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Monster Girl Encyclopedia II

Monster Girl Encyclopedia II
Book Information
Release Date
August 14th, 2016 (Comiket 90)[1]
Publishing Circle
Kenkou Cross[1]
Kenkou Cross[1]
Page Count

Monster Girl Encyclopedia II (魔物娘図鑑Ⅱ) is the second encyclopedia book of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia series by Kenkou Cross, and was released in Japan on August 14, 2016. The English version was released worldwide on September 26, 2017. The book was announced via a post on Kenkou's twitter account.[2]

The hundred monster girls whose profiles appear in this book are, in order: Demon, Devil, Kobold, Troll, Liliraune, Barometz, Tentacle, Soldier Beetle, Mothman, Titania, Lava Golem, Hellhound, Chimaera, Manticore, Basilisk, Thunderbird, Griffon, Sandworm, Pharaoh, Apophis, Khepri, Vamp Mosquito, Mucus Toad, Cancer, Flow Kelp, Kraken, Yeti, Selkie, White Horn, Glacies, Ice Queen, Kikimora, Dark Mage, Arch Imp, Familiar, Bicorn, Gazer, Parasite Slime \ Slime Carrier, Satyros, Gandharva, Apsara, Houri, Cupid, Valkyrie, Dark Valkyrie, Dhampir, Lich, Wight, Will-o-the-Wisp, Living Doll, Cursed Sword, Living Armor, Cheshire Cat, March Hare, Mad Hatter, Dormouse, Jubjub, Humpty Egg, Trumpart, Jabberwock, Cait Sith, Cu Sith, Wurm, Wyvern, Dragon Zombie, Automaton, Gremlin, Mindflayer, Wendigo, Shoggoth, Atlach-Nacha, Jinko, Kakuen, Ren Xiongmao, Hinezumi, Hakutaku, Jiangshi, Ryu, Shirohebi, Nekomata, Raiju, Kamaitachi, Kitsune-bi, Kitsune-tsuki, Gyoubu Danuki, Kunoichi, Akaname, Kejourou, Ao-Oni, Ushi-Oni, Oomukade, Nureonago, Chochin-Obake, Karakasa-Obake, Ittan-momen, Ochimusha, Unagi Joro, Umi Osho, Otohime, and Nurarihyon.

Table of Contents

Preface (p. 3 - p. 6)
Treatise: Basic Features of Monsters (p. 7 - p. 9)

  1. Monsters (MGE 1, p. 7)
  2. Essence (MGE 1, p. 16)
  3. Monster Mana (MGE 1, p. 16)
  4. Monsterization (MGE 1, p. 14)
  5. Incubi (MGE 1, p. 15)

Treatise: The Overlord's Army and the Extremists (p. 14 - p. 15)

  1. The Overlord
  2. The Overlord's Army
  3. The Extremists

Treatise: The Realm of Fire (p. 32 - p. 33)

  1. Monsters Wreathed in Fire
  2. People Close to Fire

Treatise: The Lost Kingdoms of the Desert (p. 56 - p. 57)

  1. The Distant Kingdoms
  2. The Fateful Battle
  3. The Resurgent Kingdoms

Treatise: The Realm of Ice (p. 78 - p. 79)

  1. Monsters That Melt Ice
  2. People Huddling in Snow
  3. The Palace of Ice

Treatise: The God of Wine (p. 96 - p. 97)

  1. Bacchus, God of Wine
  2. Tenets
  3. The Blessings of Believers

Treatise: The Goddess of Love (p. 106 - p. 107)

  1. Eros, Goddess of Love
  2. Tenets
  3. The Blessings of the Believers

Treatise: The Noble Capital of the Undying (p. 118 - p. 119)

  1. The Kingdoms of the Undead
  2. Undead and Incubi
  3. Hel, Goddess of Life and Death

Treatise: The Wondrous Land of Wonderland (p. 128 - p. 129)

  1. Wonderland
  2. The Tea Parties
  3. The Alices
  4. The Queen of Hearts

Treatise: The Kingdom Ruled by Cats, for Cats (p. 148 - p. 149)

  1. The Kingdom of Cats
  2. The Law of the Cats
  3. Bastet, Goddess of Cats

Treatise: The Continent Enshrouded in Mist (p. 182 - p. 183)

  1. One Vast Continent
  2. Three Nations

Treatise: The Ethereal Land of Zipangu (p. 206 - p. 207)

  1. Zipangu, Land of Sun
  2. The Harmony of Humans and Yokai
  3. Zipangu, a Land of Seduction

Treatise: The Exotic Hospitality of Ryugujo (p. 230 - p. 231)

  1. An Invitation
  2. The Attractions and Residents
  3. The Shrine of the Goddess of the Sea

Afterword (p. 235)

Preface (p. 3 - p. 6)

Monsters once were ghastly beasts that devoured the flesh and blood of human beings. However, since the ascension of the new Mamono Lord, a succubus with godlike power, monsters have taken on utterly different, bewitching, and fantastic forms resembling those of alluring women. These outward changes have been accompanied by dramatic shifts in their ways of life, patterns of behavior, and values.

Many years have passed since this change, yet it cannot be said that humans have developed an adequate understanding of monsters in their current form. There is a persistent misconception that monsters use their beautiful visages to charm humans in order to slay and devour them. This monster encyclopedia explains in detail the forms and manners of living ascribed to a wide of variety of monsters in hopes that its readers may develop the knowledge necessary to effectively interact with them. The current volume expands on the first by introducing an additional one hundred monsters, presenting a yet unmatched diversity of races that live in extremely unusual fashions or dwell on in highly specialize environments-and much more.

The relationship humanity has with both monsters and the Mamono Lord has been profoundly altered. How should we relate to them now in these changed times? It is my hope that you will find in this book an opportunity to carefully consider your own relationship with monsters.

- A certain wandering scholar of monsters -

Basic Features of Monsters (p. 7 - p. 9)

Monster is a general term encompassing a number of races, diverse in appearance and behavior, ruled over by the Mamono Lord.

This volume follows in the footsteps of the first, presenting illustrations and descriptions of one hundred monster races as observed by the author. Before addressing these new beings, however, let us review the basic features of monsters and other fundamentals necessary to understanding them. As the first Monster Girl Encyclopedia covered these subjects in more detail, citations referring back to Volume I can be found in the headings of the sections below.

Monsters (p7)

Monsters include races of various forms united by monstrosity. They range from diabolical fiends to hybrid beings combining, for instance, the upper body of a human with the lower body of a snake or spider. That said, all monsters share a commonality of appearance, one that resembles that of a woman of outstanding comeliness. Monsters were created by the hand of god, originating as freakish beasts, enemies of humanity. However, when a succubus of awesome might ascended the throne of their Mamono Lord, the power of her influence transformed monsters into beasts of lechery and fine, feminine form.

At the present time, all monsters are female. As there are no males of their own kind, they instead reproduce with human males. Monsters predominantly tend to be more loyal to their instincts than humans and are, perhaps as a result of their succubus nature, highly lustful. They exhibit strong affection and desire for human men and think and behave accordingly. Monsters are typically superior to humans in both physical and magical ability, and their powers are various and unique among the different races. Monsters are also blessed with long lives. Though some have a lifespan only a little longer than humans, others live for hundreds or thousands of years. All, however, maintain their adorable, or beautiful, timeless feminine forms regardless of their duration of life. They do not age.

All monsters adore essence, the life energy of human men obtained through copulation, as a feast above all others. Yet they do not drain men to their deaths. Instead, they prefer to sip essence from the same man perpetually. In almost all cases, monsters perceive human men as males of their own species and thus have a strong instinct to bear the children of men who meet their fancy. Currently, children born of a human and a monster are always monster females, with no males observed. This, however, is merely a transitional phase in the modernization of monsters that speaks to their status above humans and the sway of the mother's body. The Mamono Lord explains that the current situation is but one step in the development of her and her monsters' power - and that one day, human males will be born of humans and monsters, as well.

Hence, monsters long for human men fervently; the acquisition of men comes first in their thoughts and actions. Perhaps as a vestige of the previous age, when they attacked humans as their enemies, monsters still employ assaults as their primary means of achieving sexual intercourse with human men. Even so, there are also monsters who seduce men with the allure of their appearance and charm, as well as those who awaken men's passion by means of magic arts. A man who has lain once with a monster is overcome by the pleasure of her monstrous body, which surpasses all human understanding. He is therefore unable to consider leaving her side.

The criteria by which monsters select men differ from those used by humans. Monsters do not account for comeliness or age, and rarely consider the magnitude of a man's member or the abundance of his seed, for these are attributes they can grant in due time. Monsters approve of the lust and affection men feel for them; human males who exhibit such interest are most often favored when a monster doesn't already have a partner. Though certain races instinctively perceive the men they have defeated as their husbands, many monsters cast off such instincts in favor of deep affection or true love-bonds, for instance, that develop from a friendship formed at an early age. A monster who develops such a bond often comes to eventually view the man involved as her husband. In general, monsters are full of instinctive love; their behavior follows coherent patterns closely linked to love, lust, reproduction and appetite (for men's essence). They rarely fall in love with their ideal man, and instead glorify the appearance, personality, endowments and essential flavor of the man they love-or develop them to fulfill their ideals.

While monsters involved in both monogamous and polygynous relationships can be found, a monster who has selected a husband will never mate with another man. To them, pairing is more than a contract: a monster's body and soul transform over time so that she can engage in perfect carnal union with her husband. His scent, his body and the taste of his essence all become her favorites, and while to join and reproduce with her husband grows, her engagement with other men steadily withers to the point that only her husband is perceived by her as male. Monsters have varying attitudes towards their men, some treating them as brothers, others as masters, servants, prey, or slaves. Ultimately though, all of these roles are equivalent to the role of husband, and the fathomless love of monsters for their companions is unequivocal.

Essence (p16)

Essence is the life force found in individuals of non-monster races, including humans - especially men. It is, effectively, human mana. Men's semen and saliva contain large quantities of essence, which monsters absorb through sexual congress with human males, enjoying its taste with their mouths, genitals, and other regions. It is the daily bread from which they convert mana in order to become more powerful.

