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Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wiki

Kenkou Cross Q&A/Ask.fm


Ask.fm Questions and Answers

The following translations are questions and their relevant answers taken from Kenkou's 2015 Ask.fm page[1]. For the sake of organisation, all questions have been ordered by subject instead of chronologically. Please note that none of these translations have been checked for accuracy or edited for proper English grammar/structure so mistakes will be found throughout. Unless contradicted in print, this material may be considered canon. Usage of brackets (This is [an example of] bracket usage.) is intentional and denotes segments in which the translator reworded the translation in order to preserve the context of the original, Japanese response. Please do not remove/edit these brackets.


1) Do same sex relationships exist in the monstergirl encyclopedia?[2]

Pure same sex relationships do exist in the setting itself, but only stuff like bi, monsterization as cause for harems or just fooling around amongst intimate friends will be mentioned in the official material because of my personal taste.

2) I heard that it's difficult for monstergirls to get pregnant, but since Druela is the 4th princess, does that mean it's easier for the mamono lord to get pregnant?[3]

It's not easy for her in particular. It's just that she already had at least 1000 years time to make out and have sex.

3) What happens if a same sex couple, who are in mutual love, get monsterized?[4]

They'll most likely search for a husband to share. Sorry, but hard yuri is a bit beyond my context.

4) So I was thinking about this situation were a married woman gets monsterized during a time where she's without her spouse (for a prolonged rate of time), and whether she'll wait for her initial spouse or will attack some nearby guy and make him her new spouse. So will her sense of chastity she had as a human remain even after she turned into a monster girl?[5]

Regarding chastity, if she decided to remain chaste even if her husband is far away, then this won't change even after becoming a monster girl. Even if she's no longer able to hold back while waiting for her spouse from her time as human and can't set out on a journey to her husband's side, then something like "I'm gonna catch some other guy as husband~" won't happen.

5) It's clear that only Succubi will be born now, but were there people considered a Cambion (an half breed between human and succubus or incubus) during the previous system? Something like a Dhampir[6]

No. There weren't. It's not like the fact that only monsters are born between humans and monsters is something from the current system, but [a leftover from the system of the previous Mamono Lord], so even then only monsters were born.

6) Some questions came up after reading the previous answer. Why would there be races breeding with humans back during the previous system?[7]

If it's just for having children, then monsters normally abducted human girls for breeding them, or males in case of Lamia and Harpies... or something like that. Of course, there was no love involved in this and the humans would normally get eaten after the child is born. However, there are lucky cases where the monster would awake to feelings of love and affection and become joined with the human as something like a married couple. It seems this often happened with types close to humans, such as Vampires, Succubi, Beast-types, Lamia and Harpies, or high ranking monsters such as Dragons or Baphomet.

7) Since things like barber shops and coffee shops should also exist in mamono realms, are there occupations were each different kind always excels at?[8]

There are. There are fields of expertise related to the traits of a species. For example, there are many Arachne sewing and running a boutique, Harpies working as delivery service, or Giant Ants doing construction work and working as civil engineers. There are many factors, like physical strength or finger skill of a race, as well as individual differences. There are also many helping out with their husbands work.

8) Is Polove a dark monster realm? Or a bright green one?[9]

Polove is a [bright green monster realm].

9) What type of men do monstergirls dislike?[10]

They won't fall in love with psychopaths and wicked people that think things like "Killing people is fun!" or "causing others misfortune is fun!".

10) So are the most numerous monstergirls Slimes after all? Or perhaps Goblins?[11]

I think it should be Large Mice or Devil Bugs.

11) What should I do if the church was to win?[12]

They won't win.

12) In the future were Incubi can be born, will monstergirl Dwarves and Elves be able to give birth to (Incubi having the characteristics of) male Dwarves and Elves?[13]

They will be. Since they are close to [humans].

13) If the Mamono Lord wins against the Chief God, will the Chief God get executed? Since the Chief God is a dangerous enemy that hates the Mamono Lord, and since, according to the entry of the Fallen God, gods seemingly can't be monsterized against their will.[14]

The exact details are still a secret, but the Chief God won't get executed.

14) Do you have any plans to touch the subject of the ocean's deep levels, which are apparently called [the depths]?[15]

Of course I've already thought about it. But the beings there are rather hard to describe. So their appearance is still a long way off.

15) What's the global situation? Is it a total war? Or is just a part engulfed in combat? How long will the order be able to last?[16] (TL Note: Question is written in Chinese, so I had to machine translate it like KC.)

I can't really understand it from the machine TL, but is it about the scale of the war? Sorry if that's not the case. Seems like the war is basically just one part on a rather small scale. Most of the order states are more occupied with things regarding other human states.

16) Are there any monstergirls other than Lilim that humans can't change into?[17]

Spirit types other than Dark Matters like Undine or Gnomes, as well as material types like Golems or Karakasa-Obake are impossible because of their origins. However if a women thought that she died in a volcano she might be reborn as an Ignis, or something like the soul of a dead woman dwelling in a freshly made Golem is possible I think.

17) Which one is the weakest monster, if going by simple combat ability?[18]

If it's simple fighting strength, then it'll be either Fairies or Kesaran Pasaran I guess? This is speaking about offensive ability to the last, their bodies are sturdy, just as expected of monsters.

18) Do deformed children or people with birth defects appear in the world of the guide book?[19]

Human society doesn't feel different of that from the real medieval times. They're human, but parts of monster friendly states and monstergirls can treat them. They'll get cured.

19) Do humans with a serious mental disorder get cured of it upon monsterization?[20]

They can be cured with monsterization. Human men too can get rehabilitation from constant attendance of monstergirls, er, rather get cured together with Incubization.

20) Are there really no human girls that became Lilim (even though other monster girls)? Something like a [monsterization counsellor for women] that deals with monsterization of various kinds despite being a former human would be interesting (note: not quite sure about the grammar in that last sentence).[21]

One basically can't turn into a Lilim. If we assume you could then it would need the Mamono Lord to do it, and there are rumours about her adopting a single human girl. However, even then it would put a great burden on the mamono lord, and it would be very difficult if said girl doesn't posses some great talent (as Inma). A monsterization counsellor sounds fun though. w

21) I'm sorry that I send you some questions to some weird place some time ago, since I didn't know about your ask yet. So let me ask again, are there any cases where a human woman turns into a Tentacle herself after being attacked by one? (I did read a SS about turning into a Succubus, but... Starting with Tentacle, there were many monsters I didn't know about before reading the world guide). Are there any Lilim that were former human women? (In other words, is it possible for a former human woman to turn into a being that can monsterize other women without race limitations? That also includes raising in rank from Succubus ect.) Sorry again!!! (note: SS should stand for Side Story here)[22]

Tentacles are a special kind of monsters that were originally plants, and not monsters so in most cases the result will be a transformation into a Succubus. However, there might be some very rare cases where a human with good affinity to a Tentacles mamono mana, or in other words has a disposition for it, might turn into a Tentacle. Fundamentally, no Lilim that were former humans exist, since a condition for Lilim is "to be a descendant of the Mamono Lord". However, if you want to use the exception amongst exceptions, then there's a rumour about an "adopted child" existing, but it's not sure if there's any truth to it.

22) Which criteria decide into which kind of monster girl a human girl will turn into at the moment of monsterization? Also, is it possible for a human girl to turn into a specific kind if she has the wish for?[23]

It's basically based on the kind she was attacked by. If mana corrosion from being inside a mamono realm is the cause, then she'll basically turn into a Succubus, but in the case that she herself has a "disposition", strong desire, etc., then it's possible that she'll transform into the corresponding species instead. For example, if her ancestors share the blood of a fox, then she'll turn into a Youko or Inari, and a girl that just despised her tranquil life and desired for some stimulus might turn into a Thunderbird. Also, inside an undead kingdom the basic transformation will be into an undead instead of Succubus, and if the mamono mana of a specific kind is strong inside a mamono realm, then this species will become the basic transformation.

23) If you put a number of married couples of various kinds of monstergirls with strong mamono mana into an enclosed space that is perfectly sealed off from mamono mana outside and let them have a revelry, will a Dark Matter be born?[24]

It will. But if they will actually continue with the orgy (with a fixed partner though) for this long is another question. Seems like couples would go "I wanna be alone together with him/her again soon!" and leave halfway through it.

24) Will you release pictures for the Mamono Lord, Chief God, Fallen God, sea goddess Poseidon, god of war Ares and goddess of love Eros?[25]

I'll eventually release them. But it'll be at a leisurely pace since they're big names, so please wait warmly!

25) Since it seems that monster girls too have a fondness for sports, so might they perhaps have contests with something like a book/script from pro-wrestling (arranged beforehand) or get excited from watching such a game?[26]

Of course they'd enjoy something like that and would do it themselves. (But it's unclear if there's something like pro-wrestling in the setting of the world guide.)

26) I don't really understand the definition behind a Mad Hatter being a majin-type and a Glacies being an elemental-type, so could you please explain it to me in detail?[27]

The -type stands for a [vague classification by appearance]. Those that are hard to tell apart from a human at glance are classified as majin-type. (Witch, Dhampir, Mad Hatter, etc.) Those with a body (most of the body) made of an element like fire, water and ice are classified as elemental-type (most spirits).

27) It seems that Poseidon deflected to the monster girl side, but is this fact known by the Order? And if they should know it, are they aware that they'd be at a disadvantage when fighting on the sea which is under control by Poseidon?[28]

That's the case for the order, but most humans don't really understand things related to the gods. Also, it seems that there's a safe? (without monsters, but you can lose your life in storms and such) area of the ocean controlled by god's aligned with the chief god, even if it's relatively smaller than Poseidon's realm.

28) Are there cases where a monster girl child falls in love with her father?[29]

There are. It'll be explained in detail in the book. It seems to happen if she only spends time together with her father and if he pampers her too much, so please be sure to let her play outside with other kids to give her a sense of independence. w

29) What would you do if this (the real) world would turn into a mamono realm? Or, what would be the first thing you'd like to do?[30]

I'd introduce those who want counselling to their favourite race. Make a marriage counselling office for women to turn them into their favourite race.

30) To which degree does the upper echelon and order in anti-monster territories, like the former Lescatie, know about the fact that monsters were [turned into monster girls]? Also to what degree do the common people in these countries know about that?[31]

I think all humans living in a countries where monsters exist and the adjoining regions know that monsters turned into monster girls. However, in that age, or rather that world, the flow of information is limited to gossip between people and state-approved newspapers since there's no internet or TV. So since there's not many information providers, other than those that had direct contact with monsters, there are many people that don't know much about their ecology. And of course pedlars travelling the world and the intellectual class anywhere know about it, but there are many commoners spending their whole life in the village they were born in without ever even meeting a monster.

31) Is it possible for commoners to be granted with the opportunity to observe the Mamono Lord giving birth?[32]

They're not hiding that in particular, so a commoner would have the possibility. However, you don't really want to watch a married couple of strangers go through childbirth, be it the Mamono Lord or somebody else... w

32) Is the Baphomet the crystallisation of your moe?[33]

I like both big and small breast and both onee-san and loli. So when I draw a monster girl she'll basically become a girl [that I become attached to myself], so all monstergirls are the crystallisation of my moe, which means I don't have a particular favourite. I also love loli-babaa/legal loli!

33) Do runes like pleasure runes have an effect if carved on a man?[34]

They do.

34) What do monster girls outside of the [radical faction] think about the [radical faction]? Also are Devils part of the [radical faction] as their whole kind? And are there any other kinds with many members of the [radical faction]?[35]

The reactions vary from [I see (indifferent)] to [They sure are whimsical, having time for this despite making out with their husbands-] to [Give your best-. That's wonderful!] and [Stop it! If you keep monsterizing human women, then my husband candidates will decreaaaaase]. Devils are part of the radical faction as a whole. And there are other kinds like that.

35) Currently only monster girls will be born, but once Incubi can be born, may various half/biracial monsters be born? For example: If an Incubus with a Devil as mother marries a Weresheep, will the fathers Devil genes and the mothers Weresheep genes create a half, ect.[36]

There's a possibility for this. However, they won't change shape or abilities right away. But an easygoing Devil that likes to sleep together or a Weresheep with the ideology of the radical faction might be born.

36) What will happen if the eggs of a grasshopper, or some other insect that lies its eggs underground, are buried right below an intoxication fruit.[37]

They'll turn into monster girls. Hurray!

37) Do oviparous monsters lay unfertilised eggs? If they do lay them, will they get angry of you eat one.[38]

They lay them. And they won't get angry if it's an unfertilised egg. By the way, the monsters in this encyclopedia will be pregnant for some time even if they lay eggs. So if there's a period where they are pregnant with rather big ones, then the eggs will be fertilized, if they are rather small and without a period of pregnancy, then the eggs can be easily told apart as unfertilised ones.

38) ... Uhm, do Monstergirls get a [girls day (menses)] like human woman do? Seems like the girls around me get [a horrible stomach ache every time], so I think it would be nice for both sides if they can have children without that.[39]

While they get such a periodical day, there won't be any bleeding or pain. Rather than this they might get more sensitive (in the sexual sense). (TL Note: Slight liberty on the question by replacing obscure reference.)

39) Is there a method for married couples to temporarily switch genders?[40]

I think there are happenings occurring in Wonderland and Sabbath magic potions for that.

40) Is there a way for a husband to temporarily switch bodies with his monster girl wife, or is there not?[41]

There is! Seems like there's accidents in Wonderland amongst others.

41) So about the method that turns the men of Wonderland into monster girls, do those have an effect on incubized men?[42]

They do have an effect. If you got a wife then you get to enjoy some pseudo-yuri play! In case of an incubus without wife (incubization trough drugs) then there's a possibility that he'll turn into a monster girl as is, but this won't happen to incubi with a wife, speaking of after turning into a monster girl, they don't have an interest into other men. (TL Note: Grammar in KC's answer is kinda strange and makes it unclear on how to properly interpret it, especially since it seems to contradict the first part.)

42) Sorry for this question. What is the difference between essence and semen? Slime and plant types have mostly semen written as food, and a think with undead and demon types it's generally essence. But somehow plant types lately (from Tentacle onwards) have essence instead of semen? I'm confused (´._.`), was this just on a whim? Also is it possible for monster girls that have essence or semen as food to survive without it? For example by changing someone's magic power into essence (so in short in a situation when there are no men around)? My Japanese might be strange, so I'm sorry m(_ _)m[43]

Semen is just that, and essence means the energy of living organisms that is included in things such as semen. And while all monster girls love essence, there is a difference between having the energy of living organisms and semen itself as staple food. Also even if they have semen or essence as staple food, if it's just for surviving then they can live from just the same food as humans. (TL Note: Spirit (energy) [精/sei] and semen [精液/seieki] start with the same kanji, so semen is literally means "liquid spirit".)

43) Are there any differences or changes to the powers and such an Incubus holds in relation to what kind of species of Monstergirl their wife is?[44]

There are. I'd say the most important are the ability to live underwater and improved swimming ability of sea dwelling Incubi, or the resistance against the flames and high temperatures of flame type species. Also in the case of those with a species that likes to live underground or in dark places, then they gain night vision and such.

44) Is it possible to distinguish an Incubus from a normal person just by observing (like having a particular aura)?[45]

You can't. If they live in a Mamono Realm then they might have a slack/slovenly appearance or they make a relaxed face while making out with their wife too much, but else you can't keep them apart just by a glimpse.

45) So even back in the age of the former Mamono Lord there rarely were monsters awakening to love, if that's the case then I think a man would turn into an Incubus from having sex with a Succubus. But are there any differences in appearance and disposition when comparing the Incubi from the old system with those of nowadays? Also were there Incubi as a race during the old system to begin with? If there were, what happened to them? Did they turn into Succubi?[46]

Men didn't turn into Incubi during the age of the former Mamono Lord even if they mingled with monsters. This is simply an ability nowadays monster girls learned to allow them to live together with men as a married couple. And while there was a race of male inma during the age of the former Mamono Lord, they were turned into Succubi. And of course they were completely different beings than today's Incubi.

