided violation, through equitable human-style courtship, all the way to enticing men to rape them. Still, whatever method they use, if a monster girl is interested in you, you are unlikely to come out of the encounter with your pants intact. Not even gender will necessarily save you - many monsters may ravish human women under certain circumstances (usually for the sake of monsterization). Exploring the many ways monsters now interact with humans is one of the main themes of the encyclopedia.
Like all lifeforms, monsters have a limit to their abilities and the amount of mana they can possess, depending on race. However, the “limit” is easily removed by repeatedly obtaining a man's essence.[1]
Diseases that afflict humans mostly don't afflict mamono[2]. However, there are some peculiar illnesses that only afflict monsters. All of such illnesses have aphrodisiac effects.
A Succubus' Plan: Monsters become Monster Girls
Monster girls are obsessed with dicks to the extent that some are obsessed with things that look a bit like dicks
When the world's former system was created by the original Chief God, most monsters were slavering, shambling horrors that fed on the flesh of humans. The history of the world is an eternal cycle of rise and fall: monsters pillaged human civilization until it became weak, and then fought amongst themselves while human civilization slowly recovered. A yin-yang balance that ebbed and flowed for ages... until one being - not a god or even a human, but a monster succubus - had an idea. Succubi were odd creatures by the monsters' standards, as they fed on semen instead of flesh and blood, so their lives were dedicated to pleasuring human males rather than ripping them to pieces. And the succubus' idea was: if all the other monsters were like succubi, then there need be no more endless slaughter.
It was a crazy, utopian pipe-dream which actually could be - and, in the end, was - realized. The succubus teamed up with (and married) a sympathetic human hero, and cemented herself as Mamono Lord, the ruler of the monsters. As all monsters are influenced by the nature of the Mamono Lord, and combined with various special circumstances this resulted in their transformation into monster girls. Along with this, the Mamono Lord utilized her nature as a succubus to empower both her and her husband endlessly, thus making her powerful enough to rewrite the metaphysical rules of reality that governed monster behavior.
It is not a solution without teething problems - major, potentially-wipe-out-all-sentient-life-in-the-world problems, the most obvious one being that some of the gods are not especially amenable to upstart sex-demons unilaterally editing the whole metaphysical character of their world. By this point, however, the Mamono Lord had grown strong enough that (with her husband's help) she could actually hold her own in battle against the Chief God. Astonishingly thwarted in her attempt at a decapitation strike, the Chief God has retreated to Heaven and settled back into a long game of holy war, directing her mortal and angelic servants to oppose the monster girls.
A more slow-acting, but potentially more dangerous problem, is that the Mamono Lord's alteration of reality didn't achieve all she wished to, as some laws proved too strong to overcome for the time being. The sexy, human-loving monsters are all according to plan, but the eventual product of all this sex turned out to be only female children. Monster girls give birth to more monster girls, whereas the Mamono Lord had expected an issue of monster daughters and human sons. Obviously, this is a feature that leads first to demographic imbalance and later to total extinction (mitigated by how slowly most monsters reproduce, and by the humans of this world having a male-favoring sex ratio that produces many surplus men). The Mamono Lord, therefore, spends much of her time in her castle with her husband, augmenting their power so that she can become strong enough to alter the remaining settings.
Common Traits
Although different species of mamono vary far and wide, there are a few traits that are known to be common to many species.
Husband Hunting - As stated above, all mamono require human men to have children. Each species has its own particular method of getting a husband, ranging from simply abducting and then ravishing them, proposal in a similar manner to regular humans, to tempting men to rape them in order to make them their mates. All mamono take only one husband as a partner for life.
Desire to Mate - Due to the power of the mamono lord (who is a succubus), all mamono have a strong desire to have sex implanted deep in their minds. Although some of the more intelligent, docile, or refined species may be able to hold this desire back for long periods of time, they may be overcome by it and be consumed with lust at times.