The taste of essence, as monsters perceive it, heightens in tandem with their desire and love for their partners, their monstrous bodies gradually optimizing in order to savor and absorb their husband's essence most efficiently. And rather than tiring of their beloved's human mana, they instead only ever seek it with growing intensity. Conversely, they develop a loathing for the essence of other men so that it tastes flavorless or even vile.

Monsters are highly sensitive to the scent of essence; they can identify individuals by it and even use it to track down specific men. It should also be noted that the bodies of human men produce essence internally via food and sleep. Even if a man is wrung dry by a monster, even if exhausted to the point of unconsciousness, he will not die.

Monster Mana (p16)

Monster mana is the life force contained in the bodies of all monsters and serves as the fount of their power. Due to the conversion of mana from essence, their powers increase the more they mate. Monsters are ever cloaked in mana, which they use unconsciously when making love, a function that serves a number of important purposes. Monster mana may protect men from their appendages (such as scales, claws or horns, which might otherwise cause injury) or be poured into a man to heighten his libido and production of essence. The mana that enwraps a monster may also temporarily remove features such as fur or scales that cover her breasts or lower body.

Monsterization (p14)

Human women transform into monsters when their bodies are suffused with monster mana, most often after a woman undergoes a monstrous assault. Their personalities and memories retain potent remnants of their time as humans, but their minds are shaped by wantonness and the aggressive search for congress with men - in the true manner of monsters. Their outer appearances also maintain the distinguishing features and impressions of their previous human form while simultaneously developing the captivating charm of monsters, which is ever a fascination of men.

A woman experiences an intense sense of euphoria once she's become a monster. If there were a man she felt affection for as a human, she will escape from the moralistic shackles which bound her as a human, follow the mandate of her desire, and join him to her in matrimony. As human women restore their internal essence through both independent production and by collecting mana from their surroundings, it is not unusual for women to inadvertently absorb monster mana. As monster mana unites easily with women's unfulfilled love and desire, their affinity for becoming monsters is quite remarkable.

Incubi (p15)

Human men generally become incubi by absorbing a large quantity of monster mana through repeated sexual contact with monsters. Incubi are sometimes considered male monsters. Strictly speaking, however, they are humans whose abilities have been enhanced by mana. While they are identical to humans in appearance, their libido and potency far surpass that of a human's - all the better to serve monsters as their companions - and their minds become utterly dominated by thoughts of intimate relations with monsters.

Incubi may adapt to the environment in which their accompanying monster resides. For instance: they may become capable of living underwater or develop a resistance to heat or cold. The most important changes, however, rest in the fact that, just as monsters live on the sustenance of their husbands' essence, an incubus can live on a monster's mana. This allows an incubus-monster couple to live in endless debauchery, which fills the incubus with life, keeps him from aging, and extends his years to match those of his monster mate. Because all monsters wish to spend their lives with the men they love, a monster who has acquired a husband is sure to ravish him into an incubus as soon as possible.

The Mamono Lord's Army & the Extremists (p. 14 - p. 15)

The Mamono Lord

The Mamono Lord is the god-ordained ruler of the monsters. Before the rise of the current Mamono Lord, succession was governed by slaughter. The monsters fought until only one remained - their new leader. As a result, the Mamono Lord tended to be vicious and mighty in nature. Linked by mana, the Mamono Lord's power swells in proportion to monsterkind's strength; all monsters are influenced by the Mamono Lord's nature, their power rising with their leader's.

The current Mamono Lord is a succubus, for many years, she has applied her power to absorbing essence through unceasing copulation with her partner. In this manner, she has attained a god-like power never before garnered by a Mamono Lord.

Objecting to the endless butchery between humans and monsters, she raised her banner against the gods that dictated this. No longer would monsters instinctively kill and devour humans, instead, she decreed they should love humans libidinously and subsist by deflowering [3] them. She granted monsters beautiful, feminine forms unlike those they had before; she gave them sexual powers, diabolical in nature, and a profound love for humankind. This new premise is unchanging, even as the Mamono Lord accumulates ever-greater might and expands the forces of monsterkind. Her ultimate goal is the creation of a new, harmonious race in which humans are the males, and monsters the females.

The Mamono Lord's Army

The Mamono Realm is made of discrete realms scattered throughout the world. Most massive of these is Royal Makai. Within it stands the Mamono Lord's castle, protected by the Mamono Army. This body is charged with the protection of the surrounding town, as well as those who abide there: monsters and their accompanying men.

Biologically speaking, all monsters live under the Mamono Lord and her influence. However, not all individual monsters serve the Mamono Lord directly. Some live in small tribes, form fully independent factions, or serve other powerful monsters. There are even monsters known to serve the rulers of the human kingdoms in which they live alongside their male companions.

The Mamono Army is not a reference to all the Mamono Lord's biologically-bound monsters in general, but rather to the members of the society that centers on, and serves her, directly. Their primary function is to fight the Order of the Chief God, which continues to oppose monsters, believing they are the enemy of god and man, and must be destroyed. They disregard the new Mamono Lord's succession, which has taken place since the time when monsters gorged on humankind.

The Mamono Army also responds to disasters and other pressing concerns. The scope of its activities extends beyond the Mamono Lord's castle and Royal Makai. It protects other mamono realms throughout the world and collaborates closely with the pro-monster human states. These states have chosen a path of co-existence with monsters, answering their call from branches and stations across the world. In addition to monsters who have long sworn fealty to the Mamono Lord, the Army's ranks are drawn from monster volunteers who hope to acquire men in the field or in battle - as well as from former human warriors, now corrupted into incubi or monsters, who still wish to follow their calling. The scale of the Mamono Army is, thus, tremendous.

Combatants in the Mamono Army use weapons made of a special metal: realmsilver. Such weapons do not cause pain. Instead of drawing blood, essence or mana flows from the body of the target, allowing the Army to subdue its opponents non-lethally. Once a target has been immobilized, a monster is likely to attack and possess him on the spot, though she may also carry him of as a prisoner. The Mamono Army treats prisoners of war extremely graciously. Married men taken prisoner may be released or relocated to the mamono realm with their families. Unmarried men are carefully but vigorously assessed by many monsters while in jail. They are then seduced and taken off by one of these monsters as her companion.

Discipline in the Mamono Army is lax. If a monster requests relocation because of a man, her request is usually granted. It is assumed that couples will serve together, and monsters with partners tend to be deployed to defensive encampments so they can spend their time copulating with their husbands - except in times of emergency. The front lines are left to unmarried monsters eager to meet men and make them into their husbands.

The Extremists

The Extremists are a radical faction within the Mamono Army, spearheaded most prominently by demons (p.10) and devils (p.12), and are infatuated with the Mamono Lord's goal of a united race. While they swear fealty to the Mamono Lord, their philosophy is generally more extreme than hers. They conduct incursions into human territory, pursuing human women to transform into monsters and thus envelop the whole world in the mamono realm.

The majority of monsters have only one thing on their minds: living ecstatically with their husbands. Most only monsterize women as a personal favor - but the Extremists are not most monsters. They cleave to their vision, resolve unwavering, and monsterize every woman they see, believing that all women should be monsters. As stated earlier, if a monster such as a demon or devil pours mana into a woman, and the woman hasn't the proper aptitude, she typically becomes a succubus. Because the Extremists wish to expand their ranks, however, they have instituted an Organization of Breaking. Through harsh and thorough training, this organization seeds the Extremists' philosophy into the minds of women who are to become devils and demons.

The Extremists' best-known activities include invading human states, monsterizing their women, raping their men, and engulfing them all in the mamono realm. That said, the Extremists also conduct more subtle operations, such as smuggling items that induce monsterization, like edible plants or cursed items, into the human realm.

Though the Extremists believe that all lands must eventually become monstrous, they do not invade human territory indiscriminately. A number of states and communities are under their constant, close monitoring; they take great care to choose the best ways to minimize human and monster casualties and provide happy, lascivious lives for residents after they are swallowed by the mamono realm. Only after planning a thoughtful campaign do they begin invasion.

Even so, situations considered too urgent to overlook may arise: portents of mass monster executions, war between states, civil unrest, oppression of the poor, persecution of human groups - as well as the sacrifice of individual rights to the whims of society. Extremists allocate resources and personnel posthaste to take immediate and unequivocal actions against such situations, which they view as victimizations of their future monstrous partners and comrades that cannot be ignored - lest the blood of their soon-to-be brethren flows in the streets before they become part of the mamono realm.

Readers may recall the recent case of the Theocracy of Lescatié. Lescatié was the second-largest Order-affiliated state in the world until it was overthrown by one of the lilim, who are the daughters of the Mamono Lord (MGE I, p.234). After the overthrow, it became the Mamono Realm of Lescatié, which the author visited while conducting research for the book Fallen Maidens.

The Realm of Fire and Monsters (p. 32 - p. 33)

Certain monster races are adapted to live in environments that are typically inhospitable to humans. The fiery locales described in these pages, places that would likely burn humans to ash (such as amidst flames or in the heart of a volcano), are ones monsters strut through with pride. An environment's harshness correlates to the difficulty humans have making a home there - as well as to the totality of the monsters' control. As might be expected, the relationship between humans and monsters is quite different in such regions when compared to others.

Monsters Wreathed in Fire

Monsters who live in volcanic regions have a high tolerance for fire. Some wear flaming cloaks about their bodies, others have robust forms that are unaffected by high temperatures or fire, while still others are made of fire or lava. This hardiness of body is, perhaps, due to the harshness of their habitat, and many such monsters are themselves as wild and violent as flame. Their bodies and abilities are two factors that make them resistant to heat and flame, but their mamono mana (p.8), adapted to life in high temperatures, is of no small help. Such monsters draw the heat of their surroundings into them, feeding the internal heat of their carnal glow and spiritual elation. The warmer it is, the more alive and viciously sensual they become, spurred on by this cycle of invigorating heat.