46) Did Elves fight against Dark Elves even before they were turned into monster girls? Also while Elves look down on humans, what kind of feelings do humans hold in regard to Elves?[47]

They don't fight. They sure are a bunch of sluts-, is what they might think, but they still regard them as fellow Elven comrades. The feelings humans hold towards Elves depend on the country and location. While there are places where they think [they are sacred inviolable beings], other think [They aren't monsters, but I can't stand those intolerable guys! They're moody and I don't want to have to deal with them] or were they also look down on them in the same way [forest dwelling savages]... So they basically don't actively reject them.

47) Did Elves hate Dark Elves even since before they were turned into monster girls?[48]

While I think that there was some hate in the form of [those relatives are way too irresponsible!][That's why~ the clan is...], but they basically still saw them as fellow Elven comrades. Also they don't hate them after monsterization...

48) So a monsters [energy] is named from [essence], which is something men possess plenty of, yet the essence recovering of women is inferior to that of men, so in other words does that mean that magicians in the MGE world are predominantly men? With Mimiru being an exception (cheater)?[49]

Women excel at the art of manipulating energy that exist in their surroundings instead, so it doesn't change much overall! This characteristic is also related to women being [easy to become affected from mamono mana]. w

49) In the profile of the skeleton it is written that the opinions about the classification of this race were divided by scientists, but is the human classification of races, classes and families of mamono common? Does it differ from the way the mamono themselves classify themselves? (For example, does a Werebat think that she belongs to the Harpy family? Do they not think that Grizzly and Ren Xiongmao belong to the same genus?)

Basically, the classification is carried out by people. Although some highly intelligent monsters, such as Hakutaku and Baphomet, are also familiar with biology, most mamono are obviously not interested in such things. Therefore, there are probably many misunderstandings.

50) Earlier in the answers you mentioned that the dragons can't just monsterize girls, but can't they turn them with wounds, for example, by scratching with their claws? Is monsterization with wounds the ability of only some types of mamono (like Werewolf)?

That will not happen. If such a feature [Ie claws, for example] of the race is absent, they cannot do it in principle. However, since the dragons have developed intelligence and are a race that has great magical power, because ... they sometimes use a technique in which mamono mana is infused into the blow with monsterization as the goal of their attack. Dragons are high-ranking mamono, so it’s difficult to find a human among human women that would have suitable qualities and wouldn’t just become succubi when trying to turn into a dragon! It seems to work like this.

51) Your native mamono realm will ultimately remain without people, because they will all become mamono and incubi. And, undoubtedly, the number of men for whom you can marry, will soon reach zero, until the boys begin to be born. Will the ruling elite take any countermeasures (besides hunting men in other places)?

You can go in search of a husband elsewhere or develop tourism and beautification of the kingdom so that people come from outside. There are many different actions to attract people to the right place. Although it is impossible to say for sure, it is quite likely that mamono will start having incubi before the death of the current generation.

52) If you create a harem with your Bicorn wife, can you add a Wisp to it?

It is possible. When the second wife tries to monopolize her hubby by imprisoning him in a cage, the other will probably be very excited by the excitement of watching their sex.

53) Reading the descriptions in the book, I noticed that monster girls avoid harming people, even those who hate them. And the magic that uses mamono mana is likely to be safe so that people cannot suffer. Is it really?

It is fact. Just like with the weapons of Mamono Silver, magic does not harm people.

54) I saw the answer that "Stronger people are more often born of strong people." But will these forces weaken with each successive generation? From what generation will weak people and monsters be born?

Except when it comes to some extremely powerful personalities (As the Lord of Demons and her husband), the initial value of power in each new generation, on the contrary, tends only to grow. And if you take into account the long life expectancy, when a new generation lives among the old? They generally can not completely surpass the new generation! [Although I could not fully reflect this in the translation, it seems that both the question and the answer concern people and monsters at the same time.]

55) As a rule, among the upper class of medieval society, the approval of marriage with commoners has never been met, how does the parents of monsters (like Lilim and Wight), etc. refer to this? Including they have a contract marriage? Or are monster girls more often free to choose companion themselves?

In principle, they are free to choose their own love. Although some semblance of “arranged marriage” may exist: it is when children are introduced and made friends from childhood. Such relationships are quite common.

56) When you become a monster, if you can overcome the pleasure with the help of the powers of the mind, then you will not be monsterize?

There is no causal relationship between monsterization and whether you feel pleasure. And even though your mental strength is high, it does not mean that you will not feel pleasure. Moreover, even if your feeling of enjoying pleasure is dead and you do not perceive it! You will be surprised when it turns out that during monsterization you will still feel the return pleasure as a woman.

57) Can spirits, like Kitsune-bi, take away the identity of the girls in whom they moved? Have there ever been cases when the memory and consciousness of the original person are preserved, but the personality of the spirit disappears?

It does not work that way.

58) According to the web version of the Encyclopedia, Inari and Yoko are in the Wolf family. However, in her book version they belong to the Fox family. Which version is correct? In addition, both races are unusual for the type of animal-like, because they have humanoid limbs, not even covered with fur. Maybe there is some reason that distinguishes them from other animal-like monsters?

The Fox Family is the right choice. Due to the fact that I have new ideas, some things need to be corrected. Both races are unusual for beast-like monsters, this is due to the fact that they copulated with people back in the days of past DLs, or not ... ... there is still a theory that all this was done only for the convenience of design.

59) Are demonic runes similar to tattoos that cannot be removed after they are applied to the body?

They look like a tattoo, but you can hide it or erase it if you want. Even after it is hidden, its action will still be noticeable.

60) Reading the descriptions in the book and the profiles, I thought that the intimate relations of the parents could lead to the desire of incest in the child. The passionate life of the father and mother can awaken in the daughter a feeling of love for him as a husband. That's why I thought about it ...

There are places where the emergence of such a passion of a child for his father is extremely unlikely and even ridiculous, but there are places and races for which this is as normal as love between a monster and a human being. However, more often than not, the child simply cannot understand this attitude and, seeing the copulation of the parents, simply thinks that "they are making a second child."

61) I think that this is unlikely, but answer, please, what will happen to the fetus of a pregnant woman if she becomes a mamono?

If it is a girl, she will become a mamono. If it is a boy, he will be born an incubus.

62) What is the structure of the “MGE world”? For example, as in the real world, are there planets and space around them? Or is the world close to the “Ptolemy theory” (geocentric model of the universe) and the sky endlessly spread around it (planet / world) to the very edge of the sky (universe)?

I can’t talk too much about this, none of the options is completely true, but Ptolemy’s theory is closer to the truth.

63) Question: When human women become mamono, how does their lower body change if they become monsters like lamias? Or, for example, how do spherical joints appear when girls become living dolls? What happens if there are tattoos, scars, or inscriptions on the parts of the body that are supposed to change due to monsterization?

These changes will be easy, in this way! (Introducing this, remember that the purpose of the body of a mamono is to charm a man, therefore, even in such cases, the process of monsterization will look exciting)

64) Nice to meet you, Mr. Cross. Thank you in advance for your answers and wish you all the best. Saphirette Spherica is the hero-savior of the country of the Polove, but is there any senior position attached to this title, such as the title of king or consul? And can an ordinary succubus be born with white hair and red eyes, akin to a Lilim, due to an anomaly in pigmentation?

It is possible that she was invited to such an important post, but she herself would have refused it, since she did not initially have the skills to work in such a post. Saphirette is a scientist and researcher, however, I think she will collaborate with the royal family as an adviser on elemental magic. It is likely that a succubus with the same appearance as the Lilim will be born. She may not be Lilim in fact, but she will still be well treated.

65) When you become an incubus thanks to a monster girl, your body becomes strong enough to make it convenient to have sex with mamono. I think that this applies not only to stamina for sex, but also helps to keep the partner in a pose like Ekiben [Some specific Japanese name for standing posture in sex]. However, are the physical abilities of the incubi only improved in the amount necessary for sex? Will the incubus be able to lift heavier objects, run faster, will it be able to expand the boundaries of its physical capabilities and improve its fighting abilities, like Wilmarina (she is a succubus)? I think one of the ways to enhance this [that is, to the level of the hero Wilmarina] is to use elemental magic with the help of spiritual energy, but what about a simple change in the body through incubization?

Strength and endurance acquired for sex with a monster girl, of course, can be used for other purposes. As a result, physical and combat skills increase after incubization. [TN: For more information on how heroes and incubi strengthen, read the chapter on the Heroic Blessing]

66) The Dark Priestesses are nuns of the Fallen Goddess, but there are no examples of other races that may be nuns of the Fallen Goddess. Or are there any, but they simply weren't mentioned, and the racial attributes do not matter?

In addition to the Dark Priestesses as a race, there are also nuns from other races of the Mamono: for example, Lamia can be sisters or priests in the Church of the Fallen God. But the Dark Priestesses are the best race to receive the blessings of the Fallen God. However, other races can also receive the blessing of this goddess and benefit from her, simply she will not be so strong.

67) The names of the races of the girl monsters Zipangu are not united by one writing style: Katakana, Kanji or Hiragana. Does this make any sense?

The emphasis is on the appearance and charm of each of the races! And the fact is that they [race names] suit them!

68) In the descriptions of the succubus and the vampire in the "Monster Girl Encyclopedia" the expression "Mazoku"(魔族) appears, how does this distinguish them from other mamono? What does it mean for other mamono?

They think this name is cool! Because "Mazoku" is called monster aristocracy!

69) Imagine a situation: a man who is afraid of snakes will be attacked by Shirohebi in love with him. What do you think Shirohebi will do if he tells her that he hates snakes? Can she dutifully abandon him?

Of course, she will try to convey to this man all the charms of her snake body! If you do not want to get involved with this monster girl because of hatred in your hands ... then there is also the opportunity to send Shirohebi to another. But I do not think that you will be disappointed in the personality of this girl.

70) Which is stronger: the song of the Mermaid or the song of the Siren?

It is usually said that Sirens are more powerful. But I can’t give a concrete answer, because there is a difference in the songs of these mamono, their voice qualities and preferences among the men they invited.

71) Why don't mamono make men monsters (that is, not incubus)? Please tell me if there is a reason for this?

It is true that they do not become monsters by virtue of their biology, since men have an organ for producing spiritual energy... But the reason why the system of transformation in mamono and incubi has become as such, includes feelings. Initially, the Mamono Lord had a dream of "living with a human spouse," and ultimately this desire was realized.

72) The biggest flaw in the world of the encyclopedia, or rather a moment that causes me concern: "Maybe there will be someone who will change all the monsters again, as the current Mamono Lord did." Personally, I think this is possible. I wonder if something goes wrong with the world due to the fact that it is too perfect. Still, earlier [In the first volume of the encyclopedia] you said the following: "If the current Mamono Lord is defeated, then the monsters will roll back to the state of the old era." Given my past remarks, does this mean "If the Mamono Lord is defeated by a hero or a human is bad" or "If the Chief Goddess awakens and defeats the Mamono Lord is bad"? In addition, are there any other similar hazards that may arise in such a situation, and any measures to counter them? I think if you tell me about this, it will somewhat dispel my worries.

I will explain in order. First of all, the text from the pages of the Encyclopedia, which is presented in books/Internet, was originally written by a person living in this world. "If the current Mamono Lord is defeated ..." - these are not my words, this is the hypothesis of the Wandering Scientist, who writes the Monster Girls Encyclopedia. He does not know what exactly will happen if the current Mamono Lord loses, and also why she became the Mamono Lord.
Plus, as I've mentioned in Ask past questions, I can't add this explanation to setting right now, so I can't go into more detail. However, the reason the Monster Lord became Monster Lord is because she had Chance and Fate on her side. [In the original, Kenkou talks about "Inevitability", which in this context, I believe, is synonymous with "Fate"] Many people and monsters were unhappy, because "Fate" was on her side. And when “those who will try to turn everything around” appear, “Fate” will never side with them - those who are trying to make changes and destroy the happiness of people and mamono. As you wrote, "Because this world is too perfect," this is why a return to the old order [Mutual Genocide] is impossible. Even if you are the Chief Goddess, it is impossible if Fate is not on your side. Well, if we talk about meta-details, then the author is me, the Mamono Lord will never die and the world of the Encyclopedia will never return to its previous state.

73) Does the fact that in the days of the past Mamono Lords everything was decided by force, does the current DL who was chosen as the next Mamono Lord at that time to be the most powerful monster at that time? If this is not the case, and the succubus was incorrectly chosen as the Mamono Lord, is there any chance of some kind of malfunction in the future?

I can't give you any details at this point, but the fact that the current Mamono Lord received her title is the result of a lot of chance and fate. The point is not wrong or something like that, but some will of Fate. The Succubus became the Mamono Lord for the reason that she was able to change the world as a result.
Suddenly, the wrong evil monster becomes the new Mamono Lord - no, this is impossible.

74) Under what conditions will the next Mamono Lord be determined when the Mamono Lord will be changes? If this is to be decided by simple force, is there a chance that another demon-like Mamono Lord will appear? If the title is inherited, is there a risk that someone will take it away?

In the absence of a Mamono Lord (after his death), the condition for the next Mamono Lord is "monster support". Just defeating the current Mamono Lord doesn't mean you can be next. In the previous era of the Mamono Lords, power decided everything, so the new Lord remained on the throne as long as he was the most powerful monster. But now times are different and the change of the Mamono Lord may turn out to be like an election.
Most of the monsters, with the exception of a few, are annoyed by the idea of ​​"becoming a Mamono Lord", they prioritize living with their husband and seem to support the current first princess lilim.

75) Is there a chance that all the changes that have occurred will be canceled due to a change in the views of the Mamono Lord or her change in office? Maybe there is something like insurance or countermeasures in case of such a situation?

I cannot tell you about it in detail now, but it is impossible. Even if the Mamono Lord tries to say, "I am returning everything to the era of the old Mamono Lords," it will not be possible, so do not worry. Changing the system is not easy. By the way, even if the DL will be changes, all her successors love eroticism, just like she...

76) In the illustration of Arachne's clothing [in the Second World Guide] we could see the maid's outfit, but do they make the outfits of the sailor girls? Are there seaman outfits in the world of MGE? [Apparently this question was translated in the translator with a small mistake. ;)]

If for you sailor outfits = sailor warrior outfit, then yes, they exist. It seems likely that sometime in the past some book, manga, or the like got into the world of MGE from another world ...[Do you remember that the monster girl world says yes to many fetishes that don't break its spirit? So is a sailor warrior costume magically found if you want to dress your waifu in it.]

77) If a malicious creature (Evil from another world or a life form that does not have mana) invades the MGE world, will the monster girls and their husbands be able to resist him, releasing their fighting skills completely, in their pure form, without holding back?

They will confront it with you. By the way, if something intruding has magical power, this does not mean that it is a monster. However, even inorganic objects can become mamono, so this life form can also become a monster girl.

78)Considering the rules of the MGE world, if something is brought there from another world, will it be affected by magical power (mamono mana) and the like?

Yes, it will be subject to it. Rather, since the otherworldly object does not have the magical power of the MGE world, this means that it does not have the magical power of the Chief Goddess, opposing the mana of monsters. So, most likely, he will easily turn into a mamono [Like fairies]

79)I would like to discuss monsters right after the new Mamono Lord takes over. Of course, there were types of monsters that initially consisted exclusively of women, but there were also monsters like dragons that became women. In this case, the monsters that were a couple before, after the transformation, began to engage in lesbian sex, regardless of their past? And what would happen if, following their instincts, they brought in a new human man?

In the first place, the monsters from the era of the old Mamono Lords had very little love and did not marry. I think that most of these monsters became women and started looking for men-people. However, there were some exceptions: individual male monsters who "aroused love and entered into a marriage with the same female monster, forming a couple" did not become monster-girls. It is rumored that they began to look like human males.

80)When a monster girl finds a man (unmarried), will she try to be a mate to him by showing him that she is sexually attractive, or will she attack him as soon as she becomes interested or will she like that man?