Submissiveness - Although less common, some mamono will obey a human male. Aside from the races with meek and docile disposition, the other races can be submissive once certain conditions are fulfilled. Thus far, there are three known ways for a mamono to become submissive. Note though, in all these cases "submissive" does not equal "passive," and even the most meek monster will not accept having her needs ignored or denied for long.
Taming - This method basically involves training them in a similar fashion to animals.
Defeat in Battle - Some mamono (such as the werewolf, orc, or ogre) will acknowledge a human man as their master after losing to them in a one-on-one battle.
Instinct - Some mamono (such as the dragon (under specific, fairly rare circumstances) or khepri) will instinctively obey their husbands after acquiring them.
Overwhelming Abilities- Most mamono have some type of ability (physical, mental, or supernatural) that allows them to overwhelm a human man. Monster girls aren't weaker then their monstrous ancestors and still have the same level of strength despite being physically smaller.[3][4]
Body for Sex- Due to the succubi influence, all monsters have alluring beautiful body to please human men with sex and would not get injured by the act of copulation, regardless of how rough the act is or the partners' penis size (possibly with exception of ripped hymen); this is most noticeable for monsters such as Fairy whose bodies are so tiny that it looks like not even the tip of a human penis would fit in their vagina, yet capable of receiving the whole penis without pain whatever[5]. This effect also protects the unborn child of a pregnant mamono[6]. Upon getting a husband, a mamono's body will change to belong to their husband alone, they can't experience physical pleasure from any other man[7].
Essence Absorption: All mamono can feed on essence just like succubi, by absorbing it inside their body and converting it into mamono mana. Essence is plentiful in human bodily fluids, especially semen, and mamono most prefer to milk it out using their vagina by having sex with a man. Once mamono taste their husband's essence, the other men's essence becomes so disgusting that it makes them feel like throwing up[8]. This include the Essence Supplement which is pure "Human Mana" without trace of any individual male. There are many mamono that mainly eat food other than essence, and even monsters that mainly eat essence can also replenish nutrients by eating normal food[9]. But even if they can't eat, mamono and incubi will not starve as long as the couples keep having sex[10].
A human woman after transforming into a lesser succubusTransformation of Human Females - Some mamono are capable of changing human females into mamono through the use of some technique. There are two variations of this trait.
Same Species Transformation - In this process, a human woman is transformed into the same species or a subspecies of the mamono that transformed them. Some of the more well-known examples of this transformation are:
The succubi, who pour mamono mana into human women through sex, after which, the woman will become a lesser succubus and eventually transform into one of several types, depending on the conditions present (amazoness, kunoichi, etc.).
The werewolf, whose bite will transform human women into other werewolves.
The apophis, who injects venom into women, transforming them into her lamia servants.
Alternate Species Tranformation - In this process, a human woman is transformed into a different species of mamono. In most cases (such as the anubis and the mummy), the species that the woman gets transformed into is subservient to the species that transformed them.
Succubi Mana - Having been transformed into their current state by the new mamono lord, all mamono have a certain degree of succubus mana in their bodies. During intercourse, mamono release mamono mana into the man they're having sex with; this serves multiple purposes from arousing their partners, reinforcing the partners' body to protect them from injury by the act, give back the mana in return of essence and resoring the partners' vigor and stamina (thus preventing death from losing all mana)[11], and eventually transform the man into an incubus. It should be noted that the type of mamono(s) that transformed him will partially determine what abilities he will develop, as well as his status in their relationship.
Ancient Form[12] - Although uncommon, very powerful or highly intellectual mamono can morph into the monstrous form of their ancestors. Notable, most monsters from the dragon family have this ability inherently due to their sheer innate power, except Dragonewts which are formerly humans and thus require to gain power to assume the ancient form[13]. As mentioned above, the ancient form is not stronger than the current monster girl form and usually is only used for intimidation, or taking advantage of the larger physical body to carry more stuff or let their lovers ride them like a mount. In contrast, the ancient form is often inconvenient for having sex[14], which is much more important for all mamono.