Under normal circumstances, if one of these monsters attempted to mate with a man in such a hot, volcanic environment, the rapid, heat-induced loss of moisture and stamina would be a far more pressing concern to him than coitus. However, the energy of a heat-tolerant monster protects his body during intercourse: if the monster's body is pressed close to his, her mana absorbs the heat of her rapture and converts it to a healthy glow. The man is isolated from the ravaging blaze outside so he can focus on the seething fire of a female body in heat - not to mention the uncontrollable lust that boils up within his own body. The two couple in comfortable heat and perspiration, apparently unsinged by the external heat; instead, it just enhances the heat and excitement of their junction. Drawing close to another would normally be suffocating in such climes, but the embrace of monsters who live in high-temperature regions changes circumstances dramatically. A man may find that embracing a monster skin-to-skin from head to toe, as if displaying their heat for all to see, is in fact more comfortable than remaining alone.

As a result of time spent mating with a monster, agitating the climate's already blistering air, the man absorbs a continuous stream of heat and mamono mana. The two powers forge him into an incubus adapted to live in the monster's scorching habitat. Not only is his new body resistant to heat and flame like hers, but it, too, converts external heat to internal - meaning he can thrive without any regard to the temperature, whether copulating or not. The heat that radiates from his body's elevated temperature intensifies the flush of his monstrous companion's body, increasing her vitality. The man can also absorb the heat of his partner's body to feed his own vitality, so they can exalt in each other's heat, glow, and life with just a simple touch.

People Close to Fire

Major cities in the distant vicinity of volcanoes usually fall under the sphere of the Order of the Chief God - but as one ventures deeper into the mountains toward a volcano, hidden villages emerge that are little touched by the influence of the Order, instead following faiths they have developed themselves. As a result of the fire mountain's heat, and the ever-present threat of eruption, these faiths tend to be rooted deeply in the concept of fire. For example: some worship the element of fire - the ignis (MGEI, p.222) - or the element of fire itself. Others worship the monsters living in the volcano as gods of fire, which sometimes leads their people to offer their bodies to the monsters.

Some fear these monsters, as many of them are vicious, but antipathy is generally muted - perhaps because of the Order of the Chief God's limited reach. The deeper one travels into the mountains, the more accepting the villagers' attitudes towards monsters become. Approaching the crater of the volcano, an area one would hardly expect humans could survive in, is a great city of monsters who think nothing of the heat, living alongside their incubus companions.

Because of its proximity to molten rock, the city is occasionally beset by extremely high temperatures; because of its mountainous location, the elevation of its steps and drops can be rather staggering. An ordinary human would find life in such a city most challenging, yet the monsters and incubi do not see such complications as problems. In fact, the harsh location makes it inhospitable for people of the Order - which in turn means that it is a safe, comforting home for the monsters and their companions, free from the threat of enemies.

The precious minerals found in volcanoes have brought dwarf (MGEI, p.102) and cyclops (MGEI, p.122) blacksmiths to their locales; industrial development proceeds as facilities are built to exploit both the element of fire and the volcano's geothermal heat. The close relationship between volcanoes and monsters can be found in other aspects, too. Usually, fire element accumulates over a long period until an eruption occurs - however, volcanic action tends to settle when a large population of monsters lives nearby. Ignes and lava golems are born through an association of mana, the fire element, and lava - a process that siphons force from the volcano and helps prevent eruptions. In the case of especially large and dangerous volcanoes, the Mamono Lord is said to dispatch balrogs - great fiends girdled in hellfire - to take control of the volcano before it erupts.

The Lost Kingdoms of the Desert (p. 56 - p. 57)

Out in the seemingly endless desert, numerous ruins can be found. Though some have been reduced to piles of rubble buried in the sand, others house rulers from long ago, pharaohs (p.50). The ruins give a glimpse into a number of states and unique societies which appear to have once existed but are now long past - though many of their residents have risen as undead. Perhaps because so much time has passed since the heyday of their civilizations, the undead are unable to furnish clear and reliable recollections of their once-kingdoms. Even with such shaky information, however, we are still able to trace the roots of desert monsters. The following is a summary of the discoveries revealed through interviews with residents of the former kingdoms, as well as from inscriptions found on ancient stone tablets.

The Distant Kingdoms of the Desert

It is speculated that the kingdoms were at their peak long before the reign of the Former Mamono Lord - before monsters even existed - and may have fallen shortly after the emergence of monsters. Murals appear to depict ancient cities and their surroundings, all blessed with lakes and forests, suggesting that the desert regions of today were not always so. As the murals often include figures worshiping a round figure resembling the sun, it would seem that a unique faith once existed that revered a sun god that shone upon and protected the people. This faith was the social backbone of these kingdoms. Their rulers, the pharaohs, were believed to be the children of the sun god, demigods beyond question. The pharaohs' direct subordinates, who managed the various countries, were all priestly worshipers of this god. The subjects were a pious flock devoted to both the god and the pharaoh.

Of the artifacts unearthed from the ruins, some of the architecture and ornaments - even items used on a daily basis - have been found to contain large amounts of gold, the glimmer of which symbolized the sun. Pharaohs who have risen in modern times are observed wearing crowns that glisten with magical light that suggests the sun, as well as gold jewelry in the shape of a snake - the messenger of the sun god.

The remaining murals mainly depict bucolic scenes such as the sun god blessing the people with bountiful harvests and people greeting a figure (the pharaoh or the sun god) with joyful feasts - as well as the development of the kingdoms. There are no records of major wars between human kingdoms in this era; it appears that the kingdoms were peaceful before monsters. Other than the snake, which would appear now and then as the messenger of the god, almost all figures shown seem - unsurprisingly - to be human. What is strange is that, in records relating to the founding of nations and murals that depict important scenes such as the coronation of pharaohs, there appear figures with the bodies of humans but the heads of dogs or cats - like anubises (MGEI, p.156) or sphinxes (MGEI, p.154). However, the murals seem to have been created since before the emergence of monsters. Whether these figures represent imagined servants of the god or human priests with animal masks remains a mystery.

The Fateful Battle With the Dark Serpent

Tablets recording the downfall of the kingdoms describe people battling monsters with the help of the sun god and the pharaohs. The dark serpent - the apophis (p.52) - is depicted uniting the monsters and standing behind them, opposite the sun god who stands behind the humans. Accounts of this apophis are not at all like present observations of apophes as sensual and bewitching ladies. Instead, this apophis is said to have been an enormous dark serpent capable of twining around buildings - a symbol of the land of the dead and pitch black nights, portrayed devouring the sun.

Pharaoh after pharaoh fell to the venom of the apophis, a venom so powerful that it is thought to be the source of the strange, dark discoloration that can be seen on the walls of the ruins even today. Thus the kingdoms fell. Still, the remaining pharaohs dreamed of one day restoring glory to their kingdoms. With this in mind, they gathered a number of chosen retainers and commanded them to protect the ruins as the pharaohs and their people descended into a long sleep, hoping they would - in the meantime - acquire the power of the god. The apophis' assaults on the ruins were relentless, however, and returned many pharaohs to dust before they could ever awaken.

The Resurgent Kingdoms of the Monsters

In this age, those who guard the ruins (as well as the apophis who attack them) have become beautiful women. The long-sleeping pharaohs and their mummified subjects have also risen as bewitching monsters.

Pharaohs wake and return to their posts when their monstrous guards carry in human men and mate with them until the surrounding ruins are replete with monster mana. The pharaoh wakes, suffused with the power of the sun god and a potent concentration of monster mana. Green trees rise and the realm begins to look as it once did-only now, its residents are monsters. A grand kingdom spills into the desert once again, where human and monster alike gather to live. It becomes a hub of the desert, a greater state than before. Residents that still lie mummified without waking as monstrous mummies now open their eyes as monsters. Though they are living witnesses of the glory of yore, they cannot recall the past in any more detail than the pharaohs.

Meanwhile, the apophis have become bewitching women ornamented in silver, a lunar symbol, marking their contrast with the pharaohs. Apophis continue to target the sleeping pharaohs' ruins, their poison no longer deadly, instead rendering monsters into a state like that of a tamed animal. Pharaohs woken by an apophis rise not as rulers but as pets. Meanwhile, the apophis rules in their stead, making it a moonlit realm of everlasting night.

All of the monstrous subjects therein adopt silver ornaments, lending them a dancer-like appearance. From lamaia to the pharaohs and their servants, all come to exude an attractive, whorish aura. In the dark night, the town glitters with the unholy magical light of the monsters' ornaments. They draw men by the hand, the neighborhood glinting with the sparkling allure of those silver adornments, lending it all the salacious atmosphere of a bordello; every corner echoes with moans. It is a monstrous paradise, a contrast of the pharaoh's kingdom, thrumming as it does with monsters and men embracing pleasure.

Monsters called khepris have appeared in large groups to rebuild uninhabited kingdoms whose pharaohs perished during the reign of the previous Mamono Lord. Though it may seem that they arrived out of nowhere, interviews with khepris show them to be familiar with the ruins and surrounding lands- as if they had lived there all along. Khepris remember the kingdoms of the distant past, though their recall is worse than the pharaohs'. One theory holds that the pharaohs' passing scattered their mana and divine power throughout the ruins so that it fused with the souls of their long-ago subjects, fallen in the midst of remorse - thus producing khepris.

The resulting monsters have golden shells filled with an enchanting sun-like light; it is as if the khepris inherited the power of the sun god that was once ensconced in their pharaohs. It is then speculated the khepris perceive themselves not as rulers, but as subjects, soldiers: the people of a resurgent kingdom, searching for a new leader to realize their dreams of national reconstruction.

The Realm of Ice and Monsters (p. 78 - p. 79)

Monsters hold absolute dominion in environments harsh to humans. Much as in the realm of fire, monsters adapted to cold and snow live on the fields and mountains that are covered year-round by snow and ice. These monsters have characteristics that differ from those ordinarily found among monsters—and as a result, relate differently to humans.