It depends on race, personality and environment. As the books describes, some monster girls will immediately try to knock the man to the ground to show how good they are, while other mamono will slowly develop deep feelings out of simple friendship. The race and personality of the monster girls are also very important: more wild monsters or those living in the wild are more prone to the first option However, there is a tendency that the second option, with the gradual development of relations, is more often manifested among those mamono who live in the city. However, I think that there are practically no monster girls who do not attack men at all (including those who will unknowingly try to get a man on their way and seduce him).

81)Earlier it was said that mamonization heals diseases and injuries that a person considers uncomfortable, but can it also heal serious diseases such as missing a limb?

It depends on time and occasion. Plus there is a difference between mamonization and incubization. During mamonization, great changes occur with the body and when these changes occur, it turns from a human body into a monster body. Therefore, usually, if a girl desires this, then her body will heal completely. Undoubtedly, defects in the legs or lower body will completely disappear when transformed into a mamono with a non-human lower half. On the other hand, incubization only strengthens the man. Since the changes during incubation are gradual, I do not think that his limb will suddenly grow back immediately. Except, of course, for defects in the male genital organ.

However, disorders such as phantom limb pain disappear, and powerful monsters are also able to create prostheses from magical energy and attach them to the body. In addition, as the incubus has increased regeneration and recovery capabilities, the limb can be reattached immediately after it has been cut off. Incubi can also regenerate their limbs, relying on the combined medical technology of humans and monsters that develop in the mamono realms.

82)I think Dragonia is a greater achievement in bringing people and monsters together. However, Court Alf is also a very nice and impressive country! Thanks for the wonderful story! I absolutely love the branch guide series!

Thanks! This pattern of events as in Lescatie is actually a rare case. (In the first place, mamono rarely form a gang that will lead an entire country to fall) In many countries, such as Dragonia and Court Alf, humans and monsters have banded together to confront some historical difficulties.[In fact, I was very surprised when this comment was noticed on MGR. :D]

83)Sorry, I rely on machine translation. I have a question about the distant future of the monster girl world, when the Incubus will be born. Will there be then only human nations? Or will the Mamono Lord cease their existence? Without countrys where only people live, there will be no more scenes when a person first encounters monsters.

Something like this will be happen. If the kingdom of people lives in its own way happily and, in particular, does not attack monsters and monster-friendly countries, then the radicals will also be restrained towards it. The Mamono Lord herself is not as aggressive as the radical faction, in addition, the mamono already have their own incubi. They don't need to worry so much about their coulple, so I think they can leave the human country alone.

...However, in such an era, around the country of humans, there would be only kingdoms that support mamono and their way of life would be different. Living next to the monster-girls, they could see up close to their continuing youth and beauty. Therefore, some people would willingly wish to become mamono and incubi.

84)Will the law of energy exchange work in other places, for example, on the moon of the earth of monster girls?

When the monster girl and her husband arrive in other places, even where there is not enough magical power, then this law will work even there, as they begin to radiate magical power in that place. However, I'm sorry, but the subject of MGE cosmology is still a secret.

85)Maybe I'm just a pain in the ass, but I can't help but think about what's going on with LGBT and asexual people in the MGE world. I can't help but think about what will happen to these freaks with dragon sex in the car and everything else from my sage head.

In the world of MGE, there is no sex with dragons in a car. [Kenkou didn’t understand what kind of "dragon sex in the car" he was talking about. As we are.]

A man with a feminine heart will become a mamono called Alp. Masculine lust for the obscene and feminine ability to make a man desire for herself appeal to the original instincts of all men and women, so even those who do not have attraction to the opposite sex can awaken it. In addition, if there is a woman who, in addition to a male heart, has a male instinct, then she can transform into an incubus. Although this is quite difficult from a magical point of view, it is by no means impossible. Such an ex-woman turned incubus could live happily with a monster girl somewhere. [Probably Kenkou again mentions something that could exist in MGE, but he will never officially describe it, leaving it to the fans. As in the case of magic potions for the futanari mamono. ]

86)If there are too many mamono, then won't they have problems because of the lack of men? Probably then harems and the like will become common.

If the number of mamonos increases to a level when there are not enough free men, then the balance between the Mamono Lord and the Chief Goddess, whose will prevents the incubus from being born from the marriage of a human man and a mamono, will already be canceled. And the birth of incubi, who are human males, from a mamono mother will already become commonplace.

87)In the previous question, you mentioned that the criteria for becoming a monster are that you have the blood of a fox in your ancestors and become an Inari or a Youko, but it has been a rule since the old mamono lord era that only monsters can be born between monsters and humans. Since it's a nature, children of Youko and Inari should be born of the same race, right? So, what kind of existence is a woman (human) with fox blood (ancestry)?

As is the case now and in the old mamono lord era, monsters are basically born, but in "extremely rare" cases, humans are born. It is a very rare case.

88)At the time of monsterization, does that woman's eroticism depend on the amount or quality of mana poured into her? If both are involved in the eroticism of monsterization, which one has the greater influence?

Both have an effect, but if you ask me which one, it may be the nature of the person who turns into a monster in the first place and how much he or she has been suppressed. Which race's mana it is, is next? That is also related, and if there is a monster that has mana poured into it, the education given by that monster, the pleasure given, etc. are also involved.

89)Kobolds are said to be goblins or werewolves in lore, but in the encyclopedia world, which one of those is it? Or is it another race called kobolds?

Kobolds are a dog race.

90)Is it possible to overcome racial traits on your own will? Alice, who doesn't want to lose her memories because she doesn't want to forget the sex with her brother, or Echidna, who wants to give birth to a child of a specific race.

Alice did that on her tour of Wonderland! It is difficult for Echidna to give birth to a specific race.

91)In this case, it was an umbrella, but I wonder if weapons and armor can also be turned into mamono. And if so, are there weapons that do and do not become mamono even if they are used and cherished in the same way?

If it is a weapon or armor that you treasure very much, there is a possibility that it will become a mamono. It doesn't mean that it will happen all the time, but it is possible.

92)Is the amount of pleasure brought about by monsterization proportional to the rank of that monster girl? (For example, if you are a high-ranking monster, you will experience tremendous pleasure when you become a monster...) Also, is there a difference in the amount of pleasure when turning into a monster of the same species?

The higher the rank of the monster, the stronger and more powerful she is, so the amount of pleasure it gives tends to be proportionally greater. However, regardless of the rank, lewd races tend to experience greater pleasure when they are monsterized. For example, Succubi and Slime Carriers seem to get more pleasure from monsterization than Dragons (although they themselves do not have the ability to monsterize). A Youko, for example, which is a monster of higher rank and lewdness, is likely to have a harder time. The type of pleasure may differ depending on the type of monster, such as intense electric shocks, gentle waves, or melting, and it also depends on the situation at the time of monsterization and the method of the individual monster who is trying to turn the woman into a monster. However, regardless of the species or method of monsterization, the pleasure of monsterization is a pleasure beyond human knowledge, and this is a comparison of the range of such pleasure. The pleasure of copulating with a husband, no matter what kind of monster she is, seems to exceed the pleasure of monsterization by a wide margin.

93)Please tell me the real name of the Mamono Lord or Chief God!

It's still a secret.

94)I know that some monster girls are caught by slavers on purpose because they want to be kept as slaves, but if your husband, the master, ordered you to have an orgy with another man, would you willingly obey him? Or what do you think about possessing a monster girl as another slave?

They would not obey, and once they have tasted a monster girl's body optimized exclusively for her husband, the thought of letting another man have that monster girl would not occur to them. In other words, the only situation where this can occur is in punishment sex play, where the slave is reluctant to do so and the master says, "I guess I haven't trained you enough...!". So it's just punishment sex play. Most men will lose interest in the latter as well, but only in the case of a few men with harem qualities or when a man is favored by more than one monster girl (more like, the monster girl side makes the man side "buy her"). In that case, there may be jealousy or competition for the legal wife position (legal slave?).

95)If you pour a huge amount of dragon mana into a non-succubus female elf, will she become a dragon?

Unfortunately, for some reason, elves can't be anything other than elves (mamono). If there is some special reason, it might be possible.

96)Answered in the previous question, what kind of facility is the world facility called "hell" created by the second daughter of the Mamono Lord? Is it literally a place of torment?

It is one of the mamono realms, and to put it simply, it is a facility that is a set of a court and a prison, where the serious second daughter of the mamono lord is the judge. It seems that there are monster girls who can see the past and read thoughts, and they have a reputation for making fair judgments.

97)There are many girls of the type who are shut in their own world with their husbands, but maybe the ones with mamono lord class power are also shut in, only making out and being lovey-dovey with their husbands?

They are sometimes shut in. If they are just shut in at home, but powerful monsters create a space and lock themselves in there and flirt with their husbands. There may be an abyss (sexual) lurking in a random place near your house...

98)On the prerequisite that I have enough qualities, can I become a monster girl other than a monster girl of the race that infused the woman with mana, excluding the race that originally has it as a mamono ability, such as Anubis turning a human woman into a mummy? (e.g., becoming a lamia after being infused with mana by a succubus). Basically, no. If a succubus infuses you with mana, you will certainly become a succubus (or in rare cases, Alice, etc.). However, when a succubus is monsterized by airborne mana in a mamono realm or monsterization, she will basically become a succubus, but she may become a different species depending on her qualities and desires.

99)Can a child be born between a human and a deity higher than an Angel or Valkyrie?

Yes, a child can be born between a human and a god.

100)How can I become a monster tamer, a monster user who fights with multiple monsters?

Make a bicorn your wife, or do your best to be liked by multiple monster girls at the same time! In the latter case, you need a certain amount of guts, grit, effort, and mental strength. However, it is better to tell them that you have a desire for a harem. If you go around saying "You're the only one" to monster girls, they'll be able to tell by smell and mana, and they will get angry too lol

101)If the Mamono Lord's army wins the war, and if monster girls and incubi are born between monster girls and incubi, whose lifespan is longer than that of humans, the population? I am worried that the population will increase without limit and that there will be a shortage of living quarters and resources, which will lead to conflicts. Is it safe?

As seen in Wonderland, Pandemonium, etc., monsters and gods with a certain degree of power can create new spaces quite willingly. If the inhabitants copulate and produce mana, their bellies will swell and it will become fertilizer to produce resources (food) and energy to maintain the space, so there is no problem with that.

102)Since all monsters of this era have succubus mana in them, if you turn a woman into a monster she'll generally become a succubus, in short, is a monster that can change a human into the same species as itself a strong one?

It is not so much that they are strong, but rather that they are good at handling magic power in the direction of eroding, infiltrating, assimilating, and so on.

103)It says that harpies are small in order to fly in the sky, but aren't there individuals with large breasts?

And so Gandharva came out. Among the harpy genus, some of the most powerful races (not only in physical sense but also in magical sense) include harpies with big breasts.

104)What do you call magic in Zipangu? Or is there another system?

It is often called monster arts. There is a separate system of magic called "monster arts", but people who do not know much about sorcery say that all Western sorcery is also "monster arts".

105)What is the system of sorcery and magic in the encyclopedia world like? I would like to know quite a bit about whether it is driven by a ceremony or words, whether it is activated by image or calculation, whether there is a difference between fields, types, magic and sorcery.

There are various classifications and methods, such as whether to use essence, mamono mana, or spirit powers, whether it is necessary to chant, whether it is necessary to think about it in your head, and whether you can activate it by writing letters on paper, so it is not possible to generalize. Hmm. Sorcery and magic are basically the same thing, a term used to collectively describe all the various forms of sorcery. I'm thinking of publishing a book as a world guide for detailed information about magic in the future.

106)I have heard that a land where many monsters live will eventually become a mamono realm even if someone does not release mamono mana without reason. For example, is it possible to "prolong the life" of a land where many monsters live but has not yet become a mamono realm by releasing essence to "dispel" the monster's mana?

It is impossible, because essence would be assimilated into the mamono mana.

107)Are there crayfish, shrimp, lobster or hermit crab cancer?

Such a monster girl is treated as a different species, not a Cancer.

108)Is Poseidon single?

It's a secret.

109)After all, do Fallen God and Poseidon have husbands?

It's a secret.

110)Are Lady Druella and the Queen of Hearts single?

It's a secret.

111)What happens to zombies and skeletons if they don't gain essence? Even if they run out of mana and turn back into corpses or bones, will they become undead if they get mana again?

They do not run out of mana quickly, but if there are many monster girls in the mamono realm or in the surrounding area, they can move in energy-saving mode (thin reason and sleeping a lot of time) using the mana in the air. If not, they will be in sleep-like mode, or hibernation, until a male arrives.

112)Sapphirette-san, is she still single?

She's single.

113)I can't help but think of Living Doll as a tsukumogami. What can be a tsukumogami? Any tool can be one, right? Do they have anything in common in terms of appearance or ability?

Since "dolls" and "tools" that imitate the human form, such as golems and living dolls, are two different things, they seem to be classified differently. A tsukumogami can be any kind of tool. What they have in common is that they want to be of use.

114)Do spirits like undines, gnomes, and glacies give birth to children?

Of course they do. And they want to experience the joy of being a female living creature.

115)In the article on akaname, you mentioned that "filth," the waste product of essence, accumulates on the male body surface. Just because akaname is a species that is particularly fond of tasting "filth," does that mean that tasting this "filth" itself is not the exclusive domain of akaname? I wondered because Beelzebub was the one I associated with when I heard the words sweat and grime.

Yes, I am sure that the "sweat and filth" is not exclusive to the akaname. It can be tasted by other species as well. Akaname and Beelzebub are particularly obsessed with "filth", but other species also like to lick their husbands' bodies and rub their faces, so they may be tasting it at that time.

116)What would happen if Sith-like transformation happened to bugs?

She'd become a monster girl of the corresponding type. The reason why cats and dogs become kemono monsters seems to be related to the fact that dogs and cats are creatures that are close to humans and have lived close to humans. Post-kemosexuality...

117)Aren't living dolls Tsukumogami?

"Dolls imitating people and living things" such as golems and living dolls and "tools" are different things, so the mechanism and classification of monsterization seems to be different.

118)I don't remember where I read it, but I have a vague memory of reading that corruption in the encyclopedia world is "throwing away all the constraints of the human world and pushing forward with what you really want to do." Is there any mistake in this perception?

So no doubt. However, "I really want to do it!" In that case, there are many people who end up saying, "I don't want to work anymore... I'd rather spend my time having sex with a monster bride!" The ratio of what you want to do and sex is also different for each person. For example, I think there are craftsmen who work for a week and have sex with their wife for a week.

119)What are Wilmarina's three sizes?

I'm sorry, I don't really think about the detailed numbers lol I'll think about it soon.

120)If Francisca gives birth to a child, will that child also become strong enough to be Queen Roper level?

It depends on the growth of the daughter, but basically strong individuals tend to give birth to daughters who are strong.

121)Does the encyclopedia world have something like a TV (like Rance's magical vision or magical machines)? Are there any dramas or plays? (TV dramas?)

There is a technology for recording and projecting with a crystal ball. Theatrical performances are done in theaters, but broadcasting them has not been done much yet (it is possible that it will be tried and developed in the future).

122)Tentacles are not good with men, but they are good with women. Then how does it react to boys who look like girls? 2. How high is the authority of Tentacle when it comes to commanding tentacles? How does it compare to a man marionette and a tentacle brain? 3. Are there any plans to release Taiwanese monsters such as the "demon cubs" (spirits that appear in the mountains of Taiwan) and the "golden charms" (also Taiwanese monsters)?

1. It depends on the individual, but isn't it easier to attack a man who feels like that?
2. It depends on the ability of the individual. They can give vague and simple commands over a wide area, and they can freely move them like their own limbs... Some of them are so strong that they can control an entire forest as if it were a their own body. Comparing the three types, Tentacle > Brain > Man Marionette.
3. I don't know much about Taiwanese demons, but I am interested in them and would like to research them. It is difficult because there are not many references in Japan.

