Fallen Eclipse is a hieromancy spell described in Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide III: Sabbath Grimoire.
Guide Book Entry
An advanced hieromancy spell that is only usable by high ranking saints favored by the “fallen god” and the angels who serve her. The spell's purpose is to convey the will of the fallen god to the target, and it is used to set the heroes and clergy of the Order of the chief god, who forsake their own “desire” and try to repress it, back on the righteous path of corruption. Exploiting the extreme similarity between the chief god's mana and the fallen god's mana is what makes this spell possible, and it is used to hijack the “link” formed between the chief god and her adherents when conveying divine revelations or blessing them as heroes. In other words, it is a spell which intervenes in oracles from the chief god and “heroic blessings” so that the target ends up hearing the fallen god's voice instead of the chief god's voice, or becoming a hero with the blessing of the fallen god instead of the chief god.
Since the voice of a god can directly reach human souls, it deeply penetrates their hearts more naturally. Therefore, the voice of a god is difficult to resist, and even more so if it's honeyed words. The voice of the fallen god can in fact easily lead even exhaustively trained high ranking clergy into depravity. If someone who receives the god's oracles and conveys her words to the laity is influenced by this spell, then the words of the fallen god which incite desire in people and lure them towards pleasure will probably end up leading many into depravity.
Also, along with being granted her power and blessing, those who are awakened as heroes at the hand of the fallen god instead of the chief god have their souls thoroughly indoctrinated in the fallen god's vision of the rightful form of humanity and the world which is to spread the pleasure and peace obtainable by falling to all humans and monsters. And instead of becoming “heroes” who fight to destroy monsters in accordance with a divine commandment, they awaken as “mamono realm heroes” who follow their own desire, spreading depravity to people while also indulging in depravity themselves.
When performing “heroic blessing”, since there is a possibility that the fallen god's acolytes may have slipped in among the clergy in attendance, it is recommended that it only be performed in churches, holy lands, etc. that are concentrated lands filled purely with the chief god's mana where there is no room for the interposition of the fallen god's mana; however, the efforts of the fallen god's acolytes to defile such lands have also born fruit. Many of the fallen god's mamono realm heroes have slipped in among the heroes of the chief god's religion and are secretly maneuvering to lead the Order itself into depravity.
Due to the existence of this spell, it is not uncommon for small churches in small villages to be completely usurped by the fallen god. In fallen churches, fallen angels, saints, etc. elucidate the teachings of the fallen god using their own bodies, and at night obscene festive rituals are performed in which they offer up the image of themselves drowning in pleasure with their partners to the fallen god. The chief god's faith is at the center of people's lives, and therefore when the fallen god's debauched faith replaces it, the village itself ends up being engulfed by corruption.
“I heard the voice of god and learned of the love of the true god. In accordance with the will of god, I [1]promise the people of my kingdom æternal peace and pleasure...♥”
~the princess of a holy kingdom who awakened as a hero~
- ↑ *verb missing
- 神蝕 shinshoku is a made up word patterned along the lines of 日蝕 nisshoku “solar eclipse” and 月蝕gesshoku, “lunar eclipse” only with 神 meaning god/deity instead 日・月 sun/moon. Simply translating it as “fallen eclipse” seems reasonable since it's obviously a reference to the fallen god, it seems redundant to add another element expressly referring to god even though present in the original term.