Monsters That Melt Ice

Among monsters that live in the snow, there are races that have such high body temperatures and exceptional thermoregulation that the cold bothers them not. There are also races that somehow generate heat or draw it in from outside, races that are themselves composed of snow or ice—and so forth. All, however, are extremely cold-resistant and can operate with ease in even the most frigid of temperatures.

The key characteristic of such monsters is that they are—for the most part—less violent than other kinds. They are unlikely to attack humans without provocation. These races also tend to be kind and warm-hearted —rather unlike the snow and ice that blanket their lands. They wander through the wintry landscape in search of human men—not to attack them, but to warm and aid those traveling through the mountains, and to make sure that no one is in trouble. Therefore, the more cold, blizzard-swept, and dangerous the climate is for humans, the more active it is with monsters looking for men. The magic that enwreathes them possesses a warmth that protects men from the cold. That said, these monsters will aid anyone they find in distress, man or woman.

Though monsters of the snow are not hurt or constrained by the cold, they can still perceive it. Strong winds imbued with the power of ice elementals, or wild flurries of snow, will freeze a monster's heart first and foremost–assailing them with a sense of isolation and anguish. The extreme climate causes them to long without end for the warmth of humanity and the touch of manhood. As a result, when such a monster obtains a man, she will likely spend the entire day joining her body with his so that they can share each other's warmth and no longer feel alone. It is warmth that fills these monsters' hearts. As such, they tend to strongly favor behaviors that remind them of love — such as the whispering of amorous words — regardless of whether sexual activity is involved.

The frozen body of a human man will be warmed and soothed by the heat of such monsters' intimacy. When he becomes an incubus, he is able to maintain the bodily fervor granted to him by his partner and her mana, which dwells within him. By copulating with her and forever basking in the afterglow of her body, he becomes capable of operating in cold and blizzards, just as she can—climes a mere human could not withstand.

People Huddling in Snow

While the teachings of the Order have spread to such harsh, snowy regions, the first concern of the humans there is not the monsters who never attack, but the cold and storms that constantly assail them. Therefore, even an anti-monster state in such a region will rarely take the initiative to combat them. In fact, given the environment and the warmth provided by its monsters, more and more states are becoming pro-monster, choosing to live with them. Life in such states seems to be quite cozy, as the people snuggle up to their natural heaters.

Cults that follow gods other than the Chief God are also prominent. Bacchus, god of wine, is a popular deity of worship due to the cultural practice of attaining warmth through drinking. Eros, the goddess of love, is also a favorite because the monsters like to remind people of love. Churches devoted to these gods can be found in major cities, and those suffering from the freezing cold can visit these establishments and receive wine or a warm room with entertainment from a monster. Until fairly recently, it was difficult to even get from one place to the other in these regions. But monsters have helped change this by aiding with the development of these locales. Thanks to beautiful fields of luminous white, statues and structures made of ice, as well as the warm hospitality of the monsters, many of these areas have become popular tourist destinations. Quite a few monsters say that it is their dream to have a wedding in one of the land's Erotist churches.

Deeper in the mountains lies the palace of ice, where live the ice queens. Thus, as one proceeds into the mountains, the storms and winds grow more fierce, and the land becomes progressively more inhospitable to humans. As described earlier, though, incubi can live with their monstrous companions in the mountains. There are also monsters, such as wendigos (p. 164), that live there in obscure, isolated villages.

The Palace of Ice

In the deepest part of the mountains lies the beautiful and august palace of ice, sparkling full of mana and crafted from translucent frozen water. The only ones who live there are the ice queens, who rule over the world of ice, and the queens' servants—the ice elementals born of their power, the glacies.

Sometimes adventurers come seeking items unique to the palace of ice and its environs. One such item is the "perpetual ice," which can remain unthawed even in a volcano. Another is the "rose of ice," an object so beautiful it steals the hearts of all who see it. Elementalists visit the palace of ice as well, looking to make contract with ice elementals. However, the palace is always surrounded by the queens' frigid winds, which rile up violent storms. As a result, few humans manage to get close to the palace—most collapse on the road and are taken in and cared for by monsters.

As noted before, the queens' winds freeze even the hearts of snow monsters. As such, almost no one gets near the palace, whose expansive interior is always filled with silence. That said, there are cases in which a glacies' husband lives in the wintry residence. Thus, if one pricks one's ears, heated moans—a sound most incongruous with the palace of ice—can sometimes be heard coming from the chambers in which a glacies and her husband forever lie.

The God of Wine (p. 96 - p. 97)

Human society's most dominant religious faith is that of the Order- that is, devotion to the Chief God, who created the world and humanity. The Order of the Chief God, which promulgates this faith, is a massive organization that can be said to rule over the human world with almost utter hegemony. However, there are several deities other than the Chief God who also live in the divine realm and are worshipped by humans and monsters. Among them, Bacchus, god of wine, is particularly idiosyncratic. The following is an introduction to Bacchus and Bacchic teachings.

Bacchus, God of Wine

Bacchus is a middle-order god who rules over wine and intoxication. The god is believed to be mild and sociable in disposition, an easy and hearty deity who does not make much of trifles. Accordingly, Bacchus's teachings, and the church that worships Bacchus, are characterized by a loose discipline and a free spirit. The god is neutral in stance and blesses monstrous adherents as liberally as humans. Bacchus is also believed to drink with many of the gods in the divine realm-thus possessing rich connections.

Many legends tell of the god of wine descending from the heavens to teach humans how to make wine or to drink with humans and monsters. Many people have tales of having drunk with one called Bacchus. In their reports, Bacchus is a virile god possessing a mature frame and stout heart. Other reports describe a divine lass, well endowed, but weary in manner, and already drunk by the time of their meeting - a lass more approachable than initial appearances might indicate, and quite loquacious (or, alternatively, a good listener), and fond of contact with the opposite sex. The discrepancy in these accounts can most likely be explained by Bacchus having two forms. It is also possible that the stories themselves are mere braggadocio, or that individuals who claim to be Bacchus are really just drunk tellers of tall tales.


The following are a few of the teachings of Bacchus.

Drink wine to give life, joy, and color, and to feed the energy needed to live each day well and virtuously.

While Bacchists believe that a good and righteous life is one lived with virtue and dedication, they also think that even the best of people grow weary when they spend all of their effort on acts of charity and take no time for breaks, creating a self-defeating rebound. All humans have a dark side, and living with dedication inevitably catalyzes an accumulation of wrath, sorrow, grudges, and envy. To effectively resolve and eliminate these tensions, life needs the joy and color of wine; as an essential diversion and restorative, it gives life rhythm. This is the most central tenet of Bacchism and the guiding principle of life as a Bacchist.

Exchange wine and words to seal your friendship.

These words emphasize the importance of showing geniality to others and engaging them in conversation to exchange opinions. Bacchists believe that wine and words should always be exchanged before turning to combat-though they do not repudiate battle out of hand. When words fall on deaf ears, the force to defend oneself and bring the other side to the bargaining table becomes necessary. Grudges generated by such conflicts and disputes, then, must be cleared away by sharing wine and discussing feelings.

Bacchism allows for wine's power to help favorably advance negotiations or to persuade a member of the opposite sex. However, it also recommends that monsters achieve carnal union with men not through intoxication and assault, but by instead exchanging wine and words to create an atmosphere conducive to seduction.

Be not grudging of your wine, for wine is to be shared.

These words imply that, just as one needs diversion in one's own life, so too do others-and so, if an individual is fortunate, they should share their comfort as much as they can without becoming unhappy themselves. This is not mere charity, though. The word "shared" emphasizes the virtue of mutual relationship, after all, and denigrates a one-sided rapport. It is critical that the one who's been offered a hand extends one in return.

As much as one might like to be good to everyone, it is difficult to give endlessly without recompense. Charity should be given where it is due, one good turn for another, so that benevolence can be comfortably sustained. This teaching is fundamental to the life of the believer.

One's true and best form is that which is revealed through intoxication.

Though it is often said that wine brings out the worst in people, these words assert that everyone has aspects of weakness and darkness-and that such aspects should be accepted as their true nature. This tenet is a resolute appeal to the generosity of spirit, to encourage people to accept themselves-and others- for who they really are. There are those who truly behave badly under the influence of wine(lashing out in violence, for example), but this behavior should be recognized as a truth of their character. Instead of glossing over these aspects, this Bacchic teaching demands that such people work to better their underlying nature.

There are also people who become profligate in matters of pleasure and sex when drunk. This, however, is considered a natural human need and not a shameful or unclean behavior. It is thought that people should openly release their desires in order to drive themselves forth with the energy needed to live.

Bacchism is considered a denomination of the Order, which holds that all gods(excepting those who betrayed the Chief God and banded with monsters) serve the Chief God and that worship of her divine servants constitutes worship of her.(Those who do not support worship of the Chief God, however, may be branded heretics.) Bacchists maintain this position publicly, but none of their scriptures mention monsters as enemies of humankind.

Finally, thought Bacchist discipline is relatively lax, Bacchism forbids the abuse of wine to deprive a person of consciousness for purposes of robbery or rape.

The Blessings of Believers

The followers of Bacchus are generally known for their kind geniality. They live true to Bacchus's instructions for a rhythmic life and propound the god of wine's exhortation to live with ease. Their style of negotiation-asserting their own beliefs, while also listening carefully to dissenting opinions-is renowned. In considering how to maximize their own benefit, they find options that are profitable for both parties. Bacchist churches regularly hold wine celebrations for both the congregation and the public, and perform charitable activities that provide food and wine to the starving. Because they disapprove of one-sided charity, however, they also assist derelict attendants in finding employment.

Bacchus promises believers the blessings of a strong tolerance for alcohol, pleasant times spent sharing wine that fulfills the lives of all involved, and successful friendships and partnerships that cross the lines of nation and race. As such, Bacchus has many adherents among tipplers, winemakers, traders, and diplomats-as well as among humans, dwarves, and goblins. Bacchism is popular among monsters for its concordance with their lifestyles, affirming their desire and helping them share pleasure and love with them. Bacchus, blesses monstrous adherents with pleasant and blissful carousing-which contributes to sexual arousal in the activities that follow. Of all monsters, satyros in particular serve as the priests and missionaries of the god of wine. Despite all this, the Order still approves of Bacchism as a non-heretical faith.