123)While still presumptuous, are there pigeon-shaped harpies (the ability as a subspecies is an aura of peace, a symbol of peace), phoenixes (with the flame of regeneration, you can become a loli or an adult according to your husband's wishes), and Raijus (Beast type thunderbird, I like Monhun's Thunder Wolf Dragon w), Basilisk (a reptile with a petrification evil eye? Mechakure attribute suits you!), Crocodile (crocodile girl, a man is dragged to the bottom of the water and eaten sexually?) Do you have any plans to make something like these?

Phoenix, Raiju, Basilisk, and Crocodile are different from what you said, but I already have ideas and rough sketches. I wasn't thinking about a pigeon-shaped Harpy, but the recently released Gandharva has a similar ability... lol Doves have big boobs!

124)As I recall, if you pour mana into a human woman, she becomes a monster girl, right? What if a human woman appeared who, no matter what means are used or how much mana is poured into her, does not turn into a monster at all, remains physically and mentally as a human being, remains in a completely normal human state, and is in a state where the mana, abilities, and magic of all monster girls and incubi (including the Mamono Lord) are inevitably ineffective, and in fact, has the constitution to block them? What would happen if a woman with a constitution that blocks them appeared? How would the monsters react?

Such a human being does not exist.

125)Are there any "medicines" like the magical fruits described in the Mamono Realm Traveller's Guide, whose pulp is roasted or boiled to enhance their efficacy?

I think so. As for magic potions, please wait for the "Sabbath and Magic Edition (tentative)" of Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide 3, which is likely to be released in a few years' time.

126)What happens when two or more men fall in love with one monster girl? Will one man be united and the other rejected?

Unfortunately, he will be rejected...a doppelganger is looking at him.

127)What happens if the daughter of a mamono valkyrie accompanies a man, and the non-monsterized valkyrie discovers that the man, accompanied by a mamono valkyrie, has the qualities of a hero? Could it be that the Valkyrie, who is not a monster, will be looking for another candidate?

First, if a man is in this position, then he has probably already become a hero or an incubus, so another Valkyrie will not appear. If two or more Valkyries come to one man, and they were not touched by the mamono mana, then the rule basically applies: whoever came first will take the student. But if the Valkyries have signs of monsterization, then in rare cases two angel maidens will try to elevate a man together.

128)I've heard that Sabbath is making inroads into the Fairy Kingdom, but is there a possibility that in the future or at the moment Lilim in the single digits like Titania (Queen of the Fairies) will be entering?

I'm sorry, I can't tell you right now. Titania is conceived as an elder sister-type fairy.

129)Sensei, please tell me about the individual differences between monster girls! The girls are currently drawn in flesh-colored illustrations in the encyclopedia, but is it possible that some of them have blue skin?

I won't deny it, but I feel like they're going to be treated as a different race if they go all the way to blue skin!

130)It is said (according to World Guide 1) that monsterization is caused by the complete drainage of the essence (human mana) from the body or its transformation into mamono mana. In the former case, if we continue to replenish the body externally until the wounds heal using the "Unlimited Essence Bukkake Festival (non-R18)" method, will monsterization stop? Perhaps in the case of the "Unlimited Essence Bukkake Festival (R18)," she would immediately turn into a monster, right?

Theoretically, it's possible, but in situations where the former is possible, it's basically a situation where monsters' manas come in alternately, so it's quite difficult. In the case of the "Unlimited Essence Bukkake Festival (R18)," the monster's mana would swell up and she'd become a powerful and lewd monster, just not immediately.

131)What happens if a man approaches a liliraune when only one individual is present?

Of course, she will try to catch him, mate with him, and make him her husband. After that, they often look for another half, but sometimes the liliraune wants to monopolize the husband or is satisfied with the status quo and becomes a normal alraune.

132)I know a bicorn harem is capped at about 6 monsters, but if a bicorn enters another bicorn harem, will the cap remain at 6? Or will it increase? How much would it increase?

First of all, 6 people is not the limit. How many people will be in the harem depends on the mana of the bicorn and the vessel and qualities of her husband. It depends on ability, grit, effort, will, guts, willpower, and many other things, and depending on the situation, there are men who have double-digit harems. Even if the husband is a very ordinary regular man, I wonder if he can go that far. That's about 5 or 6 people. If two or more bicorns are married to him, the scale of the harem will increase due to the synergistic effect, but when two bicorns are married in the first place, it seems that he is not an ordinary man who can fit into a harem of only five or six people.

133)Genetically, the monster is completely dominant, but if for some reason the reproductive power is reversed to the human side, is it possible to have a human child from a monster girl?

If the power of the Mamono Lord grows stronger, then incubus (human male) will be born sooner or later.

134)Speaking of catnip's effects on felines, does it work on werecats and jinko?

It works. It makes them a mellow kitten. She'll enter deredere eroero state. It also works on jinko.

135)What name do they use in Zipangu to refer to an incubus?

They are sometimes called "yokai", "yojin", or "half-youkai" to equate them with monsters, or "human god" or "demigod" for monster companions who are worshipped as gods, etc. Basically, the most major term in Zipangu is "human", and we often do not distinguish between incubus and humans.

136)Are there any detailed race variations, etc. for incubus? (like shota incubus, etc.)

No. Incubus is "human" in terms of race. That's a matter of individual differences.

137)I think there are a certain number of people who are interested in food and aphrodisiacs from the mamono realm but do not want to be turned into monsters. For those people, are there any companies that can remove the mamono mana without losing the taste?

It is possible to remove mana, but since mana is one of the elements that create taste, removing mana will always result in a loss of taste. There is no good story early. Just for food!

138)If the undead get hit by a unicorn's healing magic, will they take damage? Also, can't the clergy in the encyclopedia world use 'turn undead'? It was used in the old days, but the divine protection of the chief god was weakened and the undead were strengthened and it became meaningless...

A unicorn's magical power is purely "healing" magic, and it is not derived from a god, so it does not damage undead. The healing arts used by the followers of the chief god damage the undead, but they do not have the power to ascend to heaven with a single shot. In the days of the old mamono lord, they were able to turn undead to ascend with a single blow, but the current ``monster girl is in a ``half-human state, and the undead are no exception. So damage from healing magic is also greatly reduced.

139)It's a sudden question. Are you planning to model some weird myths like Bahamut (giant fish) or Beelzebub (Lord of the Flies)?

Beelzebub is already here. Bahamut is also scheduled. However, I don't know if it will be set according to the myth. Only the name and general image are the same, and the original mythology may be ignored.

140)Can the environment, magic, or other external factors cause the liquid bodies of monster girls to freeze or evaporate? If so, will they be safe?

No, they will not. Even if there are slimes or yuki-onna in a desert or volcanic area, they will weaken, but they will not die. As long as they are well nourished by their husbands, they can live there. If the level of the monster girl freezes or evaporates, we are talking about a level where humans usually freeze or evaporate as well.

141)Is the breeding mode of plant-based monsters such as Alraune, Liliraune, and Mandragora viviparous?

It is called oviposition, or it seems to lay a seed as if laying an egg after conception.

142)In the "Mamono Realm Traveller's Guide," there are phrases such as "half a day in hell" to describe the massacre in the tentacle forest and "hellfire" to describe the flaming attack by the dragon during the massacre. Is it correct to understand that there is, or is believed to be, a "hell" as a horrifying world used in these analogies?

There are legends such as paradise, where good souls are sent, and hell, where bad souls are sent, in the mythology of the main religion and Zipangu. (Whether or not it actually exists) In addition, there is also a facility in this world called "Hell" that was created by the second daughter of the Demon King, inspired by it.

143)Basically, are hybrid monsters with multiple characteristic traits not born, except for special exceptions such as Fallen Maidens' Primera?

Basically, no, they are not born among the races that exist today. Only in special cases such as Primera. However, as a race, there are those that currently do not yet exist that possess the abilities of multiple monsters.

144)Is it possible to meet the monster girls in different habitats? For example, meeting a Zipangu monster in the desert?

Yes, there is. You may meet a Japanese in Egypt. It is the same thing.

145)What other runes are there besides the runes of pleasure?

There are many. But I cannot tell you about many at once, so I will share only one of them. The "Owner's Mark (rune)" which engraves the name of the mate on the body, further emphasizes the appeal of "who the owner is" through the smell and mana emitted to the surroundings, and further strengthens the characteristics that all monsters have to enhance the taste and pleasure of the mate's sperm and shut out pleasure from other sources. Mutual consent is required to inscribe this rune. Some monster girls often want to inscribe it on their own bodies.

146)Is it possible to have a zombification of the succubus type? I mean incubus zombies and succubus zombies plus a lovey-dovey tabby couple who are only souls to each other.

Succubus zombies also exist. It is possible for the body to become a zombie and the soul to become a ghost, but the body is not simply divided into body and soul, and the soul also remains on the body side. It is quite rare for a soul to split like this, so please consider it as a very rare case that not only one of the souls but also both male and female souls split.

147)I'd like to know how the Zipangu gods, such as the 8 million gods, the Buddhist Maitreya and Jizo (if there were any), would view the monster girl side (especially the mamono lord)?

Most of the 8 million gods in Zipangu are youkai (monsters) or spirits, so they are on the mamono lord's side. I can't give detailed settings yet, but the gods are variously on the side of the chief god, the mamono lord, or neither (originally, the gods of Zipangu are often different from other gods in thought, and quite a few of them don't belong to either side).

148)If the wife or lover of a man whose type of woman is an adult woman becomes a witch, he is usually going to be awakened to be a lolicon. Is it possible that there is such a thing as a heretical (lol) witch who respects men's preferences and remains in adult form?

Basically, there is no such thing, with the exception of those who take an megamorphosis potion in Wonderland and stay that way. Witches in adult form exist as a separate species that has nothing to do with the sabbath.

149)Is Pandemonium open to anyone other than the fallen monster couple? Can an undead or a beastman husband and wife enter forever without being disturbed by anyone?

Others aside from followers of the Fallen Gods can also enter Pandemonium. However, unlike believers who can enter and leave freely, non-believers need guidance such as transfer magic by believers to enter. The followers of the Fallen Gods can be represented by Dark Priests, Dark Angels, Dark Valkyries, etc., but it is possible for other races to become followers of the Fallen God. (In addition to undead and beastmen, dragons who serve the fallen god are also possible).

150)It's almost summer, but who will win, the sleep magic of weresheep and dormouse or the hot, humid, sleepless nights of summer? I want to hook up with Weresheep and get a good night's sleep, even in the summer.

The sleep magic wins. I mean, with the promised convenient magic, the beastman girls won't be hot in the summer, and the slime girls won't be cold in the winter!

151)Do ghouls, zombies, mummies, and other undead-type monsters grow physically?

Basically, they stop growing. They may grow if they and their husbands want them to! (appropriately)

152)What happens if Liliraune, who has only one woman, gets a husband before she takes in another woman?

While doing erotic things with her husband, she's looking for the other half of her husband's wife. If there is a human woman who likes her husband, she will be taken in immediately.

153)I heard that mandragoras and alraunes grown with the wonderful power of the intoxication fruit drops are as powerful as dragons and baphomets, but are such powerful individuals included in a new race? Or, if these super-mandragoras (provisional) give birth to daughters and the daughters inherit the super-power, do they become a new race at that point?

It is a bit complicated. If they are simply powerful, they may be called by a "common name" such as "Queen Alraune". A "subspecies" is a species that has different characteristics and ecology, or has different abilities (the original abilities are enhanced to a noteworthy level). The "Arch Imp" is a race of imps that have been enhanced, but because of their super-enhanced begging ability and the fact that they also show elements of a figure similar to that of the mamono lord, they are now recognized as a higher species. It becomes very ambiguous, but in the end, the scholars said, "This is a different species!" and they are treated as a new species. Even today, there may be cases where an "Alraune" with abilities that should be treated as a separate species is treated as an "Alraune" as she is.

154)I have drawn Bapho-sama in miko (maiden's robe) for my personal hobby in the past, but I was wondering if there is a Far East branch of the Sabbath? If there is, I would love to know how to join... (*´ω`*)

Thank you for the lovely illustration of Baphomet! The Sabbath has many chapters around the world, and of course Zipangu has one. Zipangu has many pro-monster areas, so they might even be recruiting in the streets normally.

155)Is the time between a monster girl's childhood as a loli and her adult form roughly the same as that of a human?

It seems to vary from race to race and from individual to individual. The age of Lolita is the same as that of humans, but some races and individuals seem to have a longer Lolita period and others have a longer adolescence period, while others have the same length of time as humans until adolescence. According to one theory, the Lolita period is longer for the more powerful races and those who live deep in the mamono realm, while those who live with humans, especially those who have already locked onto men of the same age, tend to grow up together and have a longer adolescent period. There is a rumor that this tends to be the case, but the truth is not known.

156)Is there any chance that we will see a detailed setting for the scholarly realm of Welsple, which was named as the birthplace of Saphirette Spherica in the Mamono Realm Traveller's Guide?

There is a possibility that it may appear here and there in the future, but whether or not it will be a full-blown story has not yet been decided. By all means, since this is the "Monster Girl Encyclopedia," it's hard to introduce anything related to the Gods or the cult...lol

157)Is it possible for a monster girl to have a reverse harem? Or will there be species with such habits in the future? I tried to think of a monster fallen husband and wife, or a lot of handsome butlers x monster masters, but I gave up.

Excuse me. I don't have any plans to release a reverse harem because I don't have a propensity for it...

158)There are many different types of beastman-types such as werewolves and werecats, but is there a weredog family? If so, are there golden retriever types, husky types, corgi types, etc.?

I think there will be Kobolds and Hellhounds as dog monster girls. Isn't it an individual difference feeling that it looks like a real dog breed?

159)Can the sea monster girls perform underwater activities that are common on the ground but difficult to perform underwater, such as cooking underwater? (For example, can they create a space with their magic or have items for such purposes?)

Yes, they can. The details of the system will be worked out in the future, but it is possible to create a place where such things can be done underwater using technology that creates magic. The image is like the Dragon's Palace, where people could cook and eat in the sea. The entire area of undersea living quarters is designed in this way.

160)If two people who are competing for the same man become monsters, do they feel like they are competing for a man after they become liliraune? And if so, what is it like when they are alone without a man? Do they turn into a lovey-dovey relationship with each other, or are they intertwined in a tsundere-chic way...

That depends on the individual. Some of them fight with each other while kissing like "Look, inside my mouth...I'm getting more than you...v", some of them get along well and try to please their husbands together, and of course some of them have a tsundere-like feeling, and so on.

161)What would the nest look like if both Honeybee and Hornet were attracted to it and both were able to produce offspring? Will it simply be a family with a nest twice the size and twice the liveliness squared?

"I'm getting more out of them than they're getting out of me!" "I have more children than you!" They will be a huge nest with a double-queen system, where they will fight and smile as much as each other! They do fight, but only because they share prey, not because they hate each other, so this seems to happen naturally.

162)There was a question about married people becoming monsters. What happens when a married couple has already broken up and they become monsters? Will her love for her husband be rekindled?

It depends on the love between the couple and the reason for the breakdown, so it is difficult to say. If it is a case of "I am in a rut" or "I have been married for many years and my love for my husband has cooled down." If this is the case, I think it will be a case of regaining past affection.

163)It seems that the majority of the members of the Sabbath are brother-sister play, but is it okay for witches and men who desire other relationships, such as father-daughter play, to join?

For more information, please read the annotated text on Sabbath on the Familiar page of Kurobinega. For the sake of convenience, brother-sister relationships are used in the text, but the relationships between the men and women in the group are different, so there may be some father-daughter couples.

164)Can children be born to ghouls, zombies, ghosts, and other undead? If so, are they human children?

Yes, they can. Even if the uterus has lost its function at the time of death, it can be revived if the husband does his best to pour it in. Their existence is not "a moving human corpse" but "a race of monsters," so the child will be of the same species as the parents.

165)Please tell me the race of the Echidna's daughters in the illustration on the page of Echidna in the book, "Monster Girl Encylopedia I." I especially want to know the one with the four snake-like creatures sticking out of her back.