Monsters. Many of them are under the Mamono Lord's command. They're all lumped together as monsters, but there exist various races with various forms and traits. They're almost all entirely having a form like that of a human woman, and only the existence of females has been confirmed. Their temperaments and dispositions vary dramatically depending on the race, but fundamentally, they are more instinctual than humans, and many of them are consumed by lust and pleasure. Since only females exist, they need to copulate with human men in order to make children. Since some of the monsters feed on what humans, especially men, possess within their bodies, a vital energy known as “Essence,” they need to copulate with human men to get it. In this way, human men are essential to them. They possess a variety of abilities to get human men. Most of the monsters have an instinct to attack human men and forcibly have intercourse. For the sake of their own lust and desires, they'll often use coercive measures especially if it's something involving human men. Even if a man they've personally targeted tries to reject them, they will probably use various means such as coercive sex, seduction, spells, and drugs to try and get him. Compared to humans, they possess long lifespans (Depending on the race, it varies significantly, with some living just a little longer than humans, and others living for thousands of years.). Generally, they possess higher physical and magical abilities compared to humans.
They are regarded as “the enemy of humanity” by humans, mainly by followers of “the order.” Humans taken away by monsters never return (Because many of them start living with them in their homes.) It is sometimes said that the monsters “kill and eat humans,” but in actuality most of them are generally friendly towards people. Since they can't live without human men, to them, eating people or killing people is unthinkable.
Also, some monsters have the power to change the women of humans and other races into monsters. In order to increase their allies, they also aggressively assault women.
At present, due to the influence of the current mamono lord, a succubus possessing tremendous power, all of the monsters have forms like that of either an extremely beautiful, or cute human woman.
Their forms are highly varied, running the gamut from being hardly any different from human, to only having the upper body of a woman, with the lower body of a serpent, fish, spider, etc., features of a beautiful, alluring human woman mixed with grotesque traits. Presently, as is visibly apparent, all individuals are female; a male has never been observed. Most of the monsters are more instinctual compared with humans. Their thoughts and actions are all based on desire and dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. Compared with humans, many of them have greater physical or magical capabilities. They have various special abilities that humans do not possess. Intelligence varies greatly depending on race, but all of the monsters are at least smart enough to have a command of language. It is possible for them to converse with humans. They have long life spans compared with humans. (It varies depending on race, from only a little longer than humans, to those who live for thousands of years.) No matter how old they get, their forms remain young and beautiful, and they never physically age any further than that.
Monster is a general term for various races that are reigned over by the Mamono Lord.
Formerly, in the age when the old Mamono Lord ruled the monsters that is called “the age of the former Mamono Lords”, monsters were grotesque creatures that devoured humans and spread death. However, since an immensely powerful succubus took over and became the new Mamono Lord, we've entered an age called “the new Mamono Lord's age”, and the monsters forms have changed dramatically. All of them now have beautiful, alluring figures resembling human women. They attack humans, just as they did when they were grotesque creatures, however the meaning behind it is completely different.
The monsters of the present have been heavily influenced by the nature of the Mamono Lord who is a succubus and their main food is the same as that of the Mamono Lord, living energy called “mana” that is contained within the semen, saliva, etc. of human men. Also, just as it appears, all of the monsters are female. Presently, a male monster has never been confirmed. For that reason, when they reproduce, they must have sex with a human man. And more than anything, in general, all “monsters” are lustful, and instinctual. They are devoted to pleasure and desire, especially the desire to have sex with men. Due to these goals, they coercively have sex with human men, and attack them in order to rape them.
List of Mamono
The following is a comprehensive list of all 234 currently-available entries in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
↑Queen Diana's History tells a story about how the Kraken Asura Mythra has the strength to pull a giant battleship, described as being a mobile naval port housing countless battleships and powered by a magical engine, down the sea by herself.