The Goddess of Love (p. 106 - p. 107)

Among the gods who are neutral in position, Eros, goddess of love, is said to be the closest to the monsters. Her teachings are quite compatible with their thinking and actions, and many diverse, monstrous races worship her.

Eros, Goddess of Love

Eros is a middle-order goddess who rules over love. In form, she resembles the angels who serve her: beautiful, with tawny skin, pink hair that seems to express the love within her, and eyes lit from their depths with powerful love. To her, the affection that living creatures find in one another is beautiful; she gives her blessings to lovers and promises them love eternal. Eros enjoys watching humans and monsters love each other, and is herself quite affectionate. She lends powerful protection to her believers when they encounter romantic obstacles so that they can thrive in adoration, and upon spotting those who are on the verge of union, she will assist them so their love may be fulfilled.

Her sympathy with the monsters, who overflow with love for men, is great. She stoutly supports their lascivious actions as expressions of authentic love and considers sexual intimacy and intercourse forms of true love. Eros grants monsters generous favors and aid so that they may join with partners. The Order harbors some doubts about her cult, as the blessings of love and pleasure conferred by her angels closely resemble monstrous doings. And as stated earlier, she is quite supportive of the monsters. Even so, the Order nonetheless accepts Erotism as a non-heretical denomination. The goddess of love is treated as a neutral entity among the gods, leading theologians to speculate that her role among them may be important.

Eros is known for revealing her will through oracles, leaving many direct records of her word. The scriptures thus compiled are not only of great value and significance to theologians, but are also strangely popular among the laity, to whom the Erotist church distributes an immense number of copies. Monsters and young women are seen blushing while absorbed in them.


The following are a few teachings of Eros.

Embrace love, live in love, and love will save you.

This passage is a foundation of the Erotist faith; it heralds the wonder of life that can be found by loving others. Erotists believe one should find traits worthy of love within whomever one is dealing with and tell them of it without shame. Affection from someone else is never detested. By cherishing and openly conveying love for others, one may hope to be affectionately repaid by them at some point. Finding and respecting someone's virtues, rather than harping on their vices, may cultivate(both in oneself and in the other) a heart that lives in splendor, allowing an individual to face adversity with the help of sturdy bonds forged by love. Conversely, Erotists believe it unlikely that any good will come of clinging to stubbornness or shame and hiding one's love from others. This idea is thought to have roots in Eros' own impatience toward suppressed love.

Good love for good deeds.

This world is about as far from fair as it could get: loving others by no means guarantees love in return, and the daily practice of good deeds does not guarantee recompense. Though this may be the truth of things, it does not reflect what is right. If everyone came to accept this state as proper and inevitable, the world would one day have no one to love others and do good.

Therefore, Eros teaches that those who observe good deeds should always repay them with love and even more good deeds - in order to spread charitable people throughout the world. Houris, Eros' angels, are the leading representatives of this way of life. The philosophy is thought to have roots in Eros' own wish-that all who persevere through romantic obstruction will find a happy ending.

To those who hold love, golden love; to those who wreck love, lead-black loss.

This passage stems from arrows of the cupids, those angels who serve the goddess of love. Their golden "arrows of love" amplify love, while their black "arrows of lead" eradicate it. The tenet above implies that believers who embrace and live in love will surely be blessed by Eros with fulfillment everlasting - while those who betray or ruin love will not be forgiven. These others will instead be punished severely, the love of others taken from them.

The teaching also suggests that one should not take others' love from granted, but appreciate it devotedly. This concept is thought to have stalwart roots in Eros' personal antipathy for acts of infidelity and the betrayal of love.

The Blessings of Believers

Eros has many worshippers, not just among humans, but also among monsters who follow their teachings to embrace love and live in it. Believers do their best to grant love and kindness to all who show them love: their partners first and foremost, but also their families, friends, and even strangers-thus answering true hearts with true hearts. They seek partners with whom they can mutually exchange their deep love. As such, monsters find the faith quite amenable, as they convey their love more candidly, and with less reserve, than human adherents. They use their whole bodies to express affection while also appearing to show off their figures.

Culturally, Erotists do not only seek partners of their own, but also celebrate the pairing of others - meaning that Eros' churches hold weddings day after day. The goddess of love grants her believers fulfilling love and perpetual bliss. It is said that the time Erotists spend with the opposite sex becomes ever rich and sweet. Their love sways the hearts of others powerfully, and all the while their own appreciation for the love of others grows more keen. Beyond all this, the pleasure of their lovemaking is enhanced as Eros blesses the amorous congress of their bodies. This is a major factor in the faith's appeal to monsters.

True to the words "Good love for good deeds," Eros is reputed to send angels from her retinue to men who do good works, thus granting eternal love. Sometimes, she sends her servants to heroes and saints as a trial of temptation. Such servants include houris, the lower-order angels who faithfully serve Eros; cupids, the middle-order angels; gandharvas, the musicians who sing glory unto Eros; apsaras, the dancers of sexual love; and others. Though their behavior is quite like that of monsters, they are not considered monsters, but respected as divine messengers of Eros.

In recent years, the cult of Eros has been growing, particularly among monsters. More and more Erotist churches are cropping up throughout the world. There are even some states adopting Erotism as their official religion. Believers come to Erotist churches with their partners, and hold weddings and give prayers to heaven in order to affirm their mutual love. Pious men who attend alone are always warmly welcomed by priestesses and sisters full of affection. These priestesses and sisters are not always human, as gandharvas or apsaras occasionally fulfill this role, and sometimes even the angelic houris. Confession to Erotist clergy tends to quite resemble talk of love - and in some cases, the priestess or sister promises to give the confessor her love right then and there. In such situations, it is said that the confession booth becomes a place for a just-formed husband and wife to affirm their mutual adoration.

The Noble Capital of the Undying (p. 118 - p. 119)

Lands overrun by monsters, and perverted in form by flooding mana, are said to belong to the monster realm, this realm includes a range of smaller territories scattered about the world that are characterized by various features and cultures. These territories are broadly categorized as follows: dark mamono realms(most iconic of the monster realm- shrouded in darkness and wreathed in the most sinister of plants; the sky there is always inky, and the land is eerily lit by a red moon and ambient mana), light green mamono realms(with soil and greenery just like that of the human world, as world as blue skies lit by the sun), and spirit realms(specific regions created on another plane by a god or powerful monster).

Each of these broad categories can be further subdivided depending on geographic features, as well as the kinds of monsters that live there. This treatise addresses one such finer category: the kingdom of the undead.

The Kingdoms of the Undead

These kingdoms are a kind of dark mamono realm; they encompass all lands that have become monster realms via inundation with the undead. Such lands are filled with monster mana that turns the human women within them into undead monsters. Most undead have the power to turn the living into the undying. By their hand, cities of the living explode with undead and become capitals of the undying. Alternatively, lands ruined by disaster or war may be resuscitated in undead form by the incursion of monster mana, rising from the ashes as kingdoms of the undead. Here, the black night-the time of the undying- never ends. Hedonistic dissipation pervades these murky lands, where vast numbers of the undead dwell with their husbands wallowing all night long in their unquenchable thirst for the life offered by sex.

The kingdoms of the undead are highly stratified. A wight rules over all as queen, while higher-order undead such as vampires and liches govern below her with wit and grace. The influence of these noble leaders can be felt keenly throughout the kingdom, for despite the darkness and gloom, a degenerate beauty, scrubbed finely of all the filth and contamination one might expect of the undead, can be found-in the castle and the fine halls where the noble leaders reside, as well as in the streets where the lower-order, common undead dwell.

Many places of gathering are situated throughout town, and theaters and museums great and small are scattered about in number. The arts - such as music, painting, and dance- are well developed under the patronage of the nobles. Hence, small performing venues and studios, as well as cafes, are common in the vicinity of the castle. Despite the dark image of the undead, lower-order undead do not actually spend every moment copulating with their husbands; they also spend their days with grace-enjoying art, dancing together, and having tea parties with their friends.

Noble higher-order undead are obligated to display to others their elegant defilement in degeneracy and dissipation, such as befits the undead. Thus, they allot consecutive days for soirees at gathering places where they may demonstrate the debauchery in which they and their husbands rot. These displays by the nobles draw great admiration from the lower-order undead, who dream of one day being so tastefully lewd; they apply this inspiration while copulating with their partners, day after day. The undead become more eerily beautiful the more they collide with their husbands and bathe in their essence. Thus, when a commoner wishes to ascend to the nobility, it is considered vital for her to show, through her beauty, just how foully she has besmirched her soul- and how deeply she has degenerated herself through pleasure. It is such noble character that determines nobility, rather than birth. It does not matter what a monster's race or standing is, or when she became one of the undead; if her body and soul are deemed noble, she will be welcomed into society.

Undead and Incubi

Almost all of the residents of the kingdom of the undead are either undead monsters or their accompanying incubi. Though most undead arise from human women, there are also undead elves and dwarves, as well as the dragon zombie described later in this volume. In fact, any monster that dies with regrets has the potential to rise as one of the undead. The kingdom of the undead is, therefore, quite diverse.

Age has never been observed as the cause of death in any of the undead. Undying, they are thought to be virtually immortal. Upon becoming incubi, the lifespans of the undead's husbands are drastically extended to match that of their partners. Such implies that the men, too, become virtually immortal and join the ranks of the undying.

Incubi are human men who have been adapted to the undead. However, there are also many in the kingdom of the undead who have died and risen as undead-through their difference in appearance may not be obvious. But while it is easy for human women to rise as undead when monster mana takes root in their corpses, raising the corpse of a man is not so easy, as his ability to produce essence must also be revived. Even so, it is possible to bring a man back to this world through a ritual(which will later be described) to borrow divine power and through a perpetual sacrifice that grants mana. In other words, a monster who will live alongside the risen man forever in carnal union.