From left to right, they are Echidna, Satyr, and Orthros. They have not appeared on the site yet, so their designs are subject to change. Please be patient!

166)Many of the current monster girls are basically the type to squeeze, but are there any types that make them endure? Or is it just that they are not described in detail?

On the monster girl's side, they want to feel better rather than endure it... lol I don't put it out because it's out of my propensity to endure it. Sorry.

167)I think there are many monster girls who can use mental manipulation like charms, but are there any other girls who can use hypnosis like Gazer-sama? Or rather, will there be more of them?

It is often misunderstood, but the attraction of monster girls is not mental manipulation, but an enhanced version of the way men are attracted to beautiful or pretty women or the way they have sexual desire. She wouldn't even try it in the first place, but even if Lilim charms an incubus with a wife, she may make him think she's beautiful and attractive, but she can't make him sleep with her. (Let's put that Lilim in the harem! ) So, the hypnotism of the gazer is a special ability that is quite different from charm. There are other monster girls who use hypnosis and suggestion, though not many.

168)Holstaurs, weresheep, unicorn, wererabbit, etc. Won't herbivore type monster girls who tend to be vegetarians eat meat dishes? I'm in trouble because I'm a meat lover and also a gentle older sister lover...lol

They prefer vegetables, but they can eat meat too. Dogs and cats normally can't eat onions, but werewolves and werecats can. This is because 'monster girls' are half human.

169)Are there any divine beasts or other god families other than angels in the encyclopedia (Not limited to the chief god).

There are, but I can't go into too much detail right now. Sorry!

170)Is it possible for a monster girl to die and become undead? I've heard of unmarried dragons becoming dragon zombies after death, but ...

Yes, it is. I can't give you all of them as a races... lol

171)I've always thought that the concept of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia World is that monster girls should be erotic and happy. Based on that, suppose a woman who is a believer of Eros, the goddess of love, betrays her love and is punished by heaven. What about this? I know it's just my own idea, but if even one monster girl can't be erotic and happy, wouldn't that be a contradiction in terms and out of line with the concept? Or am I wrong about the concept?

The concept is that "good" people and monsters should be erotic and happy. Sin needs to be punished, and becoming a monster girl does not erase or forgive a person's sins. To put it bluntly, just because a woman who killed many people for selfish reasons becomes a monster girl does not erase her sins or make her happy. However, what is written in the section on the goddess of love is "it is even said," so depending on the severity of the sin and whether or not she is remorseful, the goddess may forgive her. However, if the sin is too serious or if there is no remorse, it will still not be forgiven.

172)I wondered a little about how the slime species will give birth to boys in the future when the monster girls are able to give birth to boys. Will they grow up inside the slime's belly and will we be able to see through the inside of the slime?

It will grow at the slime's belly. It becomes temporarily opaque and hardens around it.

173)Is it possible to become a necromancer and bring the undead girls together? I am always indebted to Lich-sama, Bapho-sama, and Medco-sama (*'ω'*)

You can do it. However, it's not limited to necromancers, but creating a harem with monster girls requires a certain amount of grit, virility, effort, and guts!

174)Is it common for a man to court a girl he likes and then have multiple wives?

It does happen, but it is not a common occurrence. Very few men are capable of such a thing. It is just like the main character in a game, a very small percentage of people. Real-life carnivores! Even men who are about the same size as the real-life "carnivores" will become a mellow bonehead if they have one wife.

175)Basically, monster girls do not harm humans, but if someone comes along who is so vicious that he or she over-hunts monster girls and uses them not sexually, but essentially as food, then they must still be captured and executed, right?

There are monster girls who believe that courts and prisons are necessary to deal with such things. I can't go into details yet, so I'll tell you soon~.

176)The Chief God has been betrayed by both the Fallen God and the sea god Poseidon, and the strongest hero has gone over to the other side, but will there be more opportunities for them in the future?

Yes, there will be. I can't go into too much detail right now. Sorry!

177)Looking at the world setting, in the future when the power of the Mamono Lord has increased from the current situation in the encyclopedia world, is it possible that a human (or incubus) child will be born between a human and a monster girl?

It is a definite possibility that a male (incubus) child will be born between a human and a monster girl. It is in the relatively near future.

178)If a husband dies, does that mean that there can be male ghosts in the encyclopedia world?

Ghosts (souls), or incubus zombie-like things, can exist. I can't go into details now, so we'll see. At worst, they can become souls and flirt with each other.

179)Spiders are well-known as beneficial insects that feed on cockroaches. I wonder if Arachne and others would do such things (including sexually) to devil bugs and the like?

I've thought of a devil bug, an unwise child, to be trained to be a serious, devoted, and sharp girl, like a spider, but I don't know if they would actually do it.

180)To what extent is it acceptable (permissible) for a monster girl to behave toward her husband or the man she wants to be her husband because of love? Please let me know what you consider acceptable.

I'm not sure I understand your question, but I don't think that a monster girl would hurt a man she loves, or attack a man who is physically or mentally weak (at that time, her worry would outweigh my sexual desire), or would not disrespect a man who has a wife and children.

181)I was wondering, since you mentioned the underworld in your previous answer, will there be any more stories about the underworld in the encyclopedia world? Will there be any more monster girls like Hades or Cerberus?

The story of the underworld will appear in the future!

182)How much of a rejuvenating effect does a man have when he is incubized? ED (erectile dysfunction) will be completely cured the moment he is attacked by the monster girl, but in the case of various inconveniences caused by aging (like lack of stamina), to what extent will he recover? Could it possibly rejuvenate you? Will it also heal traumatic injuries to the body?

It depends on the man's wish whether he will look younger or not, but his sexual function and physical strength will be rejuvenated. The moment he becomes an incubus, he will be completely cured. But since the recovery power increases, traumatic injuries will be healed easily and gradually.

183)Do monsters that multiply by division, like slimes, have a sense of "pregnancy"? Also, do individuals born from division recognize the original individual as the "mother" and her male husband as the "father"?

There is no sense of pregnancy. However, if they learn it as knowledge, there is a possibility that slimes will do "something like pregnancy" because they are quick to adapt. They are also aware who are their daughters, mothers, and fathers.

184)What is the process by which children of plant-based monsters such as alraune and mandragora are born? Pregnancy -> birth of a seed -> planting the seed in nutrient-rich soil and germination?

That is correct.

185)I wonder what the monster girls, whose ecology is deeply related to human women, like dark matter, think about the eventual disappearance of humans if the world changes as the mamono lord, leaders, fallen gods, etc. want it to.

I don't think they are very interested. Dark matter can exist on its own simply even though it can become one with human women, and I think that monsters that are parasitize on humans will eventually be able to conceive children as normal.

186)I read that a monster girl who has a partner gradually changes her appearance to that of her partner's liking through the action of magic, but if the liking of the partner is far from her own appearance and personality, is it possible for her to suddenly change to another appearance due to a kind of shock symptom such as an outburst of magic power caused by emotion? Also, if a person that has undergone such a change returns to its original appearance every other day or so, would it be called a "multi-headed monster" in the case of a werewolf, an orthros, or an amphisbaena in the case of a lamia?

There is no such thing. Even if their appearance changes, it is basically the size of their boobs or the fact that a small girl becomes a big girl. Also, since monster girls are basically good-looking in any direction, men often come to like their appearance. In the real world, even if a man doesn't like a girl, he will find her cute if she likes him, and this tends to be more the case with a monster girl who is attractive in her original appearance.

187)My question is, when you become a monster girl from a race that is not a monster, such as elves or dwarves, do you always become an elf or dwarf as you are? Is there such a thing as an elf who is monsterized by a werewolf, etc. and becomes a werewolf elf?

If a werewolf attacks an elf or dwarf, it basically becomes an elf or dwarf. This is because elves have strong mana, so even elves and dwarves can become werewolves if they are attacked by an exceptionally powerful werewolf. Half-elves and half-dwarves who are attacked by werewolves usually become werewolves.

188)Like Bapho-sama and Anubis, there are girls who turn humans into subordinate monster girls when they turn them into monster girls, but are there any things that turn them into monster girls from humans to these girls?

There are. However, higher races such as Baphomets must be from human women with appropriate "qualities".

189)Are there some individuals that are at odds with the species characteristics, like the small-breasted Holstaur?

They might exist. To that extent, though, they would be absurdly rare, less than one in a million.

190)With the exception of a few monster girls such as unicorns and crab girls, are monster girls tolerant of harems and polygamy? Unless they are actively trying to build up a harem like the bicorns.

Many of them would like to monopolize their husbands if possible. However, they, the monster girls, know how heavy the love other monster girls have for their men because they are like them, so "if they are really in love," it is unavoidable. It seems that this is often the case. Ethically, they don't seem to have any particular resistance.

Features of Specific Monster Girls

1) It makes me a bit sad to think if there are only loli Witches. Do voluptuous onee-sama type monster girl Witches exist?[50]

There are, although as a different kind.

2) About how long is the lifespan of a Succubus?[51]

There's great individual difference. But it goes from several hundreds to several thousands of years. Mamono Lords and such can even get older than ten-thousands of years.

3) Sorry to ask so many things. Since Holstaurus have considerably big breasts, at about which age do they start developing? At a rather young age, no[52]

There are individual differences, but they generally start to budge around Kindergarten age, so they'll already be oppai-loli during elementary-school.

4) Can Sandworms willingly transform their inner flesh walls to a certain degree?[53]

They can do various things, like creating rooms, separated spaces free of drool (mostly as storehouse for the husband) or make benches and a bed for their husband.

5) Can a Lich make a new phylactery in case the old one breaks?[54]

Of course they can.

6) Can Ushi-Oni spin threads?[55]

They can spin threads (?) that kinda look like straw rope. Seems like they're not very good at spinning finer threads.

7) What are these white protuberances on the arms and chest of a Ghoul?[56]

They're bones changed into shells. They can be made to appear and disappear freely using magic.

8) Is the child of a Kitsune-Tsuki a Kitsune-Tsuki?[57]

Basically yes. But in rare cases, an Inari or Youko may be born.

9) Is the mantle of a Vampire part of her body?[58]

They're actually wings. They can be expanded and contracted, made to disappear or changed into Succubus like demonic wings.

10) Since they're bird-like, do Kikimora lay eggs? Or are they viviparous since they're part of the wolf family?[59]

They're viviparous.

11) Can Kikimora change their legs into human ones?[60]

They can if they use polymorph. But usually they just conceal them as boots that look like bird scales.

12) Are there genderbend Pharaohs?[61]

There are. Or perhaps I should say that there's many genderbend ones since many kings were originally men.

13) What kind of person is Poseidon? Is she a mellow pretty woman? Or perhaps the big sister type? I'm also curious about the Fallen God.[62]

She's the mellow onee-san type giving of this ara-ara ufufu vibe. The Fallen God is still a secret.

14) If I tell a Dark Elf that I like white skin, will hers turn white?[63]

They can temporarily turn it white with magic. However, if you become the husband of one of these girls, they'll want you to love their tanned skin as well.

15) So the Lich carries a cross on her back, but isn't this a bit strange for a monster girl?[64]

That's more of a tombstone rather than a cross. It's not like monster girls are weak against crosses in particular. It depends on individual idea, but it's not like crosses or things linked to the church would cause unpleasant feelings. Also there are gods other than the Chief and Fallen God that use motives and symbols containing a cross.

16) Where do the snakes of an Echidna grow from?[65]

They're growing from her head. Or rather, they're a part of hair that turned into snakes.

17) What's the purpose of the eye seal of an Ushi-Oni?[66]

It's a seal, or rather a talisman. It's purpose is to hold back the sexual desires of the Ushi-Oni. The sexual desires are in that held back state. Taking it off is a bad idea!

18) Can an adult male properly ride on the back (the back part that's a spider) of an Arachne or Ushi-Oni? I want to go on a walk with them the same way as with a Centaur![67]

Yes. They're strong, so there's a margin to ride on them. But they'll want to carry this over into something related to sex at night!

19) So what are those 2 tentacle-like mouths growing from a Jabberwock's body?[68]

They're tentacles. They can be freely moved like a second set of arms. The person herself doesn't really know why she has them, but they're mostly used lick and suck a male's body.

20) Can monstergirls of the wolf-family (Werewolf, Hellhound, ect.) eat things that real dogs can't, such as onions? If they can't, will it work as an aphrodisiac on them similar to Vampires?[69]

Monster girls are living beings that are half monster and half human, so things like onions are fine. Whatever a human can eat can a monster girl eat too.

21) Sorry for asking another question, but how many fingers does the paw of a Hellhound have? Werewolf has 5 fingers. And Anubis has 3 fingers, but I can't really tell with the Hellhound since the paw is partially obscured, so I'd be much obliged if you could tell me.[70]

It's obscured, but the Hellhound has 4 fingers. The truth is, Anubis too will be corrected to 4 fingers in the printed version.

22) Why do Centaurs have a second pussy? I'm fine with the one in the back, so I think this is a bit weird.[71]

Isn't it natural that lovers and married couples would like to have sex facing each other? Since the girls had this wish, a second set of genitalia grew.

23) How are the child of a Sandworm born?[72]

First, the female body in the mouth lays an egg. The Sandworm will have a small shell right after hatching from the egg, so both parents will raise her inside the mother's mouth until she has grown larger.

24) It's always fun to read your stuff! But I have a question, how many fingers does the hand of a Lizardman have? In the old picture there were 5 fingers, but with the new one I can't really tell if there are 3 fingers or 4…[73]

Thank you very much. It's 4 fingers. The thumb is obscured.

25) What does the hair of a Sandworm feel like? Does it feel similar to wet hair? Or is there some fleshiness to it? Oh, also can the main body of a Sandworm temporarily separate herself from the outer shell?[74]

If the hair became loose then it'll feel like damp wet hair, and if it's bound together, then (that part) it'll have a fleshy texture similar to a tongue. The girls can change by will if it's loose or bound together as a tongue. It's possible to temporarily erase (hide) the shell by using polymorph, but they can't actually separate from it. However, the connected part may be anywhere, so they can free up their legs if they grow something like a tail to stay connected with the inner flesh walls of the shell.

26) I thought of this since Liliraune was updated this time, but is it possible for monstergirls of the Alraune type to walk around on their own legs by using something like polymorph? I really want to take these girls on dates in various places.[75]

They can. All monsters are [half human], so there isn't a single race of them incapable of using polymorph. Of course the time needed to learn it depends on intelligence and the accuracy of the morph varies. (If they're bad at it then the colour of the skin might remain unchanged, skilled races like Gyoubu Tanuki on the other hand can even hide the indications of magic when turning human) Furthermore, monsters of the Alraune family can normally walk by using the roots below the flower even without using polymorph.

27) Are there any special effects to the shed skin of Lamia type monsters? If you carry the skin of an Echidna, do you become popular with Echidnas or turn into one or receive their blessing?[76]

If the mamono mana of an Echidna are firmly frozen into it, then it'll become easier to be fond of the Lamia family including Echidnas, and women will turn into an Echidna. (Turning into an Echidna requires quite some disposition, so it seems that many will turn into a Lamia instead).

28) Is it possible for a Roper type to create a human shaped baby in her own belly? Or do they only give birth to tentacles?[77]

It's not like they recklessly only make Roper eggs, but it's possible for them to conceive a child. In that case it'll be infested by a Roper from the beginning and be born as a Roper.

29) All monsters are linked to the Mamono Lord, but are there any Lilim that have to body of a snake or spider amongst their sisters?[78]

I don't really know if there are any Lilim on the level of having a different lower body, but Lilim with beast-like horns and tails or with limbs that are covered in an insect-like shell sporadically exist!

30) It seems dangerous if both a Bicorn and Shirohebi fall in love with the same man.[79]

Seems like it'll get very rough for some time. w For the husband's body that is. They'll end up getting along in some way or another, but seems like the harem will get rather busy, since the Shiroebi will try to steal a march on the other members and get into an assertive position where she gets the most sex. Hang in there husband!

31) Are monster girls of the reptile family like Lamia or Lizardmen live-bearing? Or do they lay eggs? Can they breast feed?[80]

It's both. They'll lay an egg after being pregnant with it for a while. They'll also breastfeed.

32) If a woman gets monsterized into a Lamia, what happens to the clothes she wears on her lower body at that time?[81]

They vanish, and then, by the miracle of mamono mana, turn into clothes for Lamia of similar design! Or something like that. w

33) What happens if a human woman wears the mushroom of a Mad Hatter after it was turned into a regular hat by a man wearing it? Will it remain a regular hat, or will she turn into a Mad Hatter?[82]

It'll reverse into a mushroom and turn her into a Mad Hatter. In case that the man wearing it before was the lover of the woman, then I get the feeling that a strong Mad Hatter will be born after some of the mushroom mixed with the male's essence, leading to an erotic trip...!

34) Can you take care of a Mad Hatter without having to inhale her spores by stripping her completely naked from her clothes made of mushroom?[83]

They'll emit spores even without the hat or clothes. Also during French kissing you'll exchange saliva mixed with their spores, so there's no defence against them pouring in.

35) Since it seems like there are individual differences with monster girls of the same race, are there any Lilim with black hair or something?[84]

Sorry. Lilim basically only have white hair. However, there are some individuals that naturally have white + some colour as mesh or gradient hair.

36) I have a question. Regarding Half-Elves and Half-Dwarves, are they Elves/Dwarves that were born from human men and non-monsterized Elves/Dwarves? And if they get monsterized, are the children born from them and human men still halves?[85]

Children born between human and Elves/Dwarves (doesn't matter which part's male and female) will become halves. Also after monsterization they won't give birth to halves, but to monster Elves/Dwarves.

37) I've started to wonder since there's soon gonna be a game released with rhinoceros and stag beetle themed characters. If we assume that you'd reveal a rhinoceros or stag beetle themed monster girl, would she still have the large jaw or horn that are characteristic for the male beetles?[86]

She would. Since Monsters included males before they were all turned into Monster Girls, like Lizardmen being Lizardmen", these girls will have these specific elements even if they used to be a characteristic of the males of that race.

38) Are there any colour variations like white or red to the swimsuit like skin of a Sahuagin Also would it be possible to add a Sabbath made rune embroidery to the swimsuit of a Sahuagin?

The ultra-rare white colour variation school-swimsuit Sahuagin is...! Probably something that exists. Also adding an embroidery is possible.

39) I get the feeling there are many Lesser Succubi with large breasts, so is it that mostly girls with large breasts are targeted? Or is it simply that their breasts get bigger after becoming a Lesser, resulting in many girls with big breasts?[87]

It's just a coincidence. There's also Lesser Succubi that have small breasts or are flat-chested. However, there's many girls who have their breasts grow bigger, since turning into a Succubus emphases their feminine charms. Also, it's probably simply a question of their design and my own tastes that there are seemingly many that have breasts with a bigger size.

40) It's about the body hair of a Lesser Succubus, but can they maintain it even after turning into a Succubus? I wonder if she can stay the way she is without maturing if her man likes Lesser Succubi?[88]

I think she can stay that way if her husband wishes for it.

41) If the Mamono Lord manages to overwrite the world setting, humans will end up the males with monsters as females. So what will happen to the fluffy and inexperienced Lesser Succubi in that case? Without any human woman, they'll continue to gain sexual experience and turn into (mature) Succubi…[89]

I think if men demand for it, then they might either become an individual difference amongst Succubi, or split off as an independent subspecies.

42) Are there any oppai-loli Baphomet?[90]

I think there are. But I think they'd be incredibly rare and regarded as heresy by the Sabbath.

43) Is there anything special about the heroes a Valkyrie sticks to? Are there any conditions? Are there also Valkyrie that stick to female heroes? In that case, what will happen if said Valkyrie gets monsterized?[91]

It's not like there's anything special about it, but they usually stick to people with an ability as a hero. In case of a monsterized Valkyrie, then there are cases where she picks a husband fitting her tastes and female instincts. Cases where they stick to a female hero also exist, and if she should get monsterized in such a case, then she'll raise her into a splendid Inma, or rather mamono realm hero, or rather wife.

44) What's the ectoplasm like stuff covering the arms of a Wight?[92]

It's a spiritual body (ectoplasm) made from magic!

45) Are Amazoness muscular?[93]

There are many muscular Amazoness!

46) What kind of role does the scythe of a Nightmare play?[94]

The scythe is used to cut open and create an entry into the dream world. Did it-, so cool! However, they can do this even without one. So there actually are many girls without one. For Nightmares they are something like a fashion item handed down from ancient times.

47) The claws of a Jinko are pretty long, so are they able to retract them like cats?[95]

They can.

48) Can Yuki Onna and Glacies enter hot springs?[96]

They can go in. However, even after only entering for a short time their bodies will start to feel hot and their minds will get soggy, even if it wasn't a Mamono Realm hot spring. Sex will be inevitable!

49) So Why did the wings of Kunoichi regress? I thought that being able to fly would be definitely advantageous for infiltration or combat...?[97]

They basically have to move through confined spaces for their missions, which is easier without wings. Also they don't have a need for them since they're capable of jumping really high, walk along walls and ceilings, or are able to fly by making mysterious giant kites that aren't tied to anything appear on their backs by using mudra hand signs...

50) So if an Ant Arachne that slipped into a Giant Ant nest gets her cover blown, what kind of actions against her will occur?[98]

They actually don't really care. But even if “Oh so is that! Well that's fine!” is also the case, there might be some individuals that “get to work!” would want to do something like turn her into some sort of maid.

51) Where do fins grow on the hands of the Sea Bishops? Is Mamono written on their stone tablets? What is written there?

It seems they grow out of elbows. The text on the tablets they wear is written using symbols different from the Mamono writing, they contain the power of Poseidon, and there are engraved words with which they bless the marriage.

52) As their magical power increases, Yoko and Inari can grow a maximum of 9 tails, but if this continues, will their power grow without limit?

The nine tails do not indicate the upper limit of magical power. However, since, having received 9 tails, they begin to approach the area of ​​power close to the gods, the growth rate of the magical power becomes very small from now on.

53) This is a question about Dark Matter and Spherica. Although the nature of Dark Matter is very simple and mainly centered around the desire for sex, Mrs. Spherica seems to have a strong personality of a scientist despite being assimilated by the dark matter, is that so? Another question is why didn't she go to a man with definite intentions, didn’t Saphirette have the person she dreamed about? Currently, she is still looking for a loved one, while not attacking men (although still lonely), and why won't she go looking for a loved one like other Dark Matters? And finally, why is Welsple - a light green mamono realm, even though Dark matters usually turn the lands they transform into dark mamono realms(after all, it is depicted in the illustrations)?

This happened because her desire to save her homeland, to be a scientist and to continue to study were very strong. Over time, her sexual desire grew stronger, but the search for her husband was difficult because ... she did not fall in love with any man. And unfortunately, probably due to the fact that her personality was very strong, or, less likely, because of the unsuccessful experience of dating men or because of her inclinations and tastes, she wants the man to show an active sexual attraction to her. .
When people turn into mamono and incubus, the earth usually becomes a mamono realm. And most often becomes a tdark mamono realm. But since it was she who initiated the conversion, this kingdom became the light green mamono realm.. [Those. it became Green DR due to the desire of Saphirette]

54) Can a ghost, having gained a material body, return to its former state of a disembodied spirit?

Yes, she is capable of it. If the ghost has enough power to gain a physical body, then she can easily pass between it and the spiritual body.

55) Cupids and Houri, becoming mamono, acquire bluish skin and black wings?

Since their appearance does not change during monsterization, this does not happen.

56) Will a Cait Sith be born from a Cait Sith and a man?

A Cait Sith's daughter will be a Cait Sith.

57) The book says that Mimics can be neutralized by inserting the corresponding key into the keyhole before the chest opens. It is also written that if "the corresponding key was not found", then the only chance to prevent Mimic from attacking the man is to insert "something else that is not the key." How did the Wandering Scientist know what the result of using this thing would be? How did he verify that the same thing happened as when the corresponding key was inserted?

He heard the "same story" from the Mimic and her husband in both cases.

58)What is the dark matter-like black sphere that Lilim is riding in the illustration in the encyclopedia?

It is the embodiment of Lilim's magical power, and it's a mass of mamono mana.

59)I can understand the word "fox" written on Youko's left shoe, but I cannot decipher the word next to the fox. What is written there?

It is "female" and becomes a "female fox".[Vixen]

60)The size of the tongue attached to Karakasa-Obake's umbrella is... or is it possible to change the thickness? If I could change the thickness, I would be able to french kiss it, or wrap my whole body in a pseudo-mouth play like a sandworm, and so on.

She can change it.

61)Will the mamono of the Fairy Family, such as Fairies and Leanan Sidhes, be able to give birth to incubi? Also, it seems to me that it would be difficult for fairy family monsters to have sexual intercourse after they become pregnant, but is it possible?

They will eventually be able to give birth. In that case, the child will be the size of a fairy when they are born and become human-sized during the process of growth. Even during pregnancy, she will be magically protected and the space inside her body will be slightly manipulated (at the time of the belly bump in the first place), so she should be fine. However, it is true that it looks painful, so if you care for them, I think they will be pleased with your kindness. The gestation period of the fairies is said to be shorter than that of humans.

62)I can't think of a stick that can deal with a mimic's keyhole except for that one...is it okay if it's the man's stick after all? And, there is a way to deal with the jar, which is to break the jar. If I break the jar, can I capture it like the mimic whose lock has been opened? Also, are there individuals with large breasts in the mimic family?

That's right, but don't make me tell you that I'm blurting it out, lol, you can also capture them. Although it might set you up to the point where you get horny after capturing them! There are no specific physique characteristics of the species, so there are also inviduals with large breasts.

63)Are there dwarves with big boobs?

Yes, there are. But I think they are quite rare.

64)If a man falls in love with a woman depicted in a novel illustration or painting, can his doppelganger transform into her?

Yes, it can.

65)Does Alraune pollen allergy happen with liliraune pollen? Or can it be removed by Liliraune? Also, mandragoras are flowering too, right?

Liliraune is basically an alraune, so it causes pollen allergy as well. It doesn't seem to happen with mandragora pollen.

66)Please let me know. The long tongue of Karakasa-Obake, where does it grow from? I assume from the top of her head? Also, there are eyes on the umbrella, do you mean to say that there are nerves running through it? If I were to use an analogy, I would say that it is positioned like Dullahan's neck.

It grows from the top of the head, or rather from the inside of the umbrella. There is sensation in the umbrella, too. It doesn't seem to have much of a sense of pain, but it is said to feel good when the surface of the umbrella is stroked.

67)Like you, Mr. Spherica, I'm not sure how dark matter clothing works.

The mana of the spherical part is transformed and transmuted to make clothes. The girls who are skilled in handling mana are also good at that kind of thing.

68)Is the child of Pharaoh a pharaoh?

The child of a frog is a frog. The child of Pharaoh is Pharaoh.

69)Can Lilims turn a human woman into a kraken or pharaoh?

They can turn them into Kraken. Pharaohs come from a slightly different background, so basically they can't.

70)What would slime jelly from parasite slime look like? If a human female eats it and becomes a slime carrier, what would it taste like?

I think it would be peach flavor. I think that when she eats it, her sense of taste will melt away with her thoughts and she will become a slime carrier.

71)If a unicorn goes to the dark mamono realm, does she become a bicorn?

No, she does not because unicorns can block and neutralize the mana of other monsters from the outside. Unicorns become bicorns because when the mana of other monsters enters the unicorn's body along with her husband's essence, the unicorn's body tries its best to accept the essence, and so, the mana of the monsters mixed in will also be absorbed.

72)Are the flames on the belly of the chochin-obake burning on the outside? Is it transparent and you can see the inside?

It burns on the inside. The inside is transparent.

73)You say that a drop of the intoxication fruit can be given to an alraune or a mandragora, but what would happen if you gave it to a tentacle brain taken from the tentacle forest? And if that Tentacle Brain becomes a monster Tentacle, will it be as powerful as a dragon?

It will surely become a super-strong tentacle after being monsterized.

74)What happens if a unicorn's horn breaks? It is often used as a material for magic wands and medicines, but does it regrow?

It regenerates properly. However, when she has no horn, it seems that her resistance to mana weakens, making it easier for her to become a bicorn.

75)Does the slime types have erogenous zones?

Yes, they do. It can be said that the whole body is an erogenous zone, and it is also possible to concentrate sexual sensation on a part of the body at the will of the slime. Basically, when a slime is inserted into, it tries to obtain pleasure by concentrating its sexual sensation on that part of the body.

76)Is there no Alice with big tits? Also, Alice who was with the Queen of Hearts can have children, but are the children also Alice?

I can't deny that they exist, but it seems that there is a mutation level (mutation of mutant species) or some magic or medicine at work. An Alice who drinks extra thick holstaur milk every day since childhood, for example, might become an oppai loli. Alice's daughter will be a succubus, since mutant species are basically one generation only. (Of course, an Alice could also be born.)

77)Are there Sylphs with big boobs and Gnomes with small boobs?

Yes, there are.

78)How does Tentacle-chan reproduce? Like other plant-type monster girls, from seeds?

Like other plant-type monster girls, she bears seeds.

79)Hobgoblin is a mutant species of goblins, but are Hobgoblin's children necessarily Hobgoblins?

The mutant species is basically only one generation, and the child that the mutant species gives birth to is the original species'. Roughly, a hobgoblin's child is mostly a goblin. However, compared with the case where the mother is a goblin, the probability that the Hobgoblin's daughter will be a hobgoblin is slightly higher.

80)Does the aphrodisiac effect and strong dependence of Bubble Slime remain even if you make it live in a clean place and eliminate the strange odor?

It will remain because that is the original ability of the bubble slime.

81)Can a Lilim turn a human into a sea bishop?

She can.

82)Mandragora also has green leaves from the neck down, is this because it has been a while since she was pulled out? Or is it like that from the beginning?

Because it has been a little while since she was pulled out.

83)I have a question for Mr. Kenkou Cross. Will chimaera children have the same number of personalities as their parent? Or will it increase or decrease?

Basically, it will be the same number and the same type of personality. However, on rare occasions, whether it is due to ancestry or the influence of the husband, it may decrease or increase, or become a different type of personality. For example, there seems to be cases such as a daughter born from a dog lover husband having a dog personality manifest, or a chimaera in a bicorn harem developing a black horse personality.

84)Do the bubbles in the cancers disappear if left unattended? Can it be stored?

Basically, it will disappear. However, it may be possible to store it by making good use of the previously mentioned Barometz cotton.

85)Is it possible for a human female to become an akaname? And are there any non-Loli akaname?

Akaname does not have the ability to transform women into the same type of monster, but if she is exposed to or taken in by the concentrated Akaname mana that has been accumulated or made into a medicine for some reason, she will become an Akaname. There are also Akaname that are not lolis.

86)Does the tongue of an akaname regenerate quickly after it is cut? And what about the taste of her tongue?

There is an anecdote that she caught the sword of a villain who attacked her husband with her tongue...

87)Are there no reverse scales on dragons?

Yes, there are. However, unlike ryus, the reason why it is not specified is because the location of the reverse scale is smaller and harder to find compared to ryus, they do not show such extreme reactions when touched, and men who are straddled by dragons are more likely to be touched by them in the first place, so they do not often come in contact with their reverse scales. There are many reasons like these.

88)I saw an Alice-chan bot on the internet where Alice was monsterizing a human woman, is it possible?

It is possible because she is a succubus. However, since they basically have no knowledge of such things, it is more likely that they turned them into monsters when they were playing (it is possible that their lewd instincts made them do so in order to turn women into monsters...) or that they turned into monsters when their succubus sister or their friend Imp-chan encouraged them to do something naughty.