In the towns, monsters such as ghost and will-o-the-wisps can be seen playing with substances that resemble the hazy glow of flame. This is the most a human can discern of the object, which can only be identified by monsters- but it is in fact the soul of a human man. Such monster races, mere materialized souls, are capable of interacting with those who are naught but soul. In this way, they come to live with them, together as husband and wife.

Hel, Goddess of Life and Death

Hel, goddess of life and death, is said to have the power to change the living into the dead and the dead into the living. She is described as a petite and beautiful girl, graceful and dignified as the daughters of the nobles. Her body is said to live on while greeting death, just like the power she wields - and just like the undead monsters. She is considered a relatively young god of willful and unrestrained disposition, who abhors the idea that death is dark, cold, and sad, and that the dead never return. Dismissing it as a foolish assumption of the old, she promotes the knowledge that death is a new beginning - beyond which lies reunion with loved ones and pleasure unending. As such, she is the most commonly revered deity within the kingdoms of the undead - in place of the Chief God's chalky white churches stand churches of Hel, fine estates decked in red and black.

Hel's followers are promised deaths of everlasting peace - good lives as undead. She lends her power to answer their call, turning the living into the dead and raising the dead as the undead. In the previous Mamono lord's reign, undead were vulnerable to holy power; lower-order undead were easily wiped out by clerics' spells of light-or even sunlight or prayers. At the time, the undead were quite fragile and weak-but in their new forms, undead races are far more stable. Beyond that, all are protected by the goddess Hel. Even a lower-order undead monster can no longer be eliminated by such methods.

The Wondrous Land of Wonderland (p. 128 - p. 129)

On occasion, powerful monsters create very unusual monster realms, known as spirit realms, on different realms of existence. These pages describe a particular spirit realm that bursts with wonder and madness like no other, where live many unique races in manners bizzare: Wonderland.


This monster realm has an atmosphere of wonder and is ruled over by the Queen of Hearts. A plenitude of strange, amorous events occur here; it is not unlike an overturned box of toys. At a glance, it looks bright and full of nature, its towns lined with the charming, fantastic buildings. However, among its splendor lie plants, buildings, and objects that seem somehow strange and out of place.

In the center of Wonderland stands the Queen of Hearts' immense castle done in a theme of red and white. Because this land exists on a different plane, it is not possible to enter without her help or that of the monsters within. Even so, some find themselves there after waking from a doze. Others get lost and stumble in, while still others follow a wererabbit whose wandering seems like an invitation. Many men, women, monsters, and couples find themselves welcomed into Wonderland by the whimsical and unreasonable judgment of the Queen, with little regard for their will.

Much throughout this land is under magical spells that affect visitors in sudden, aggressive, and unreasonable ways. There are cookies that shrink the forms of monsters, women, and men who eat them, and cakes that make little monsters and females who eat them appear as voluptuous women, redolent with sensual allure. There is also tea that turns the men who drink it into large dogs with heated libidos driven to violate monsters, and ponds of viscous liquid formed from sudden torrents of aphrodisiac rain. Such abrupt, lubricious happenings cannot but confuse visitors and deprive them of their reason, Wonderland's residents, however, simply enjoy these events, all while copulating with their spouses. Not only that, but they tend to understand the spells scattered about the land-as well as their triggers, which in most cases involve the release of mana through monster sex. For example: they may know that if a couple kisses deeply at a particular location, they will be warped instantly from the castle to the market. They put this knowledge to good use-though to the uninitiated, it may simply appear that the residents engage in gross indecency and intercourse without provocation are quite mad.

Though visitors are initially confused by such lewdness, the residents of Wonderland-such as the cheshire cat-take them by the hand. Visitors adapt soon enough and become residents of Wonderland themselves. A human man, exposed to the bedlam, will soon engage with a monster and become her incubus husband. A human woman, saturated with Wonderland's monstrosity, will become a monster. Monsters formed in Wonderland are usually races endemic to that locale. The race a woman joins depends on her aptitude, as well as the arbitrary and biased judgment of the Queen. Some monstrous races transform into those that are endemic to Wonderland. Werecats, for instance, transform into cheshire cats.

The Tea Parties

Perhaps because of mushrooms' need for water, mad hatters adore tea and are instrumental in the organization of the tea parties frequently held in Wonderland. Tea parties occur, as it were, at the drop of a hat, routinely, or in celebration of the most trivial of things. Many of Wonderland's monsters attend with their husbands. On the table can be found the finest tea-specially prepared by the mad hatter- and the sweetest, stickiest confections, brought the by the march hare. All that is served contains generous amounts of potent aphrodisiacs made from the crops of the monster realm. The monsters consume it all with composure and without compunction. Should a couple thereby be induced to copulate then and there, it is dismissed as normal and the party proceeds undisturbed.

When visitors wander into Wonderland, they are greeted lavishly with such a tea party. Should visitors take part, they will be distorted in the manner of Wonderland's residents before they know it-due to both the sex maniacs' chatter and they filthily delicious tea and cakes. The tea party will the become livelier, in celebration of a friend's procurement of a husband or a woman's transformation into a monster.

The Alices

Wererabbits and Alices seem to be sensitive to the appearance of entrances that lead to Wonderland. Moreover, it is said that all Alices are destined one day to visit it. (If an Alice has a companion, he is invited with her.) After an Alice comes to Wonderland and proceeds through all manner of fantastic events, meets many monsters and couples, wades through vast waves of pleasure, and at last reaches the Queen, she is visited by a great change.

Alices are a unique race of monster because, after copulating with a man, they revert to virginhood and lose all memory of the encounter; in no event does she conceive. However, once an alice has adapted to Wonderland, her nature changes so that her memory remains after intercourse, and she becomes capable of conception. Furthermore, her memories of each encounter with her husband-which previously appeared to be lost, but were, in truth, within her the whole time- all burst back into life. Thus the alice attains her true form, possessed of all the happy memories of her salacious experiences- while remaining as pure and meek in heart as she was from the first. The cause for her change is thought to be due either to the rapid succession of lewd adventures she's had in Wonderland or the mana of the Queen of Hearts, which pervades this realm. Either may cause the alice's body to perceive itself to be in a constant state of intercourse-which would explain the persistence of her memory. Once an alice has thus matured, her recall never again disappears, not even if she leaves Wonderland.

The Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts is one of the lilim, the third daughter of the Mamono Lord and her husband. She is a haughty tyrant, diminutive in appearance, with a fussy personality. She constructed Wonderland herself, at her own whim. Everything within it is decided according to what she happens to want at the moment. Those who offend her are sure to be punished in ways brutally perverted. Those who remain on her good side may also be punished similarly should it strike her fancy. That said, most of the punishments are accepted by the residents as pleasurable changes of pace that they can enjoy with their partners.

The Queen constantly seeks things that are fun, delicious, and erotic. She summons to Wonderland humans and monsters to escape tedium and loneliness so they can entertain her and pay tribute with sweets. The Queen is fairly well loved by her subjects, but their treatment of her is sometimes reminiscent of a more experienced individual comforting and cooing to someone less wise than they.

The garments depicted in the illustrations that appear on the following pages, which introduce the unique races of Wonderland, have apparently been designed and issued by the Queen. She has a godlike reserve of mana and a rare talent for the magical arts. The spells scattered all about Wonderland were cast by her; she devised various novel sexual pranks, or rather...surprises-or rather, artifices- to make each day more exciting and arousing. The innocent appearance of the Queen may stem from the fact that she is not only one of the lilim, but also belongs to the mutated race of the alice.

The Kingdom Ruled by Cats, for Cats (p. 148 - p. 149)

Generally, monsters of power - as well as monster realms created by gods - strongly reflect the attributes and inclinations of the lord who created them. A good example of this is the kingdom of cats, a spirit realm created by Bastet, the goddess who loves cats above all else. Cats abound there, wherever one looks.

The Kingdom of Cats

This is a monster realm thought to have been created by Bastet, goddess of cats. There, cats eat when they want, play when they want, and mate with males when they want. Almost all of the residents are monsters of the cat family and their husbands. it is a cat paradise containing many actual cats in addition to the monstrous cats and is governed by the royal cait siths-cats blessed with the power and protection of Bastet. Because the land is filled with the mana of cat monsters, a human women who wanders in will eventually transform into a cat monster herself.

Cats and cat monsters can come and go as they please, but because the kingdom of cats is one of the spirit realms (which are situated in different planes of existence), other humans and monsters cannot enter without the guidance of a resident. Entrances apparently exist in many places throughout the world, wherever there are cats. Even precinctive cat monsters such as the nekomata of Zipangu and the cheshire cat of Wonderland are known to slip in among the residents.

At a glance, the town appears to be constructed of Western architecture in a manner not much different from human towns. However, its structure in fact is labyrinthine and full of abrupt changes in elevation so that if a human and a cat should both run about, the human has little chance of keeping up. Cat monsters can ascend great heights with alacrity and thus have little trouble getting around. Human newcomers, though, have great difficulty navigating the roads and inevitably become lost. The town also contains an abnormally large number of alleys. Female cats in heat lurk in these alleys, waiting for a man to take a step inside. Cats like to drag men who have stumbled upon the kingdom, or their own husbands, into these alleys to mate with them. Given this forbidding urban layout, visitors are advised to tour under the guidance of a local. Cheshire cats, originally the guides of Wonderland, offer such guidance in the kingdom of cats. That said, the final stop in a cheshire cat's tour is always an alley.

Almost all of the buildings have entrances designed for animal-sized cats so that they are accessible to both actual cats and nekomata. Roofs throughout the country are designed with wide berths, so monsters and their husbands can lie in the sun without worrying about rolling in one's sleep and getting injured. Couples thus napping in the middle of the day seem to be a common sight.

The Law of the Cats

Though there are no laws aimed at felines in the kingdom of cats, there are laws that apply quite strictly to residents other than cat monsters. Of these, the following are two of the most important.