89)It seems that I can't become a husband unless I win the battle with Hinezumi, but if I confess to her seriously, will she become my master and train me to the point where I can defeat her?

There's no monster girl who doesn't get excited when someone confesses to her seriously. Of course she will, and sometimes you get into that kind of relationship before you win.

90)Is there a type of chimera that consists of three or five types of monsters?

They do exist, as stated in the (profile) text.

91)Can slime carriers hide their parasite slime? Can they disguise it in a costume, hide it in their body, or use magic to temporarily hide it? Does the slime clog the airways, or is it too much for the body if the body is full of slime (e.g., suffocation)? Or does the mana protect it? If the body is covered with slime, does it have some resistance to external threats? Can aquatic monsters move freely within the slime? Or is it up to the slime's will to move? If the level of the slime species is high enough, can they create a different space full of slime inside themselves?

In the case of strong individuals, they can disguise themselves in costumes, compress and shrink to the limit and hide inside their bodies or behind their clothes, or they can use a kind of humanization technique to hide themselves. Slime is a parasite that lives on humans, so it understands the mechanisms of the human body and does not block on the airways. However, even when a slime is unable to breathe due to other factors, it will do its best to keep its body alive. The slime's protective ability depends on the individual's ability, but it can protect against most of the things mentioned in the examples. It depends on the will of the slime. Basically, slime splits up, so it is a different species of slime, such as queen slime.

92)It seems that the parasitic slime has its own will and is connected to the spirit of the slime carrier. Is it possible to temporarily take over the slime carrier's body and control it?

I think it is possible. However, if you are completely a slime carrier, your thoughts are almost equal, so there is no need to do so, but you might be forced to move the hips of a tsuntsun girl when she is on the verge of becoming a monster.

93)Is there a possibility that monster girls of the zombie genus other than zombies can also evolve into wights? Also, do undead noble wights and vampires have any awareness of each other?

Currently, only zombies are. Both are nobles of the undead world, and not only wights but also vampires sometimes attend social gatherings, so they are aware of each other. They sometimes get along well with each other and sometimes show off to each other (mainly boasting about their husbands).

94)Is the floral part of Liliraune exclusively a member of the Liliaceae family? Also, can Alraune's flower be different depending on her individual characteristics? Are there alraune with lily flowers?

Liliraune mostly belong only to lily flowers. Although it is possible that their flower is not a white lily, but another flower from the Liliaceae family.

95)The queen slime is a slime with a defective splitting function, but can other slimes, such as red slime and nureonago, also become queens?

It is possible, but it has not been officially confirmed. (It seems that the higher the species (in the sense that they are not listed in the encyclopedia), the rarer it will be for them to become queens. Maybe it will be an official species in time.

96)When a shirohebi injects mana into her husband, does she bite him with her fangs? Or is it by mouth-to-mouth transfer? Or is it different from these? I can only sleep at night because I am curious.

There are various ways to pour mana. There are various ways to pour mana, such as by using mana by itself, physical contact, sexual intercourse, or through fangs and claws. In terms of efficiency, it is sexual intercourse > > mouth-to-mouth, claws and fangs > > physical contact > > pouring mana. The Shirohebi, by its own nature, often uses such methods as entwining her tongue around her husband's during mouth-to-mouth, whispering in his ear and pouring mana into her words and breath, or stroking the husband's lower abdomen with a bewitching hand and pouring mana into the husband's body.

97)How much material bone does a skeleton-chan need to have in order to become a monster? Is it possible to substitute other people's bones for parts that are missing? Also, I was just thinking... having a partner like a "onahole" when you were single isn't cheating on your partner, right? I always look forward to seeing your work. Please keep up the good work and take care of yourself!

Worst case scenario, you can mix animal bones. They might grow kemonomimi ears or tails or something, but they don't care! I think most monster girls will consider masturbation supplies a necessary thing. But they will also want you to put it out for them if you can. If it's a shirohebi, I'm sure they'll be jittery even though they know it's necessary.

98)Karasaka-Obake-chan seems to have both legs restrained, but what happens to their legs when walking or crossing.

They can float and bounce with magic (they have a great sense of balance, but they sometimes fall). Some of them are held by their husbands or in ekiben style. In addition, when crossing, the cloth on the legs is made of magic (it is subtly transparent) and can be erased freely. [Ekiben style refers to this. https://hinative.com/questions/10488663]

99)Hi, I always look forward to seeing your work. Do you feel like you can see something with the umbrella eyelets that Karakasa-chan has this time?

Yes, it can see things. It seems to come in handy mainly when she's cooped up inside with her husband with the umbrella closed.

100)When I saw "Nureonago," it occurred to me that if slimes or ropers walk around the house, won't the inside of the house get soaked? I know that humanizing them is a good solution, but if there is any other way to deal with the problem, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

They can also be consciously aware of not letting some of their own moisture or mucus drip out. As for Nureonago, on the contrary, they can absorb moisture and dry laundry in an instant. How convenient!

101)Can a Karakasa-obake who holds the user and closes the umbrella to form a shielding space move in that state or disappear from the normal space as it is, and withdraw from a threat (avoiding danger such as being buried alive while being invincible)?

You can move freely. Since the female part is completely hidden by closing the hat, the appearance at that time seems to look like a Karakasa-obake (of the figure as a monster) before becoming a monster girl.

102)It is said that when an elf falls, "both body and soul become a succubus", but in this case, do succubus-specific wings and tails grow? Or, like the illustration in the encyclopedia, is it the body of a monster or is it the original elf figure?

That's right, wings and tails don't grow. It looks like an elf like the illustration.

103)Are the purple parts of Familiar-chan's hands and ankles fur? Or are they gloves or socks? I am also interested in whether they are soft and fluffy or smooth and shiny.

They have soft, short hair. It is soft and pliable to the touch.

104)What is the black mass (liquid? solid?) on Gazer's skin?

Mysterious Gazer Gel. It's actually a protective film made by semi-solidifying their mana. It is soft to the touch, removable, and can change shape at will.

105)。・゚・(つд`)・゚・ Please give me a clothing setup for the hobgoblin's back.

I'm sorry, but I can't prepare it right away, so if you could supplement it with your imagination for now.... As far as I can explain, the chest part of the outfit is fastened at the back with a butterfly knot, and the trousers do not have a cloth like a front cover at the back, but rather transparent trousers that show the shape of the buttocks...! Anyway, I hope to eventually produce something that shows the back of the body as well.

106)There is a talisman attached to Karakasa-obake's umbrella, does it work like a magic item? Is it made by Inari or Dragon?

What this girl is wearing is an ordinary matchmaking amulet w, but I think there are amulets with magic power in the world.

107)Are alraune and liliraune in a standing position all the time? Or is it like the flower structure can be made quite large and can be used in various positions and so on?

It can be made quite large, or it can be made into a sofa or bed by adjusting the angle of the petals.

108)Can anything other than Japanese umbrellas become Karakasa-obakes? Also, do things like Western umbrellas change the appearance and nature of the parasol significantly?

Yes, they can. The nature doesn't change much, but the appearance will change considerably. If it's a Western umbrella with frills, it looks like it's going to be a girl with a vertical roll and a soft-spoken voice.

109)What happens to the umbrella when the Karakasa-Obake lies down? Can it be removed?

It is not detachable. However, the umbrella is not attached to the body, but floats with magic, so the height can be adjusted, and if you lie down, only the person part will lie down, and the umbrella will remain in place, like a "canopy" on a futon.

110)It seems that the "Karakasa-Obake-chan" is mainly born in Zipangu, but can she be born anywhere?

Yes, she can be born anywhere. I heard that tsukumogami are more likely to be born in Zipangu, though, perhaps due to the difference in the quality of the air and mana.

111)You are always entertaining me. I was a little worried about writing SS, but I was wondering to what extent Alice's "memory loss" feature is effective in your writing. For example, if she is pranked by her brother, does she lose her memory of the prank as well? Or does she lose her memory only if she loses her virginity? It would be exciting to have an Alice who knows nothing about sex or men, but is actually addicted to masturbation. ......lol

I think that the loss of virginity and memories of sexual intercourse are almost certain to disappear, but as for the rest, it depends on whether Alice is aware that it is sexual intercourse or not. Even if she lost her virginity, she remembers only "kissing" like a lover at the time of intercourse, and I think this may happen because she is out of the loop from time to time regarding foreplay and kissing other than the actual performance.

112)Regarding the slime family monster girls, are the nutrients for division proportional to the size of the basic body shape? For example, if they have the body shape of an infant, the amount of nutrients for splitting is less.

The size of the body has little to do with the amount of nutrients needed for division, since the body does not divide at the same size as the main body, and the clone that is produced is the size of a child.

113)Does Queen Slime-chan realize from birth that she cannot divide? Or does she realize this fact only after she has split? Or does she realize this fact only after she has been born?

At the stage of accumulating energy, what is it? Something doesn't feel right? And then, when you try to split, you are convinced that it is true.

114)Excuse my question. How does Cancer-chan always sleep? I was wondering if when she sleeps with her husband, it will be like the illustration on Ant Arachne's page in Monster Girl Encyclopedia I.

Yes, she does. It works so that you can lie on your back and lie down. You can lie down on your stomach and sleep over your husband, or lie on your back and fully open your shell to become a bed for your husband!

115)Living dolls are set up as dolls turned into monsters, but when they are turned into monsters, do they become human size? I think it would be difficult for them to mingle with humans if they remain the size of a doll....

She will be large enough to be able to mingle properly. Even so, they are probably a little smaller than humans.

116)What happens if you give a zombie-chan a "golden apple" after spraying it with a "potion of weakness"? ......Joking aside. Is there any case in which physical defects or diseases are eliminated as a result of monsterization? As a glasses girl protectionist, this is a serious question!

Congratulations! Zombie-chan has evolved into wight-chan! She can't be turned back to human like Minecraft lol. It seems that blindness and paralyzed limbs can be cured. However, Ao-Oni or the human-turned-dark-matter girl in World Guide II usually wear glasses, so the fatal ones or elements that are too crippling for her can be cured, but please consider that there are individual differences. lol

117)What happens if you push her nose when dormouse is sleeping? Every time I see her sleeping face, I get a sense of mischief.

I think she would squirm for breath! So cute! And that cuteness is dangerous because the man whose pushing will lust for her even more!

118)How hard is the petrification caused by the medusa? No matter how hard I hit it, will it ever chip or break due to the protection of magic?

It does not break due to the magical power of protection. It will not break even if you beat it. If Medusa were here today, we could make progress in joint research on protective technology for buildings and figurines!

119)I have read that dragon girls, such as dragons and wyverns, can temporarily return to the form they were in when they were monster in the former mamono lord's era. Or does it consume a lot of magic power, and the mingling immediately before and after the change is necessary?

They can go back rather easily.

120)Is it possible to "win" by submitting to food, such as dropping an orc-chan into a pit so deep that she cannot escape on her own, inducing her appetite on the ground with a party of grilled meat by herself, and then rescuing her and feeding her when she becomes your woman?

Yes, as long as it makes them feel "defeated". But please don't torture them too much.

121)Dark Matter, Matango, and the others are a biohazard to humans just by existing, but will they stop spreading their magic and spores if we ask them to? Will they stop if I ask them to do something other than their husbands?

Actually, they can adjust that area by themselves, so if there is a good reason, I think they will stop. (If it is a pro-monster town that has an agreement with the mamono lord to leave monsterization to the will of the individual, I think she would refrain.) (If you want to live only with humans, they probably won't stop you.)

122)If Orc-chan becomes a Sabbath believer, does that make her a lorimchi? [Probably just means plump loli, since it's a combination of ムチ for plump and ロリ for loli.]

It would be something like that! Even if you become a loli, the characteristics of your race can remain pretty much intact.

123)Are there different races of orc-chan, such as brown-skinned or fair-skinned? Or does their skin color change depending on where they live?

It is said that even among the same race, skin color can vary depending on the region and individual differences. Orc-chan are modeled after wild boars, and there may or may not be brown high orcs.

124)If the seeds are starved in the soil and waited until they germinate, in the case of Mandragora, maybe the child will be left without being born?

I'm probably planting it where I can see it, and I'm still waiting for the man to pull my daughter out. It is said that there are some mandragora whose husbands carelessly pulled them out and raised them.

125)Is it possible for a human woman to be monsterized by a doppelganger?

A woman who is attuned and monsterized by a doppelganger's ability becomes a "doppelganger" in terms of race. Also, it is possible to become a doppelganger with the ability of a lilim.

126)Can a dark slime that can reproduce the mana of another type of monster girl by being directly transformed by Lilim be a shapeshifter? For example, a dark slime that knows the mana of a minotaur can temporarily become a minotaur by reproducing the mana of a minotaur.

No, it cannot. Shapeshifters are assumed to be a different species.

127)Is it possible for a doppelganger to take a woman and become one with her, mind and body?

You can synchronize your mind and have erotic sex with the same man! But you can't become one in the physical sense.

128)How soft is Lava Golem's red, soft spot? Is it so soft that you can put your hand in it like a slime?

It is harder and more elastic than slime, but it can go in if you put a lot of effort into it. It would be a big problem (sexually speaking) if you put it in, though!

129)In the past, I felt like I was slaughtering them, but as a result of the mamono lord's power being strengthened, all the monsters are so sweet? I'm rooting for you!

From that time on, only Lamia was an exception because she wanted to express her jealousy. → Let's make it ourselves! I decided to make something like this, so it's sweet from the beginning! thank you! I secretly fixed the strangle!

Regarding Alps

1) What happens if a guy with the prospects of becoming an Alp has the wish [to be loved as a guy]? Will he stay male upon Alping or turn into a boyish girl? Or will he end up with [both sets of genitals]?[99]

Basically, his body will turn into that of a boyish girl. Sorry, but only context related to my own likings will appear in the monster girl encyclopedia. So frankly speaking a gay incubus... or something like that? I'm not gonna touch that officially.

2) Sorry for the question, but speaking of Wonderland, since monstergirls will transform into variations, such as Dragon to Jabberwock or Wererabbit to March Hare, are there any other such cases? Speaking in concrete! If a woman gets attacked by a monster girl, she'll transform into the same kind, but! In case of a guy it'll be an Alp!! So is it possible to turn into a monster girl other than an Alp!!??[100]

Normally not. But in case that a guy wants to turn into a different kind of monster girl, there's a quicker way since there seem to be traps and fruits that turn one into a monster girl in Wonderland. Normally you'll turn back after a fixed amount of time, but if you end up thinking “it's nice as a monster girl” while having sex with a guy in this state, your condition will turn permanent and you become a monster girl for good.

3) I want to turn into an Alp, were should I go?[101]

Find a pedlar that reeks of Tanuki and buy lots of heart shaped fruits and strange bananas!

4) In case that a shota “Alps”, will he turn into an Alice? Or is it impossible since Alice are so rare?[102]

There is a possibility, although not restricted to shota. However, this would be rare amongst the rare. Hyper-rare even.

5) Are there any cases of men turning into monster girls other than Alps, Skeletons or Pharaohs?[103]

It's possible to Alp into other kinds of the Succubus family, like Dark Priests, Amazoness, Nereids, Kunoichi and such. It should also be possible to turn into a Lich, no.

6) If a boy with the groundings of an Alp gets attacked by a Dark Priest, does he turn into a Dark Priest as well?[104]

Yes, he'll become a Dark Priest (Alp). going by race, they're “Succubi”to begin with and only get called Alps for practical reasons.

7) What happens if a Parasite Slime attaches itself to a man with the groundings of an Alp?[105]

He'll turn into a Slime Carrier-Alp, no wait, into an Alp Slime Carrier. (TL Note: A bit of a word joke, since "Carrier" ends with an "A" if written in katakana)

8) What happens if a boy with the groundings of an Alp enters a Liliraune (with one space open)? Will he turn into an Incubus? Or get genderbent and turned into a monster girl?[106]

If he isn't suitable to be a Liliraune, then the nectar will first turn him into an Incubus, and then an Alp. If he's suitable to be a Liliraune, then he might turn into one after becoming an Incubus.

9) I have a question, if a male Elf or Dwarf gets corroded by mamono mana, are there cases where they turn into the female version shown in the guide book? So basically the same as a person who will Alp if he's gay or wants to be a girl after he turns into an incubus?[107]

Male Elves and Dwarves are basically handled the same way as human males. In other words, they will turn into Alp-Elves and Alp-Dwarves after turning into Incubi if they have the desire to be girls.

10) Are there any males that, even though they have the wish to Alp, turn into Incubi without becoming an Alp after they became a pair with a monster girl? Also, if something like “the opponent I wanted to assault turned out to be a cross-dressing girl” happens to be a monster girl (especially of a race that doesn't have the potential for monsterization), how will they handle that girl?[108]

If “I want to live together with my wife as a guy!” wins over the wish to Alp, then they won't turn into one. I think it generally follows this pattern in case that they “became a couple”. Also it's difficult to deceive the eyes and sense of smell, magic powers “sensing essence” of a monster girl by disguising yourself as a guy. Leaving out Zombies that don't differentiate as exception, almost any monster girl, ranging from Succubus to Slime, will realize that it's actually a girl before they attack. However, if they did happen to attack by mistake and the monster girl doesn't have the ability to monsterize even though the girl wanted to become a monster girl, then she'll take responsibility by making her feel good till the end.

11) So what's going to happen if a gay guy were to enter a Liliraune with only one part present? If he gets spit out after some time, will he have turned into some sort of monster girl from mana corrosion or something?[109]

He'll turn into an Alp after becoming an Incubus. Monster girls are keen with these things, so the Liliraune that's already there will notice right away and might try to train the guy into becoming her other part. Whether he gets spit out depends on various situations like elapsed time. Seems like he'll have either turned into a Succubus or Alraune if he gets spit out a long time after being caught.

12) Do Incubi that didn't turn into Alps despite having the wish to become girls exist?[110]

There's a pattern that prevents Alping even though there's a wish to become a girl, if “I want to fuck monster girls“ is stronger than “wanting to be a girl”, then they won’t turn female. Especially if there isn't a monster girl that has her eyes set on him and the wish to "get a wife and fuck her as a guy!" isn't strong enough, then I think they'll almost always Alp.

13) What happens if a Dark Matter fuses with a guy that has the wish to become a girl and Alp? Will he fuse rather with the female body part than with the black sphere part at that time?[111]

He might either fuse with the female body and turn into a Dark Matter, or turn into something called an “Arch Alp” if he fuses with the female body part after fusing with the black sphere part. But he'll get genderbent in both cases and turn into a monster girl.

14) Can Alps also monsterize human women? Also, I was told that there's “separate adult sized Witches”, so are there also adult sized Devils? Most likely as a separate kind?[112]

Alps can do it the same way as Succubi. There are no adult sized Devils. However, since Devils are closer related to Imps than Succubi, there's also a kind of Monster girl with blue skin and black sclera and the appearance of an adult that's closer related to Succubi, albeit with a different lifestyle.

15) With this it's decided! What will a Monster girl that accidentally Alp'd a man do?[113]

Give up; Search for a husband to share together with the Alp'd kid; etc. However, Monstergirls as a whole excel at being able to tell if someone harbours feelings for someone, so the pattern where they notice if someone holds the disposition for Alping before attacking him seems to be relatively common.


1) You mentioned that you want to remake old images of monster girls. Do you have additions to their profiles?

There are some additions and changes. I will also introduce these amendments in the book version. [Similar edits have already occurred, for example, with the profile of a gargoyle]

2)When drawing a picture, which direction are you most comfortable with moving the pen up, down, left, right, or diagonally? Please rank them if possible, please.

Is it easiest to draw from bottom to top, then left to right, etc.?

3)The quality of the pictures of the monster girls? I think the quality of the pictures of the monster girls has changed since the middle of the series.

I've been drawing for a long time, so things can change!

4)Is it because Mr. Cross is a lolicon that the image of Mr. Cross's Twitter is Bapho-like?

I like boobs and loli too! For some reason, Baphomet has become the mascot of the encyclopedia...

5)How many more unexplored monster girls do you have in your mind, Mr. Kenkou Cross?

I don't know, but there are about 100 to 200 in the idea storage alone. Even the recently introduced Mindflayer was created and designed about 2 years ago... [This was posted in 2015.]

6)When do you think Monster Girl Encyclopedia II will be released?

I want to do my best by this winter...

7)Do you have any plans to publish a new book?

I want to put it out, but the amount of work will be huge, so it's not easy...

8)Is it okay to have monsters from the old generation in a SS set in the transition between the old generation and the present, even if they are considered from the setting of the current monster girls?

It's OK. However, when the old-generation monster settings are officially released, I hope that you will not mind if there are any discrepancies in the settings.

9)Why has the update speed increased in recent years?

It used to be faster.

10)I came up with the idea of an ancient China-like world, but do you have any ideas for such a region?

I've heard that a region called "The Mist Continent" is a China-like region. More on that soon!

11)Any plans for Queen Hornet, Honey Bee or Giant Ant?

I think I'll release it eventually, but I'm considering whether to release it as a single page of the encyclopedia, or to keep it as a special individual of that race and release it in a different form.

12)Is June 8th correct for Orc-chan's publication date?

Looking at the past log, it was 6/8. I don't remember exactly, so I'm sure you can follow the past log!

13)I would like to post to the monster girl encyclopedia SS to the CGI for posting, but please let me know if the following cases violate the guidelines. I'm planning to post an SS with the heroine's race ・The heroine's acquaintances are monster girls that haven't been listed in the encyclopedia yet, such as dragon zombies and arch succubus ・If there is a description of the appearance, such as wearing thick clothes, I will refrain from posting if it conflicts.

It's okay if you don't make it your main. However, don't cry if there are any discrepancies in the setting when it is officially published in the encyclopedia!

14)How do you decide on a character's personal clothing and such? Please let me know the criteria and how to find information.

I often draw after deciding on a theme or motif. For example, the theme for a monster girl in Wonderland is fancy + playing cards, a chimera is a synthetic beast, so she has the image of a DNA spiral, a ghoul is blood, flesh, and bone, and so on.

15)What would those faces seen on slime jelly, dark slime, and parasitic slime look like if they were considered realistic?

It's like a face printed on the surface of the jelly... In other words, it's a realistic but deformed face.

16)Is it OK to use characters from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia in a downloaded doujinshi?

Of course it is OK, in that case, it is not mandatory, but I would be personally happy if you could let me know. I'd like to have one too if possible... lol

17)What do you think about the New Nintendo 3DS? Would you buy it?

I bought it. It is the Smash Bros. edition. The old 3DSLL and Vita were also red, so I am happy to have them in red.

18)How hard is it to come up with a profile for a monster girl?

The time to think about the design is probably the longest.

19)Thank you for updating the site. Is it possible to consign doujinshi not only to Melonbooks mail order, but also to Toranoana?

Currently, we don't have any existing publications in stock, so we can't consign it right away, but we are considering consigning it to Tora for the next book and reprints.

20)I hear people on TL saying "I can't buy it because I live at home" or "I can't buy it because it's out of stock", etc. Is there any plan to sell the doujinshis of Monster Girl Encyclopedia I, Fallen Maidens, Inari - Kitsune Love Chapters, etc. on the DL? I personally hope so, but...

I hear such things from time to time. I made this book so that people can pick it up in book form if possible, but since there are people who seem to want it for that reason, I will think about it, though not right away. However, Inari - Kitsune Love Chapters is not my book, but Dullahan's Groom's book, so I'm sorry, but I can't sell it...

21)Cross-Sama; we love your work in Mexico! Makes people very happy!

Thank you! I'm very happy too.

22)Mr. Cross, who is working on the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, how much of the image you have in your head are you currently able to produce?

Is it the numerical meaning of monsters? Does it mean that you can output what you thought in your head properly? The former is difficult because the number of thoughts and ideas keeps increasing, but at the moment it's about 60%. The latter is about 50%. I want to become better.

23)"It's not my propensity, so it doesn't exist!" I will continue to support you

Thank you! I started it to cram my ideals and what I like, so it's kind of like that, but I'd be happy if you could stay with me for a long time lol

24)I think the monster girls created by Mr. Cross's hand are very attractive. So I have a question, when did you start drawing pictures? Also, if there is a reason for that, please let me know.

My old memory is quite dubious, but I liked drawing since I was a child. However, when I was a kid, I used to draw Kirby and Pokémon, Digimon, and I think it was about 8 years ago that I started drawing humans.

25)Are there any girls that have been put on hold for some reason, or had her design line changed drastically during the process?

I was thinking of "Gray," but decided against it because it would be difficult to incorporate it into the world view. There are quite a few girls whose design changed from one to the other.

26)I have a question about SS. Is it NG to set it up in Zipangu (assuming pre-Edo period), where 'incubi are born from monster girls'?

The power of the mamono lord has surpassed that of the chief god, and incubi can now be born as well. I don't think there's a problem if it's a bit of a futuristic world. Apart from that, the future where Incubus is born is a story in the distant future until Zipangu develops to a modern level! It doesn't matter, so it's okay.

27)I can't wait to see the monsters that were mentioned in the previous explanations of the monsters, but they weren't drawn at all.

It's not like that. Even if the design and setting are fixed, it doesn't mean that it will be released immediately. It's the result of a lot of thinking in my mind, like, "Let's put it out in this order, let's put this one first, then this one a little later..." There is a considerable difference in the timing of their appearance, but the designs and settings of Merrow and Cheshire Cat were actually decided around the same time.

28)What is the origin of the names of Kenko Cross and Kurobinega?

If you look up the meaning of vinegar (vinaigre), you'll know more or less!

29)Are there any plans to sell e-book versions of World Guides 1 and 2 and Fallen Brides Anthology?

I'm sorry. Not at this time.

30)The explanation is written on the right side of the image in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, but is it difficult to come up with such an explanation?

Coming up with ideas is pretty easy. However, it is difficult to write a sentence that can accurately convey that to everyone. Since it's an encylopedia, it's important to have both a serious style and erotic elements, and to write sentences that convey the content properly without being complacent about ideas. Also, there are problems with the number of characters, the historical background, and the fact that the people who write are living in the world of the encyclopedia, so it is difficult to use words such as "tsundere" and "blowjob" easily.

31)The Baphosama bot's icon looks like a hermit crab-like creature's face turned into Baphosama's face.

That's a self-portrait drawn by Bapho-sama herself, and she's going to get mad at me!

32)How many monsters do you have that you would like to produce in the future?

I'm hoping to go on until there are about 500, and then I hope to get as far as the book version of Monster Girl Encyclopedia V!

33)Karagasa-obake "I was forgiven" Green-haired succubus "Absolute forgiveness succubus"

I'm sorry, I think there is a source material, but I don't know it, so I don't know what it means...

34)Can I use a monster girl as my Twitter icon?


35)If you were to remake a monster girl from the past next, which monster girl would it be?

Would it be Golem or Lamia? Because the picture is the oldest one.

36)Did you draw a picture of the icon?

About Twitter? Is it from Ask.fm? Both were drawn by myself. The image on Twitter is a picture of the Sabbath bookmark that was attached as a bonus when selling the book version of Encyclopedia I at Comiket, and the image on ask.fm is a slime with a face that appears occasionally.

37)I was wondering if you have any plans to release a dakimakura cover or something like that. I would love to have a dakimakura cover of the Inari - Kitsune Love Chapters story.

I have wanted to make one, but it's difficult because the size is so large...w The line drawings are done in Sharpie, so I think they would look very rough when displayed at that size. I'm also worried about the race!

38)The hashtag "#MonsterizedChief" is popular among admirals in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Cluster, and I wonder if Mr. Cross intends to draw this one?

Sorry. I don't do Kancolle. I think deep-sea vessels are very cute, but my brush is slow, so I have my hands full with illustrated books...w

39)Can't we deal with reprints and bad translations from foreign sites anymore? I know it's troubling to have something written that is completely different from what I intended.

I have already had all the images and texts taken down. Thank you for your concern.

40)Thanks for answering the question. What do you do when you are tired, Mr. Cross? Or do you eat or drink something?

I often drink coffee while working. When I'm tired, I distract myself by painting another picture or playing a game. w

41)The monster girls in Mr. Cross's encyclopedia world are basically, or almost entirely, "do not harm others," "defend themselves (mainly in an erotic direction)," and "have happy endings (in an erotic direction, of course)," right?

That's pretty much it!

42)In a work drawn by another person, for example, if a normal girl is transformed into a monster girl in some way, can it be treated as a secondary creation of a different world?

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the intent of your question... A secondary creation is a secondary creation, so I can't say that from the official point of view.

43)Do you mean that the girls depicted in other people's doujinshis, CDs, commercial book covers, etc., basically live in the same worldview as the girls in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia?

By "another person's doujinshi," do you mean the SS book that is a secondary creation of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia? If so, it's not official, but it's a secondary work in the encyclopedia world. The ones I was allowed to write for other commercial books, games, asmr voices, etc. are basically girls from another world. There may be similar daughters in the encyclopedia world, though.

44)Isn't Mr. Kenkou Cross actually a foreigner from the encyclopedia world?

If that's the case, updates will be less frequent.lol

45)Are you a big fan of monster girls on all fours? (blurts out)

I like both male and female domination.

46)Does the encyclopedia world map or a topographic map of the world still exist?

Currently, they do not exist. We may cut out some areas and publish a map, but we have no plans to publish an overall map at this time.

47)What made you decide to create the Monster Girl Encyclopedia and how did you get hooked on monster (non-human) girls?

I like being attacked by monster girls, but I would rather have a happy ending than being preyed upon or squeezed to death. So I decided to make it myself. I'm not sure what made me like monste girls, but I used to like RPG monsters, and since I was in elementary school, I liked a mermaid girl who loved a guy in an anime called Akazukin Chacha with all her might.

48)Are there any monster girls you have drawn that you would like to redraw if you could redraw them from scratch?

Lamia, Harpy, Golem etc... I would like to redraw most of the old ones. However, I would give priority to the new ones.

49)I thought you used to kill them by shaking them to death or something, but as the mamono lord's power grew stronger, all the demons became sweet? Also, I'm rooting for you!

I wanted to make something that was more like "I want to be attacked by monster girls" and "I want to see girls turned into monsters", but instead of being squeezed to death, I wanted to "make out with them for a long time and have erotic and passionate sex". So I decided to make something like this, and the sweetness is from the very beginning! Thank you very much! I secretly corrected the strangled part!


  1. Ask.fm
  2. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/113305644117
  3. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/123528945749
  4. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113134283093
  5. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113140983125
  6. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113144570453
  7. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114356912725
  8. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113138100053
  9. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113722727509
  10. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/123510668373
  11. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116665038421
  12. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114716374101
  13. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113140334165
  14. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/117249680981
  15. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/123529145173
  16. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/120943957845
  17. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/123508058197
  18. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116665024597
  19. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/117541412437
  20. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/117541544533
  21. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113314635861
  22. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113314635861
  23. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/123525227093
  24. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/118426095957
  25. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116671769173
  26. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/115260253269
  27. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113351494997
  28. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114713975381
  29. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113137038933
  30. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113138643541
  31. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/115027225429
  32. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114313589077
  33. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113137582677
  34. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114712701781
  35. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/124739775829
  36. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/125086276693
  37. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/118423512405
  38. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/124806145877
  39. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114923466069
  40. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114756716885
  41. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114732595797
  42. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114918054229
  43. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/123544373077
  44. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/113135489621
  45. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/126680467797
  46. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/126680906069
  47. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/126107461205
  48. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/125867237973
  49. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answers/124736160085
  50. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/113133089365
  51. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114503291221
  52. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/114711189845
  53. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/121107924309
  54. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/121111185749
  55. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116673232469
  56. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116674036821
  57. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116677881941
  58. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116674164309
  59. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116677807957
  60. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/118423258965
  61. https://ask.fm/k_cross/answer/116679178581
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