"A human husband must pamper his feline wife and play or mate with her whenever she requests that he do so."

"Cats, whether monstrous or animal, shall not be abused, excepting cases in which it is part of the mating process."

In this manner, the law puts cats first. Those who break the law are placed under the authority of a cait sith who has been entrusted by Bastet to promptly strip the criminal of their rights as a human being-as well as make a man feline property or a woman a cat monster.

The law described allows for a cat monster who fancies a man to freely mate with him-as soon as possible- in order to make him hers. Thus, cat monsters play with their husbands when they want, as they want, and enjoy copulation with them all they want. Husbands have no choice but to go along with their whims, for a defiant husband will be punished by being made into the cat's property, which also leads his life to be redefined according to the cat's desires.

On the other hand, as long as a cat's husband loves her and follows the law, he is guaranteed a life free of want for food, clothing, and shelter, in the name of Bastet. In the kingdom of cats, he needs not work, but may live his life loving and mating with the cat as she will have him. Thus, though they are unconditionally beholden to feline whim while in the kingdom of cats, it seems that the husbands take a strange comfort in this and never want to leave.

Bastet, Goddess of Cats

Bastet is a semi-monstrous cat goddess with the trunk of a cat and the upper body of a woman. She is thought to live not in the divine realm, but in the kingdom of cats. Bastet loves all cats, as well as other cat lovers, and is the guardian deity of cat monsters-which is why her worship is considered heretical to the Order.

Cat monsters revere Bastet more like she is an alpha than a god. A very small number of human lands and peoples also worship her. They venerate her as a god who is fickle but lavishes blessings upon those who love cats - blessings such as good health, abundant harvests, and precious children. They also regard cats to be her messengers and treat them with respect.

Shrine maidens display gratitude and extend prayers to Bastet on a daily basis in a formal costume that includes cat ears and a cat tail. But they do not only dress as cats; the shrine maidens work regularly to behave like cats, too. For them, feline gestures are the mere basics, as they are expected to be self-indulgent and free, embodying a manner that is not only selfish and haughty (for that does not attract the love accorded to cats), but lovable and alluring as well.

Every day, shrine maidens of special piety work assiduously to become like cats in both heart and body. They do not just polish their personal appeal, but also stretch their limbs to become as lithe as cats. It is said that the more they resemble cats, the stronger Bastet will shelter them. The traditional scriptures of Bastet's followers say that, by approaching cathood, they may reach the paradise where lives their god. When shrine maidens earn Bastet's recognition, they are ultimately reborn by her hand as cat monsters. The entire village where they live may be invited to the kingdom of cats - the shrine maiden as a new cat, and the villagers as a people who love cats enough to be worthy of the feline realm.

The Continent Enshrouded in Mist (p. 182 - p. 183)

If one sails north from the island nation of Zipangu, one may reach the formidable Mist Continent. As the name suggests, the waters of the region are perpetually shrouded in mist. Travelers not familiar with the proper route are often swallowed up by the vapor before they arrive, never to return. It is assumed this vast and mysterious continent contains many unique and unknown monster races. By good fortune, in the course of field research for this book, the author had the chance to speak with a monster who had crossed over from the Mist Continent. Based on the information subsequently gleaned, let us turn our thoughts for a moment to that great continent yet to be seen.

One Vast Continent

The Mist Continent has a unique culture that has developed almost entirely independently of the outside world. Their architecture is exotic and evocative, utterly unlike structures guided by the Order. To a certain extent, it resembles the architecture of Zipangu but contrasts Zipangu's serenity with an array of imposing structures done in brilliant colors. Residents wear traditional garb similarly gaudy and colorful; the monsters also wear such clothes in order to highlight the appeal of their bodies and advance upon men.

On this vast continent there are several nations which command great swaths of territory on their own. Everything there is grand:palaces, state buildings, and statues of divinities pierce the heavens. Long, massive fortresses cover national borders almost entirely.

Given the size of the continent, it stands to reason that its wilderness is extremely expansive as well. Gigantic mountains extend above all, even the clouds, in every region. Monsters of immense, godlike power live atop these peaks; their mana spills over and blankets the continent in the form of the mist that vies it its name. These vaporous mountaintops are known as holy lands inhabited by gods. Due to the continent's geographic isolation, the Order has made no mark there, and entirely different religious systems have been developed. Correspondingly, the humans and monsters of many states live together in society, rather than at odds.

Three Nations

There are three great nations on the Mist Continent, all vying for hegemony over the continent as a whole. There are also various small states, but most exist under the protection of the major powers so that the whole continent is effectively split into three factions perpetually in conflict. This seems to have cause many of the continent's endemic monster races to become highly skilled in martial arts.

The Land of the Four Gods

The Land of the Four Gods is a bright green mamono realm ruled over by four great monsters revered as divinities. It is a nation of balance in which humans and monsters are equals, working together in amicable coexistence. Life there has a distinct rhythm, and their society is more loosely disciplined than that of human society as we know it. In the day, even monsters practice temperance in matters of the flesh and live rationally and responsibly. In the night, all the energy bottled up in the day is let out as the monsters show their husbands just how lascivious they can be. In this country, humans show no ill will toward monsters, and for their part, monsters shun assaulting humans in favor of social integration-typically seducing men with their natural beauty and allure alone. The state never initiates incursions into its neighbors and only fights in self-defense. One may imagine the harmony with which its humans and monsters might fight, side by side.

The Land of the Four Fiends

The Land of the Four Fiends is a dark mamono realm dominated by a set of diabolical monsters known as the "Four Fiends". It is a nation of monster supremacy which freely endorses the assault of humans by monsters in its territory. The resident monsters do treat their human men with great care as husbands-but in ways that are rather debauched, hedonistic, and depraved. Some cities' residents copulate like animals constantly, while other discipline their husbands strictly as sex slaves.

The monsters of this nation differ in nature from those of the Land of the Four Gods even when they are of the same race. Generally speaking, those of the Land of the Four Fiends are much more vicious and wanton. Consider the jinko. Those from the Land of the Four Gods conform to the description found in this encyclopedia's entry on jinko: proud warriors who assault humans only when they are in heat. In contrast, jinko of the Land of the Four Fiends are raging beasts eternally in heat, deranged soldiers who rape their prisoners mercilessly.

Because monsters of the Land of the Four Fiends imbibe essence through intercourse with their husbands day and night, a great many of them have amassed awesome power. Likewise, many of the smaller states allied with the Land of the Four Fiends are ruled by nine-tailed youko, monsters with power said to approach that of the gods. Thus, this faction seems to have the strongest individual monsters. Its aim, however, is not to conquer the continent. While it does invade the other two nations, the intent is to acquire men as husbands. In fact, the combat forces are made up almost entirely of unmarried monsters seeking men.

The Land of the Four Souls

The Land of the Four Souls is a human-led state presided over by a bold emperor. It is a nation of human supremacy that seeks total continental domination according to the view that the world belongs to humans-and by extension, to them. It has subjugated, but not eliminated, monsters in its territory so that they are integrated into society below humans. Marriage and reproduction with monsters is permitted. Paradoxically, the monsters known as the "Four Souls" are worshipped as gods. They live in the holy land high in the mountains, disengaged from the strife of the common world. Now and then, however, humans of the Land of the Four Souls travel to them to receive their power. Incubi revered as transcendent sages, or "xian", who have made the power of the holy land their own.

The Land of the Four Souls frequently launches military campaigns against the other two nations, in an attempt to absorb them. Most of those in the field are human men, but some are accompanied by monster retainers. That said, the land's military men have a certain pride as human masters and often shun putting their monsters on the front lines. Instead, they go forth themselves to protect monsters left behind. Their monster wives give them weapons of mamono realm silver and cast spells to protect them before they go, but still cannot help but fear for them each time they go to battle.

The Ethereal Land of Zipangu (p. 206 - p. 207)

Sail east from the domain under the sway of the Order of the Chief God and one will reach Zipangu, an island nation with a unique culture. In the previous volume of this encyclopedia I provided a simple introduction, but the author has since gained a deeper understanding, thanks to an opportunity to visit this mysterious country and observe its ethereal harmony in person. Thus, we now have the chance to return to the subject.

Zipangu, Land of Sun

In contrast to the continent on which we live, Zipangu is a miniscule island realm composed of one large island girded by several smaller islands. In the language of Zipangu, it is sometimes reffered to as the "land of the sun" or "the land of fire". Zipangu's architecture is utterly different from that observed under the eye of the Order and is most attractive for its tasteful tranquility. The people wear loose and relaxed traditional garments called kimono; the monsters there tend to wear clothes that are similarly looser and more modest than those found in other regions. However, they make up for this seducing men with their sensual manner and nonchalant self-exposure.

Almost all of Zipangu's limited land area is covered by forests and mountains, with many of the latter capped by volcanic craters or snowy blankets. These hot and cold peaks often occur on adjacent mountains or even the same mountain. Zipangu's climate is generally mild, with many regions exhibiting considerable variation from season to season. Within a single region, different monsters become active each season, allowing one to observe different races year round. Most of the forests and mountains are monster territory, untouched by humans hands, yet the monsters have built rest stops and lodges along roads in these places in order to encourage men to tarry. There are also a number of hot springs, naturally occurring due to the volcanic activity. The monsters have developed many of these sites into major tourism spots and pleasure quarters to attract more men.

A highly distinctive aspect of the culture of Zipangu is its religion. The Order has not reached the island nation; instead, the people worship a multitude of deities, believing gods exist in everything. Sometimes monsters are even worshipped as gods-and not only monsters that humans conspicuously benefit from, such as inari. Sometimes, even wild and violent monsters such as ushi-oni are worshipped, in the hope that they will spare humans their wrath.

The Harmony of Humans and Yokai

The people of Zipangu call their monsters "yokai". Many races that live there have undergone and independent evolution and cannot be seen anywhere else. They can be extraordinarily powerful, feared as "kaibutsu" (abominations) or worshipped as "kami" (gods). On the other hand, monsters are integrated into human communities and live among them as if it were natural, serving husbands as good wives. The monsters are not affiliated with the Mamono Lord's Army; instead, various factions have been formed by powerful local monsters. It is also not uncommon for monsters to serve a human lord. Men who have lain with yokai and become incubi are sometimes called "yojin" (spectral men), men who have become companions of monstrous objects of worship "hitogami"(human gods). However, in Zipangu it is most common to treat such men simply as humans, just like anyone else.

This accord between humans and monsters goes back before the new Mamono Lord converted monsters into their present forms. In the former Mamono Lord's time, monsters were motivated by an appetite to devour and an urge to slaughter. Few understood human words- and most of those who could were unable to respond. Those capable of conversation usually used this ability to deceive humans and lead them to destruction. In old Zipangu, too, monsters were fundamentally abominations that devoured humans. Strangely, however, many could both understand and speak human language. Thus, monsters were able to escape the cycle of devouring humans and being slain by them through discussion, by which avenue the humans agreed to worship monsters as gods and offer them human sacrifices. This mollified the monsters' rage and successfully realized a respectful distance that was stable, though not as close as that found today.

Considering legends of monsters living with humans, marrying them, and producing children with them during this period, such a history may have contributed to the evolution of the unique monsters that can be found in Zipangu today. perhaps the gods recorded in the ancient tales of Zipangu, discrete from the Chief God, also had a hand in the divergence of the island nation's monsters. Definite conclusions cannot yet be drawn, however.

All that said, there are still some factions and regions among humans that see monsters as foes. For example, the "taimashi" (exorcists) make their living vanquishing monsters. These groups are not as powerful as the Order, but there is a possibility that, in time, they may join hands with it.

Zipangu, a Land of Seduction

Ask about the monsters of Zipangu, and you are likely to hear of ladies who are greatly devoted to humans. This does not seem to inhibit their ability to acquire men, though; their sensual charms are such that men lay hands on them of their own will. Nowhere is their monstrous talent more evident than in their widespread pleasure dens, known as "yukaku" in the tongue of Zipangu. Yukaku are districts where monsters display their devotion not just as fine partners, but as ladies of the night who delight their clientele. The close relationship between humans and monsters allows such establishments to be operated openly on a large scale - to the extent that there exist whole towns that are yukaku.

However, monsters do not work as harlots for money or for sustenance, but purely to obtain a man. When they find one they like, they cease to accept any other customers and, in the blink of an eye, marry him and leave the yukaku - or recede behind the scenes. This often occurs with the very first customer. However, because the yukaku offers many opportunities for monsters to meet- and moreover - be actively approached by men, the influx of new recruits feeds the rapid turnover quite well.

Some yukaku become dark mamono realms. The sakura, a unique flower of Zipangu usually said to bloom only in spring, blooms all year round in these realms so that the hazy light of mana seeping from each of the yukaku's chambers illuminates a flurry of fluttering petals, thus producing a mystic atmosphere that brings out the monsters' bewitchment. Men seduced by their charms receive a night-or even a lifetime- that is just as fantastic. Large yukaku and cities often have facilities such a hot spring resorts where both unmarried men and married couples happily throng.

The Exotic Hospitality of Ryugujo (p. 230 - p. 231)

The Ryugujo are beautiful and fantastic palaces decked in colorful coral at the bottom of the sea of Zipangu and the city around it. The palaces and cities incorporate the visual aspects of Zipangu with the culture and architecture of the Mist Continent. They are bright and brilliant. Ruled over by the otohime, the Ryugujo are cities of amusement that invite human men in from outside their bounds. According to the tradition of Zipangu, the Ryugujo can be found among the earth's true paradises. Those who visit them are given a grand reception by beauteous monsters and are offered a dream-like experience.

An Invitation to the Cities of Amusement

Guests are invited to a Ryugujo by the way of magical litters, a regular service that can carry a large number of people-though men may also be personally selected by the otohime and her subjects. It seems that any of a Ryugujo's monstrous residents may invite someone, no matter their distinction of rank. Many monsters invite men they fancy or are indebted to, and the umi osho -who are Ryugujo's guides- or the monster who called for the men in the first place go to welcome them.

By the power of the otohime, ordinary humans who have not received a rite from a follower of the sea goddess are still able to function in this undersea realm as though it were on land. From a human of land's perspective, the Ryugujo are places where one can walk with one's feet on the ground, much like on land. One's body, clothes, and personal belongings do not get wet, and it is possible to move about without the restricting sensation of water. All this causes one to often forget that one is beneath the sea.

Meanwhile, to the monsters who have always lived underwater, the Ryugujo are places they can feel water about themselves and swim freely as usual. To the humans of land, this makes it look like the beautiful monsters are dancing through the sky, thus lending the landscape a mystical aspect. Since the Ryugujo are actually underwater, both husbands of monsters who have been adapted to the water and humans of land can essentially swim through the air.

The Attractions and Residents of the Ryugujo

Many sea monster races live in the Ryugujo; these are not just limited to the unique races of Zipangu. The cities' nature is such that almost all unmarried monsters are employed by the Ryugujo's entertainment activities, in order to welcome guests. These functions are their best chance to find a partner. Hence, many monsters are proficient in arts such as dance, song, and musical instruments, all of which serve as weapons to entertain men-while the monsters keep watch for opportunities to take their enchanted guests (or get taken by their guests) to a place where they can lie down. All the monsters, from guides to dancers, are thus strongly motivated to welcome guests with the most earnest of graces and entertain them all extravagantly.

The palaces of the Ryugujo are also open to guests. Grand banquets of lavish food and drinks are set before them day and night, with countless dancers flitting through the water as they welcome scores of humans to the palace. The human visitors are swallowed up in the fantastic, yet somehow sensual, atmosphere of the gorgeous, dancing monsters as many of the men are loosened by the fine liquors that the monsters pour for them. The monsters are thus provided with an excellent chance to take them off to the bedroom. And the more men gather, the more monsters gather to entertain them.

The Ryugujo are cities of amusement. Beyond their palaces, there are yet more halls for food, drink, recreation, and gambling-as well as theaters where dancers with entrancing bodies and songstresses with beautiful voices display their gifts. Even the streets thrum with performers and vendors. Though the cities are not as crowded with men as the palaces, they are still popular with the monsters as they make providing for a specific man one-on-one much easier.

It is not all noise and bustle in the cities; many charming places for quiet relaxation can be found, such as the gardens where all four seasons can be enjoyed throughout the year even under the sea. Though these places are sparser, there are quite a few monsters who like to work here, for opportunities to be alone with a man and create a romantic atmosphere are ample. In sum, every corner in a Ryugujo is filled with entertainment and monsters waiting for the chance to serve men.

The cities' festivities and facilities differ among the various Ryugujo found throughout the waters of Zipangu, all depending on the tastes of the otogime and the character of its residents.

The Shrine of the Goddess of the Sea

It may seem somewhat incongruous that the guide to a city so filled with amusement is the umi osho, a servant of the sea goddess. However, the Ryugujo were originally built to venerate the sea goddess, and as such, always contain an imposing shrine. Otohime are sometimes called sea goddesses, but the sea goddess referred to here is a higher entity still. The goddess the umi osho serve is called Wadatsumi, but bears a number of similarities to Poseidon, the sea goddess that the sea bishops serve. Such similarities include granting her followers the power to let me live in the ocean. Thus, some theologians speculate that they may be the same deity, but the truth is uncertain.

The days of merriment spent in the hospitality of the monsters of the Ryugujo make one lose track of time. Many who have visited say that they spent longer there than they ever realized. Many others lose track of time permanently with the lovers they discover in the Ryugujo. Therefore, the shrine sees an unending line of couples who come to undergo the rite of matrimony. Conducting all of these rites keeps the umi osho busy, but they say that they find it a joy, for there is no greater offering to the sea goddess than to multiply the happy couples who live in the sea.


Now, over the course of two volumes, I have introduced you to a total of two hundred races of monsters. It would have been no surprise if, in making contact with so many, I had long since fallen to their clutches. Luckily, the monsters I met who already had companions gave me not a second look as they and their husbands proudly told me their stories.

While reading the new monster profiles in this book, how did you feel? Did you find them threatening? Or did you think them to be fascinating?

Monsters are changing, humans are changing - the whole world is in the midst of upheaval. For better or for worse, the world always changes. It it up to you how to feel about it all, but I hope you will make good use of the knowledge provided in this book while living amid these transformations. I, for my part, am taking a sojourn in the eastern island nation of Zipangu-far from the sway of the Order. As this country is mercifully free of pursuers seeking to put me to death for penning such books, I have at last had a chance to write in peace.

I have been discussing with my spritely traveling companion, a leanan sidhe, where to go next. Most likely, I shall abide in Zipangu a bit longer to flesh out my knowledge, whereafter I shall sail north in search of monsters not yet seen, to be found on the Continent of Mist. Incidental to this voyage, I have heard that the waters themselves hold monsters such as I have never met, lurking in the deep, living in ways we could never fathom and charming those who pass.

Should my travels prove safe, I expect to write the third volume on the Continent of Mist.

Otherwise, I intend to write it in the depths of the ocean. In either case, I hope we shall meet again.

- A certain wandering scholar of monsters -


A note on translation

Different translators at different times have converted the original Japanese terminology into English in different ways; some alternatives presented by the Seven Seas translation of MGE-II are given below:

  • Mamono Lord - "Overlord"
  • Essence - "essence"
  • Mamono Realm - "monster realm"
  • Royal Makai - "Supreme Monster Realm"
  • Mamono Army - "Overlord's Army"
  • Order of the Chief God - "Order of the Omnipotent"
  • Mamono Realm Silver - "realmsilver"

References and Notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 http://alice-books.com/item/show/240-4
  2. 2.0 2.1 https://twitter.com/k_cross/status/635754486196101120
  3. This seems to be the only reference in all of the MGE to monsters deriving energy specifically from taking virginity. It might be because of localization issues, or simply meant as a synonym for "ravish," and similar terms rather than strictly the "deprive of virginity" meaning.